I just got up and l see Doug's Motor Home is in his campsite. There is a Jeep in front of the site. I think it is the new tow car and it looks like a new Jeep. It is lite blue has a black top with a rack on it and over size tires. They got it from the Red Butte Clan, l bet that they got a good deal on it. I don't see any one outside yet but l see a light on in the Motor Home. I think l will go out and build a camp Fire and l know that they should be coming out soon. As l was getting ready to build the fire and get it going l can see Joyce and Emma just coming out with Liberty. Joyce said that that the boys were staying in the Motor Home to get more work done. They have so much to do. They got behind in the last few days because of what happened up on Bear Mountain.
I asked where Mira and Pagie were and Emma said that they went down to the beach. We were all setting around the camp fire when we heard a gun shot. Jim and Doug came out of the Motor Home in a flash. He wanted to know we're the girls were and if any one was with them. Joyce said that they went down to the beach or on the back side of the hill. Both Jim and Doug took off looking for the girls. Emma got out the two way radios and gave one to Joyce. Joyce went up on the side of the bank to look down on the beach. She called Emma and said that the guys found both of the girls hiding in the bushes. Emma wanted to know if they were okay. Doug got on the radio and said they were both scared but are doing fine. The shots came from over on the other side of the park. But the girls got scared and ran and hide in the bushes and was to scared to come out. Both Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug were glad to see them they said. They did not get mad at the girls because they did just what they were supposed to do. Everyone is back in camp now and Doug and Jim went back in the Motor Home. They still have a lot of work to catch up on. The kids stayed out by the fire and played but wanted to go back to the beach. Boy was Emma upset over the whole ordeal and Joyce was happy to have it over. The kids said that they wanted to go back to the beach so l told them that l would go with them. If it was okay with the guys and l would keep an eye on them.
We had a lot of fun at the beach the kids ran around and l tried to keep up with the young ladies. I watched them having so much fun running around and exploring the beach. We made sand castles and was drawing pictures in the sand. The full moon made it easier to see everything they were doing. I asked Mira about the young Big Foot that she met and liked. He was from the HadSalt Creek Clan, she said that she liked him. As we were sitting on the beach next to the bank. All of a sudden some people came by and l know that they saw me. But it was funny to me that they didn't see the grips next to the bank.
Then l looked over at Mira and Pagie and it looked like they blended in with the back ground. I almost couldn't see them my self. I asked how do they do that and Pagie said that is something that they practice doing all the time. Well it works and l would have lost them if l didn't know that they were there. The time has come for us to head back to the camp site. It was a lot of fun on the beach to night. Back at the Motor Home now and the kids looked tired. I told everyone that I will see them to night and off to bed l go . ( What a night l have had )
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