I slept Google today , The only thing l heard alday was some shooting from some hunters. The shots came from the other side of the mountain. Jim said that he talked to Frank. Frank said that l could go with them tonight. Iam looking forward to it. Frank wants to leave in about 15 min. or so. I got ready to go and thought that we were going to the cave. But l was so surprised to see where we ended up at. The shelter l was working on is in plan sight. But you would miss it if you didn't know it was there. It blended in with the mountain side . Over the years they have learned how to build their shelters so good that you can't find them. Even after l worked on it, l still had trouble finding it again. Frank was taking to Jim and told him that there are 10 shelters in the area alone. They have been adding on and improved on over the years slot.
I got to go in one , and it was just like a house on the in side. The rooms were large and clean inside. They even had cave art on the walls showing what they were doing. The rooms were slot bigger then l thought and had build in air vents. I have been told if a logger is logging right over the top of the shelters, they would not even know it is there. The Big Foots like Nat'L parks because they are less likely to be logged. Some of the trap doors are so good and they are so we'll build they can get in and out with ease. We must have cleaned out 6 or 7 caves so far tonight.
Frank wants me to head back to camp now he wants to show Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug a safe house. This is a place to go to in case of fire or if they need to hide the whole Clan . It is back in the forest and a lot more remote. I will tell you that the next time you are driving look up into the woods. You will see what looks like a FOG BANK coming out of the freestanding up. This could and most likely will be the steam coming out of a one of Big Foots shelters. Some of the fog is the heat that
Is created in their caves. The heat is escaping out of the vents when they are all in their caves and it hits the cold air. I was also surprised by how warm it gets in the shelters. There are 8 large family in this Clan. They seam to have at least 10 caves plus. a safehouse that l know of maybe more.
Back in camp now with the ladies and the kids. They are getting dinner ready for the crew. Iam going to head up to the 5 the. wheel to get a bite to eat. Iam most likely going to be alone until morning when everyone is coming back. They are all back now and done with dinner. They're are making a lot of noise and having a good time. Everyone is laughing and joking around and having a great get together. Romona and Frank thanked everyone for their help. Romona told us that now the Clan is ready for winter and the up coming bad weather. Doug wants to leave for the coast today something.
He would like to get to Carl G Washburn's State Park by noon. One of the Klickitat Clan members is going to ride with me . He needs to get to the Saddle Back Cummins Clan. They are up on the edge of the Rock Creek Wilderness. I will drop him off at Washburn's State Park and they will pick him up there. He is hoping to get picked as a mate , from a young lady that lives in the Saddle Back Cummins Clan, that he met last year. We are in now and the Saddle Back Cummins Clan was waiting for us and has gone back already.
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