South Beach will never be the same again. Mira and Pagie are outside by the fire. Jim got up and made a nice fire for all of us to enjoy. Things sure chance last night and boy what a change! Let's see if l can remember it all. Garrison left with Zoey. Now that Zoey picked Garrison as her mate. They are going to move to Elk Bend Clan . Her sister is Teenie who doctored up Garrison. Bruce, his mate Cindy and Sue dropped off Pagie, Sue's sister. Pagie will live with Mira for the winter. Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie will drive Garrison and Zoey back to Elk Bend. We had a party for everyone that I leaving or coming. Remember l didn't get a hug goodbye.
Pagie and Mira are having a good time playing on the swings. Dougand Harry are going out to the beach for a walk. Joyce has Liberty in her arms and she is just crying her head off. I think that she is missing Garrison already. He always played with her in the Motor Home. Edith is going to take the baby in to the Motor Home to see if she is hungry. Jim is working on the internet and said that they had a lot of sales this week. Now that College football is going strong. Their sales of school Jersey and tee shirts are selling big time. But Doug said that they have to give each College a percentage of the sales. Copyright hell sometimes but we make sure we follow all the Copyright laws, it's not that bad. We make a difference good living and income from our sales. No complaints at all. We are over joyed that they let us sell the school merchandise.
I see Mira is paying over by the fire now. She never did that before, so l asked her way. Wira said before she had Garrison to watch over her. She also said that she felt safer when Garrison was around and playing with her. Pagie and Mair just took off down the trail to the beach. It looks like they found Doug and Harry coming back this way. Emma, Joyce and Edith are all going to the beach. Jim Is going to watch the baby. That is going to be interesting and something to see.
I think this is going to be our last night at South Beach State Park. Jim came over with the baby and said we will leave around 9 am. tomorrow and head south to Yachts. Doug and l are going to help the Klickitat Clan to build new shelters. It will take about two long nights of digging and cutting. Doug said that we will show you how they make shelters that no one can find. The rest of the night we just walked on the beach. Cold night and getting colder each day but often fells good to be out. We are back at the RV. and Doug has already hooked up the tow car to the Monaco. I just need to eat and lam ready to go. They are in the Motor Homes having breakfast then l guess we will be ready to go.
See you tonight.
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