Up and ready to go out to talk to Doug to see what is up tonight. Doug is out by the fire right now with Joyce. On the way over to see Doug, Mira stopped me and asked if l wanted to head over to the beach with them. She said that her dad will not let them go to the beach along. I told her let me talk to her dad and see what he wants me to do. Big Foot Jim called me over to talk to me. He said that the girls want to go for a hike along the beach. He asked me if l would mind following them on the beach and keep an eye on them. Emma wane to take one of the two way radios with us. I told him that l would be glad to keep an eye on them since l had so much fun last night. Jim said that they had a lot more work on the internet to catch up on still. Then Jim asked me to talk to Mira about the young man that Mira met at the HadSalt Creek Clan. He said that all she talks about is the young man in that Clan.
How ever, she will not tell them anything about the young man. I said that l had asked her last night about him but she didn't say anything to me. But l will bring it up tonight and see what she has to say.
I just saw Liberty walking around the Georgetown Motor Home. Boy, do they grow up fast!!! She is even a year old yet and running around already. But she so cut and head strong l heard. She wants to get out and play around with side Joyce Said. Mira and Pagie said that they wanted her to go with us. Joyce said that she is to young to go yet. I told the girls l would be ready to go in about 10 minutes.
Jim went back in the Motor Home to work with Doug. Joyce and Emma have left for the beach already with Liberty. Iam going over to get Mira and Pagie and head down to the beach. On the way down the bank the girls saw some seals on the rocks just off shore. The clear sky's and full moon is just breathtaking. With the full moon l know we will have a lot of fun on the beach again. It is 2 am. and we are the only ones on the beach that l can see.
Joyce just dropped off Liberty so she could play with the girls . As we were walking up the beach l saw Liberty take off running to catch up with her mom. She would run about 10 feet and fall and get up and run another 10 feet and fall again. Mria and Pagie are teaching Liberty how to play a game called run and hide. She is learning quickly how to hide. I am playing hide and seek with them and l can't find them. One time they were just 6 feet away and l could not see them in the shadow of the hill. Liberty is good at hiding and she knows already what to do and how to hide. I walked right by Emma and Joyce with out seeing them and then l heard them laughing at me. I lost the kids a couple of times already to night. We had so much fun on the beach again just playing games. Going to start heading back up to the camp site. On the way back I asked Mira about the Big Foot that she likes. All she would say is that he is going to come down with his Mom and Dad soon. Then l asked if she had any idea when they are coming. She said no, but he said that he would call first. So l didn't say anymore about it. Back in camp and Jim came over to talk to me. I told him what she had said and l hope that Mira does not get to mad as t me for saying something to her dad.
What a fun night again we did a lot to night on the beach. But l am so tired to night trying to keep up with Liberty and the girls. So off to get some rest l don't know what is going to happen tomorrow night.
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