Well we just left South Beach State Park now we're heading south to Yachts. On our way we stopped at the seal rock view point. The kids and me wanted to see seals on the rocks down below. Then our next stop was the Alsea Bay just before Walport. The lady's needed to get some wild onions that they were told grew just up Hwy. 34 and east two miles. We got a big bag of onions and patatos to eat. Then we got back on the road heading south again. As we got in to Yachts, we turned east on the Yacht River road. We headed up to Klickitat Mt. area on road N.F. road #54. We followed the road until we got to N.F. road # 5360 what a trip so far. On the way we stopped 3 or 4 times to remove rocks logs out of the road. Then we put them back as we passed by. Slow trip but we are getting deeper and deeper into the forest. We just came Toa spilt in the road. N.F. road #5362 went left and Beckman Creek Rd. Went West. As we followed the road all the way to the end l thought that we would get lost up here.
The Klickitat Clan members were all waiting for us at the back of the clearing. The Clan leader showed Big Foot Jim a place to park his motor home. He had me put the 5 the. wheel next to the motor home. Pagie and Mira where already playing out by the edge of the hill and looking for something. I headed over to see what they were looking at. They show me a pile of rocks on the other side of the canyon. They told me it is a cave and shelter that some of the Clan live in. It just looks like a pile of rocks to me. Then l went back to the 5 the. wheel and now off to bed.
See everyone tonight.
Well it is dark now, l hear a knock on the door. Jim said that they will be back in the morning. Doug and l are going with the Clan leader they all are going to help to clean and repair some of the shelters. Frank the Clan will be showing them how they build and maintain their under ground shelters. Frank the Clan leader is Frank,
And his mate is Romona, and they have 3 kids. 2 boys and a girl. The Clan has 8 members. plus all the kids. Frank's two boys are going with them. He is planning and did leave a big foot in camp. Frank wants him to keep an eye on everything in camp. While they are gone to night he will be like a bodyguard. He is one of the older members of the Klickitat Clan. I can tell you that he can take care of anything that should come up. He is over 9 feet tall a foot size of at least 20 inches long. His hands are as big as a shovel. He told us that his family has been on Klickitat Mt. for as long as he could remember, The native American Indians called the Big Foots ( THE BEARS THAT WALK UPRIGHT ). l have not heard that saying before. Here comes the Clan back now. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug look tired. It is 7am. and day light is here again. Doug said that he will talk to me tonight and they all disappeared.
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