The sun is coming up now and Doug and Jim are out by the fire. I see Joyce and Doug and they look like they are talking and having some thing to drink. I walk out to take to them and see if they got their work done. Sasquatche Doug said that they got there work done for a few days but business is picking up. The kids said that they were tired and going to bed. Emma and Joyce took Liberty in to lay down. I was taking to Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug over by the fire about were we will be going next and if we were going to be leaving soon. Jim let me know that we will be leaving anytime now. Jim that he wants to go to Cap Blanco State Park.
He has an old friend from Mt. Hood that started a Clan up on the Elk River. This is not part o the same Clan that is at Elk Bend that l met. His friends business is tied in together with Doug's and Jim's internet business.
Well we are on our way to Cap Blanco State Park we should be there in about 30 minutes or so. Doug pulled out first in his Georgetown Motor Home. I will be following him out. Jim said he will be along soon. We just got in to the town of Langlais, lam going to stop off and get a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. I called Doug and ask him if he or Joyce wanted me to get a cup of coffee for them, he said no thanks. Doug did say that he will pull off up the road and wait for me and Jim. As Jim went by he honked and Mira and Pagie waved out the window to me. I will catch up with them in about 5 or 10 minutes. We are only about 10 miles from the park and should be there anytime now. Then we will all get some sleep and l need it. As we pulled in to camp, Jim said good day and he would see me to night. Emma told me that the kids wanted to go out to the Cap later to night.l told her that l would like to go along. Doug, Jim, Emma and Joyce are all going with the kids. But for now good night.
8:30 pm. and l am wide awake and just laying herein the dark. They will be up soon and then we are going out to the Cap. Just saw Big Foot Jim and he let me know that he would like to head out to the Cap. as soon as the kids get done eating. I see the kids are playing by the RV. Mira is playing with Liberty and Pagie they must be done eating. Pagie is holding her arm like there is something wrong with it. I asked what happen to her . She said that she fell last night in the RV and hit the edge of the coffee table. Well we are all off now and everyone is having a good time. The beach is so cool in the moon light. We spent the whole night on the beach and had a lot of fun. This night went by so fast! It's time to get back to the camp site and call it a night.
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