It looks like that we will be here a few days at South Beach. Emma said that Garrison needs some rest. Jim and Emma both think that Garrison will be better off up at Elk Bend. I ask why? and Jim said that Teenie can keep a better eye on him. He is in slot of pain and she can help him with herbs. Doug told me that Garrison wants to go back to Elk Bend any how. He thinks that Garrison is missing a young lady that he meet.
I ask Emma who will play with, if Garrison leaves? They're planning on having one of Bruce's girls spend the winter camping with us. Emma said that they are the same age. They're afraid that Garrison is going to not want to leave the Elk Bend Clan once he gets there. Jim knows that it is about time that Garrison leaves the Clan and make his own way. Garrison has been restless slot lately and they can tell that he is ready to move on and find a mate. Jim knows that Emma will be sad to lose her baby boy. By Garrison going to Elk Bend he will have some one else show him the ropes.
Bruce called to say that he will drop off Page his youngest daughter sometime tomorrow night. But l know that Garrison will not be running around to night. Joyce said that he is still sleeping in the motor home. Emma would like to give Garrison a going away party. Doug said that we should wait until Pagie get here tomorrow night. I just found out that the young lady that Garrison likes is coming tomorrow night also. Her name is Zoey and she is the same age as Garrison. She has already told her dad that she was going to pick Garrison as her mate.( It is her choice ) . Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are coming to pick up Garrison and Zoey is coming with them. I think tomorrow night is going to be exciting. All kinds of changes will be going on. This night has gone by so fast with everything that has been happening. Harry Yeti said the reason that Zoey picked Garrison is because of Big Foot Jim. Jim is the leader of his Clan so that means that some day Garrison should end up a Clan leader. Zoey's dad is the leader of his Clan. So this is a good choice for both of them.
Fire's out now and the sun is coming out. Time to call it a night !! OH BOY!! Tomorrow night will be a good one.
Good Day
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