We are on Hwy. 101 now and just entering the town of Gardiner Or. Then we'll start up the Smith River. As we headed east out of town, l got a flat tire and had to stop along side of the road. I see that Big Foot Jim is turning around up a head. I already got the jack and started working on the tire by the time they pulled up behind the 5 the. wheel. It shouldn't take much longer to switch the tire out and get going. Big Foot Jim is getting everything in the truck for me and Iam almost ready to go. Then off we went up the road. We just crossed the Smith River and now we are headed north. This is not a bad road to be on but it does have a lot of pot holes. I was told that there is more then a 100 Big Foot and Sasquatche in this area.nlt is almost winter and it has been raining for the pass two days hard. We have been passing Elk in the meadows along almost the whole way up the road.
Jim told Emma they were coming up here so they fill their freezer with fresh meat. Doug just called to tell me that they bought a Motor Home. They bought it from a Clan that sells Motor Home on the internet. Joyce said that they have been looking for one for sometime now. They found it when Harry and Edith Yeti were looking for one. It is a newer one and only used one year and only one time on a trip. This was one of the best Motor Home that l have seen so far Doug said, so we bought it. The Clan that we bought it from said that they back it a 100%. I wish l could that good of a deal on a used 5th. wheel. We are only going to be here one night. Doug and Jim only want to get two large Elk. This is all they need to fill there freezers. They never that more then they need they can always find more food down the road.
The new Motor Home will be waiting for us up at the camp site. The Clan that they bought it from divlvered it yesterday. The new Motor Home has a small freezer and Sasquatche Doug will only need part of the Elk. As we headed north l saw two or three Big Foot s along side the road. We must be back at least 10 miles in the forest. Doug said that they will start hunting right after dark. They all are going to bed now and will get up around 8 pm. tonight. I ask Jim about the Big Foot l saw along the side of the road. They were just making sure that they knew who we were.
I slept good today and l was also told l could go out hunting with them both of them if l want. They are waiting for the Clan leader of this territory to show up. They need to get his permission to hunt in his territory.the Clan leader said that they can take what ever they need. There is a lot of Elk to choose from in the big meadow across the way. Jim was find with that and off we went l had a hard time keeping up with them. So Jim said if l stay in one spot they will bring the Elk to me. It only took them about 20 minutes for them to get the frost Elk. They jumped it as it was bedding down, and was able to surprise it. Now they only need to get one more so off they went to get it. Jim and Doug were only gone an hour this time be for they got back. They were both average size Elk. Jim told me that they never take the bull Elk.
We are headed back to camp and said that it will not take long to clean and package the meat. I was impressed by the way and how quick they got it done with the Elks. Doug said that Big Foot Jim did not want to leave tonight. So they all will spend the day resting here on the mountain.
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