Well it is 10 pm. now and not a Big Foot insight, so far. I wonder where they all are. I can hear pounding nose in the back ground. They is a lot of pounding on the trees with sticks and it sounds like drums. I have no idea why they are doing this. It has been going now for about 2 or 3 hours now. The drumming nose echoes throughout the forest. It seems like the drumming nose is coming from everywhere now. Big Foot Jim's sister is over by the Motor Home and she seems to have something in her arms. I see that she is holding Liberty in her arms. Mira just told just told me to stay by the 5th. wheel until Doug gives me a call and tells me what is going on. They are always telling me not to leave the RV. Iam not sure what is going on right now. Jim is over by the fire with his sister Carrie's. He just wave at me to come over, so l did. Jim saw me over by the RV. he wants me to meet his sister. Then she interlude me to her two sons, Larry and Barry and her Mate Paul the HadSalt Creek Clan leader. He became the Clan leader after Jim and Carrie dad passed away. As l was told then Jim became the surprise leader over all the Clans in the North West. That was Washington, Oregon, Idaho and northern California. There are more then 200 Clans out there. They all know and respect Jim a lot. Jim seems to be low key but he has a stiff hand over the Clans, but he is far.
Mira asked me to take a look up at the side of the Mt.
" Tell me what you see at the top ". I didn't quite understand what she mentioned. Then she showed me something that we all have seen, but did not think a thing of. If you look at the top of most mountains you will see what she talking about. ( Think Back ) Remember about how they plant trees over their grave sites? You will notice that one is so much taller then the rest. This is what they call a CASKET TREE. The middle tree always out grows the other two. It is so much taller .
So over the years, there is a lot of CASKET TREES out there. So as you are driving down the road, look up and you will see them across the top of the mountains. You will see one or two that are so much taller. Not all of them are CASKET TREES but some of them could be.
We are getting ready to go up to the top of Roman Nose Mt. to Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave site. The grave site is at the top of the Mt. This will be the frost time that Emma and Joyce has been there. What a hike up to the site. It was 2 am. before we got to the top. Over the passed 5 years the trees have grown a lot. I did notice that the middle one is much taller then the out side two. Carrie and Emma went with Joyce to the other grave site which was his mate's grave site. Some of the HadSalt Creek Clan and the Roman Nose Clan are still drumming on the trees. The reason that the Roman Nose Clan is drumming also is because Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave is right on the line between the two Clans. When l asked Paul why the drumming, he told me that this a way of showing any Big Foot the full respect that a surpreme leader should always get.
Larry and Barry ( Paul and Carrie's sons ) show me the way back to the RV. and lam so tired. Paul is taking everyone to the safe house for a feast. They will see me to night. I saw Larry and Barry running up the hill and out of sight.
See you all tonight.
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