I never did see the Clan come back to the Motor Home earlier this morning. I slept really well all day and l feel well rested now. I can see that there is a large bonfire being build right now. Joyce has a large arm full of pictures in her arms. Carrie is over by the table with Emma. It looks like they are all going to look at pictures by the fire. The kids are all setting at the other table getting ready for dinner. Now they are bring out the food!!! I think they are expecting a crowd. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug along with Big Foot Paul and the other Big Foot are enjoying some home made Big Foot wine. It is so strong l can smell it all the way over here in the RV with the door closed. The gals are cooking a large Elk and a Hog on a large open fire pit. Paul and Doug just headed out to the main road to show some one how to get to the camp site. I wonder who they went to get . Who ever it is , everybody is excited about seeing them. The food almost looks ready to come off the fire. Like always, the food smells so good.!! Their food always smells so, so good. Jim is in camp getting everything ready for the party. Who ever is coming they cleared off a spot for tow Motor Homes over by the pond. Jim told Carrie that this is going to be a great party. He wants everyone to have fun and dance and also have a good time playing games. This is what Harry and Edith would want us all to do. Mira and Pagie are out playing with the other kids and l can tell that they are all having fun.
There are two large school buses coming down the hill on the road. The one in front belongs to Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie. The other one l have never seen before. It must be around 8 pm. now and starting to get darker. Skunk Ape Mike just got out of the school bus and gave Jim and Emma a big hug. I can that Teenie is get out of the bus also with her league. The other bus is pulling up next to Mike's bus. It is Garrison and Zoey, Garrison is Jim and Emma's son and Mira brother. Zoey is Teenie's sister. I rember when Zoey picked Garrison as her mate then they moved to the Elk Bend Clan. Zoey has got some good news for everyone in the Clan. She is going to have a BABY by next spring. The whole Clan is happy about the new Big Foot coming soon. Garrison said that he wanted to call, but Zoey wanted to tell them her self in person. Both Garrison and Zoey wish that Harry and Edith could have heard the good news. They know that they would have been so happy about their new great grandchild. Boy, l have never seen Emma and Joyce so happy before you would think that they were having the baby. Emma said that her Mom and Dad would have loved the news.
Will the food is done now the party is ready to start. Mike is playing his instrument l don't know what it is called. But everyone is dancing to the beat and having a good time. I just saw somebody new at the table and he is one big, big Big Foot. Jim ,Doug and Paul all know him from the Olympic National Forest. He came here about 6 months ago to start a new Clan. This Clan is on the other side of the Siuslaw River. We will all soon know who he is .
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