It looks like we are getting ready to go. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug are both out by the Motor Home hooking up the tow car. They have been working on the internet all day. Jim said that their business has really picked up now. The football play offs has started . Doug informed me that the football season will be over soon, then basketball starts. We have slot of work to do to get ready for the basketball season. Jim wants to get as much work done as he can right away. He wants to go up to Cummins Creek Wilderness area to meet up with a Clan next to Saddle Back Clan. Doug let me know that the Saddle Back Clan is in the Rock Creek Wilderness area. The two Clans are in a disagreement about the creek that runs between the two Clan's territory. The Cummins Creek Clan is very upset with the Saddle Back Clan. They both think that a small Creek that runs between them is theirs. Big Foot Jim is going with Doug to take care of the disputed. Emma was telling me that it is very seldom that two Clans have this kind of disagreement. The boundaries are marked with the tree roots up side down in the air. Jim said that it will be very easy to straighten out this disagreement. As they got ready to up to see the Saddle Back and Cummins Creek Clans for the meeting, he asked if I would like to go with Them. They both would like to take to me about something. . But he asked me not to say anything to the girls. ( Emma and Joyce ).
On the way up to the meeting Doug told me about Harry. Jim said that Harry is 32 years old now. You can figure that for every year a Big Foot lives. ( Times it by 2.25 ) that would make Harry Yeti 72 years old this year. Jim also said he has been having slot of trouble with his weight. Tennie gave him some herbs when she last saw him. They don't think that the herbs are helping much. He is also in a lot of pain and is tired all the time.
We just got up to Saddle Back Mt. This is were the Saddle Back Clan lives. Both Clans live in this area and have gotten along great in the passed. They just live across the creek from each other and have for years. Both Saddle Back Clan and Cummins Creek Clan are waiting for us in the next clearing. From what l see it doesn't look that bad they are kicking around with each other. Doug told me that they are brothers any how. They had to divided the Clan some time ago. Because the old Clan got too large. Jim is over talking to the Clan leaders and told them that the Creek will be voided right down the middle. That will be the end of the disput as of to day. Jim has findnel say over this case and they don't come up that often. I has never see Clan leaders back down before. Jim has a lot of authority and l asked Doug why and how come he has so much power over the Clans. He let me know that we will talk about it when we get back to the Motor Home. Right now it is important to let Jim do his thing. I just saw the Big Foot from the Klickitat Clan that l gave a ride to was there. He was picked as a mate by the young lady in the Saddle Back Clan. Now that dispute is taken care of we can head back to the camp site. On the way back Jim reminded me not to say anything about Harry. We are going to leave as soon as we can and go to Florence Or. Right after we got back to camp Joyce was upset with Doug. She found out about her dad from Tennie. She wanted to know why Doug did not tell her. Jim stept in and told both Emma and Joyce to talk to Harry and Edith. He told them what was going on with him and was planning on telling everyone at the right time.
Sasquatche Doug got everything ready for us to go. We will leave in about an hour or so he said. The plan is to go to Roman Nose Mountain off Hwy. 126 up to the Siuslan River some were.
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