Jim asked Teenie what her mom and dad thought about Zoey picking Garrison as her mate. Teenie is Zoey's older sister and has always liked Garrison. Teenie let Jim and Emma know that her dad and mom were very happy with everything that is going on. She also said that they are going to be happy to have him around. Then she said that her older brother John like Garrison and told our mom and dad that he will was glad that he will be part of the family. Pagie and Mira just came over to talk to Zoey and Teenie.
Teenie has a bag of herbs for Emma to take to the Motor Home. This is, in case something should happen to someone else and she can't get back to help. Teenie said that she can call on the phone and she can tell her what herb can help. Skunk Ape Mike said that he would like to start back about 6 am. He wants to get back before it gets to light. Garrison will go back with them tomorrow morning sometime. Emma and Joyce are going to have a going away party for Garrison and a welcome home party for Pagie. I see that Mira and Pagie are getting along really well. I know that Mira will miss her big brother. Big Foots and Sasquatches must go to other Clans to find a Mate. The party is getting started and Sue and her Mom are both crying. Bruce said that they are both going to miss Pagie a lot. Emma said that they will keep an close eye on her. Garrison is saying his goodbye's to everyone. They are going to leave right after the party. Zoey has a smile a mile wide on her face. She is so happy that she picked him for her mate. Everyone is over by the fire now saying their goodbye's. Bruce, Cindy and Sue are getting things packed up for there trip back to Powerhouse Peck. They will not see Pagie for at least 3 months or so. Skunk Ape Mike said that they will be following Bruce part of the way back. So they are getting ready also now. Garrison is all packed and loaded in the school bus. Zoey gave Big Foot Jim and Emma a kiss good bye and a big hug. ( none for me ) and said her good bye's Skunk Ape Mike is ready and so is Bruce. Sue is over by the girls saying good bye. I went over to Jim to ask if would like to stay at South Beach SP. one more night. Doug said he would a night of rest after everything that went on to night. Why don't we stay today and tonight and leave day after tomorrow. Jim said that sounded good to him.
Now we are all out by the motor Homes saying our goodbye's to everyone. They're all leaving for their homes and back to their Clans.
Good bye and good night.
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