Last night was something !! The new Clan leader will be Buck and now the head of the Bear Mountain Clan. His Mate is really nice, she was taken care of Chuck their son. He was badly beaten in the fight and he is going to be sorefor a long time. His mom is Rose from the Dead Wood Clan. Chuck has two sisters Mary-Jo and Kim. They both hope that Chuck is going to be okay after all of this. Mary-Jo is 7 and Kim just turned 6 and Chuck is 8 but thinks he is older.
The Bear Mountain Clan is going to be a strong one Jim thinks. The old leader's son is going to leave the Clanthis will make it easier for Buck to take over. A group of Big Foots wants to leave with the old Clan leader's son. He did not want to cause troubleshooting with in the Clan and he wants to start a new Clan. Now that there is a new Clan leader it will make it easier him and the others to leave and start a new Clan. It must be hard to lose both your Mom and Dad and leave a Clan you grew up in. But he wants to start a new Clan and start over.
Jim and Doug are over talking to Buck right now about that. They are going to leave it up to Buck. Emma and Joyce along with Rose all think it would be better for all. Jim thinks and fells that in the long run it will be better to let him move on also. Jim told me that Don would have been the new Clan leader if he stayed so it is better to let him go. The Clan is already very large and it would not hurt to start a new Clan. But it is still up to the new Clan leader and he could say no. Buck said that he wants to talk to Don about leaving. His son Chuck wants to be the Clan leader someday but if Don should stay. There is a chance that he would become the leader. Also if he should stay there is some in the Clan that would not want to follow Buck and this could cause a lot of trouble.
So the best is to just let Don and his mate start a new Clan and have Buck take over this one. Buck wants to show that he is charge so we will find out tomorrow morning maybe. He could drag his feet and take a long time on this. Doug told him not to drag it out to long this might cause a division in the Clan that might not heal. I think that Don will most likely get to start his new Clan. Don and his mate Missy and 3 kids want to get started. This way they can get the shelter build before it gets to cold. But he know that Buck will let his old Clan help them build there new shelter. Then again it is all up to Buck but his mate Rose might have something to say about it. She told Emma that if Missy is going to be happier in a new Clan she wants her to be happy.
Doug and Joyce are over talking to Missy and and Don. They think that Buck and Rose should call Teenie because Chuck might have a broken arm and a cracked rib. Buck just came over to tell Don that they will help with the shelter and help them get moved in. It will take about 3 weeks to get a large shelter build for the winter. We are going to leave in about 3 hours. So for the next 3hours we sat around the camp fire and Buck was telling us about his uncle the cop. ??? Jim just let everyone know that we will be going over to Bullard State park for a night or two.
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