The sun is coming up now and Doug and Jim are out by the fire. I see Joyce and Doug and they look like they are talking and having some thing to drink. I walk out to take to them and see if they got their work done. Sasquatche Doug said that they got there work done for a few days but business is picking up. The kids said that they were tired and going to bed. Emma and Joyce took Liberty in to lay down. I was taking to Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug over by the fire about were we will be going next and if we were going to be leaving soon. Jim let me know that we will be leaving anytime now. Jim that he wants to go to Cap Blanco State Park.
He has an old friend from Mt. Hood that started a Clan up on the Elk River. This is not part o the same Clan that is at Elk Bend that l met. His friends business is tied in together with Doug's and Jim's internet business.
Well we are on our way to Cap Blanco State Park we should be there in about 30 minutes or so. Doug pulled out first in his Georgetown Motor Home. I will be following him out. Jim said he will be along soon. We just got in to the town of Langlais, lam going to stop off and get a cup of coffee and a sweet roll. I called Doug and ask him if he or Joyce wanted me to get a cup of coffee for them, he said no thanks. Doug did say that he will pull off up the road and wait for me and Jim. As Jim went by he honked and Mira and Pagie waved out the window to me. I will catch up with them in about 5 or 10 minutes. We are only about 10 miles from the park and should be there anytime now. Then we will all get some sleep and l need it. As we pulled in to camp, Jim said good day and he would see me to night. Emma told me that the kids wanted to go out to the Cap later to night.l told her that l would like to go along. Doug, Jim, Emma and Joyce are all going with the kids. But for now good night.
8:30 pm. and l am wide awake and just laying herein the dark. They will be up soon and then we are going out to the Cap. Just saw Big Foot Jim and he let me know that he would like to head out to the Cap. as soon as the kids get done eating. I see the kids are playing by the RV. Mira is playing with Liberty and Pagie they must be done eating. Pagie is holding her arm like there is something wrong with it. I asked what happen to her . She said that she fell last night in the RV and hit the edge of the coffee table. Well we are all off now and everyone is having a good time. The beach is so cool in the moon light. We spent the whole night on the beach and had a lot of fun. This night went by so fast! It's time to get back to the camp site and call it a night.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Monday, April 24, 2017
Day 42 2nd. Saying camp
Up and ready to go out to talk to Doug to see what is up tonight. Doug is out by the fire right now with Joyce. On the way over to see Doug, Mira stopped me and asked if l wanted to head over to the beach with them. She said that her dad will not let them go to the beach along. I told her let me talk to her dad and see what he wants me to do. Big Foot Jim called me over to talk to me. He said that the girls want to go for a hike along the beach. He asked me if l would mind following them on the beach and keep an eye on them. Emma wane to take one of the two way radios with us. I told him that l would be glad to keep an eye on them since l had so much fun last night. Jim said that they had a lot more work on the internet to catch up on still. Then Jim asked me to talk to Mira about the young man that Mira met at the HadSalt Creek Clan. He said that all she talks about is the young man in that Clan.
How ever, she will not tell them anything about the young man. I said that l had asked her last night about him but she didn't say anything to me. But l will bring it up tonight and see what she has to say.
I just saw Liberty walking around the Georgetown Motor Home. Boy, do they grow up fast!!! She is even a year old yet and running around already. But she so cut and head strong l heard. She wants to get out and play around with side Joyce Said. Mira and Pagie said that they wanted her to go with us. Joyce said that she is to young to go yet. I told the girls l would be ready to go in about 10 minutes.
Jim went back in the Motor Home to work with Doug. Joyce and Emma have left for the beach already with Liberty. Iam going over to get Mira and Pagie and head down to the beach. On the way down the bank the girls saw some seals on the rocks just off shore. The clear sky's and full moon is just breathtaking. With the full moon l know we will have a lot of fun on the beach again. It is 2 am. and we are the only ones on the beach that l can see.
Joyce just dropped off Liberty so she could play with the girls . As we were walking up the beach l saw Liberty take off running to catch up with her mom. She would run about 10 feet and fall and get up and run another 10 feet and fall again. Mria and Pagie are teaching Liberty how to play a game called run and hide. She is learning quickly how to hide. I am playing hide and seek with them and l can't find them. One time they were just 6 feet away and l could not see them in the shadow of the hill. Liberty is good at hiding and she knows already what to do and how to hide. I walked right by Emma and Joyce with out seeing them and then l heard them laughing at me. I lost the kids a couple of times already to night. We had so much fun on the beach again just playing games. Going to start heading back up to the camp site. On the way back I asked Mira about the Big Foot that she likes. All she would say is that he is going to come down with his Mom and Dad soon. Then l asked if she had any idea when they are coming. She said no, but he said that he would call first. So l didn't say anymore about it. Back in camp and Jim came over to talk to me. I told him what she had said and l hope that Mira does not get to mad as t me for saying something to her dad.
What a fun night again we did a lot to night on the beach. But l am so tired to night trying to keep up with Liberty and the girls. So off to get some rest l don't know what is going to happen tomorrow night.
How ever, she will not tell them anything about the young man. I said that l had asked her last night about him but she didn't say anything to me. But l will bring it up tonight and see what she has to say.
I just saw Liberty walking around the Georgetown Motor Home. Boy, do they grow up fast!!! She is even a year old yet and running around already. But she so cut and head strong l heard. She wants to get out and play around with side Joyce Said. Mira and Pagie said that they wanted her to go with us. Joyce said that she is to young to go yet. I told the girls l would be ready to go in about 10 minutes.
Jim went back in the Motor Home to work with Doug. Joyce and Emma have left for the beach already with Liberty. Iam going over to get Mira and Pagie and head down to the beach. On the way down the bank the girls saw some seals on the rocks just off shore. The clear sky's and full moon is just breathtaking. With the full moon l know we will have a lot of fun on the beach again. It is 2 am. and we are the only ones on the beach that l can see.
Joyce just dropped off Liberty so she could play with the girls . As we were walking up the beach l saw Liberty take off running to catch up with her mom. She would run about 10 feet and fall and get up and run another 10 feet and fall again. Mria and Pagie are teaching Liberty how to play a game called run and hide. She is learning quickly how to hide. I am playing hide and seek with them and l can't find them. One time they were just 6 feet away and l could not see them in the shadow of the hill. Liberty is good at hiding and she knows already what to do and how to hide. I walked right by Emma and Joyce with out seeing them and then l heard them laughing at me. I lost the kids a couple of times already to night. We had so much fun on the beach again just playing games. Going to start heading back up to the camp site. On the way back I asked Mira about the Big Foot that she likes. All she would say is that he is going to come down with his Mom and Dad soon. Then l asked if she had any idea when they are coming. She said no, but he said that he would call first. So l didn't say anymore about it. Back in camp and Jim came over to talk to me. I told him what she had said and l hope that Mira does not get to mad as t me for saying something to her dad.
What a fun night again we did a lot to night on the beach. But l am so tired to night trying to keep up with Liberty and the girls. So off to get some rest l don't know what is going to happen tomorrow night.
Day 41 Doug's Back
I just got up and l see Doug's Motor Home is in his campsite. There is a Jeep in front of the site. I think it is the new tow car and it looks like a new Jeep. It is lite blue has a black top with a rack on it and over size tires. They got it from the Red Butte Clan, l bet that they got a good deal on it. I don't see any one outside yet but l see a light on in the Motor Home. I think l will go out and build a camp Fire and l know that they should be coming out soon. As l was getting ready to build the fire and get it going l can see Joyce and Emma just coming out with Liberty. Joyce said that that the boys were staying in the Motor Home to get more work done. They have so much to do. They got behind in the last few days because of what happened up on Bear Mountain.
I asked where Mira and Pagie were and Emma said that they went down to the beach. We were all setting around the camp fire when we heard a gun shot. Jim and Doug came out of the Motor Home in a flash. He wanted to know we're the girls were and if any one was with them. Joyce said that they went down to the beach or on the back side of the hill. Both Jim and Doug took off looking for the girls. Emma got out the two way radios and gave one to Joyce. Joyce went up on the side of the bank to look down on the beach. She called Emma and said that the guys found both of the girls hiding in the bushes. Emma wanted to know if they were okay. Doug got on the radio and said they were both scared but are doing fine. The shots came from over on the other side of the park. But the girls got scared and ran and hide in the bushes and was to scared to come out. Both Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug were glad to see them they said. They did not get mad at the girls because they did just what they were supposed to do. Everyone is back in camp now and Doug and Jim went back in the Motor Home. They still have a lot of work to catch up on. The kids stayed out by the fire and played but wanted to go back to the beach. Boy was Emma upset over the whole ordeal and Joyce was happy to have it over. The kids said that they wanted to go back to the beach so l told them that l would go with them. If it was okay with the guys and l would keep an eye on them.
We had a lot of fun at the beach the kids ran around and l tried to keep up with the young ladies. I watched them having so much fun running around and exploring the beach. We made sand castles and was drawing pictures in the sand. The full moon made it easier to see everything they were doing. I asked Mira about the young Big Foot that she met and liked. He was from the HadSalt Creek Clan, she said that she liked him. As we were sitting on the beach next to the bank. All of a sudden some people came by and l know that they saw me. But it was funny to me that they didn't see the grips next to the bank.
Then l looked over at Mira and Pagie and it looked like they blended in with the back ground. I almost couldn't see them my self. I asked how do they do that and Pagie said that is something that they practice doing all the time. Well it works and l would have lost them if l didn't know that they were there. The time has come for us to head back to the camp site. It was a lot of fun on the beach to night. Back at the Motor Home now and the kids looked tired. I told everyone that I will see them to night and off to bed l go . ( What a night l have had )
I asked where Mira and Pagie were and Emma said that they went down to the beach. We were all setting around the camp fire when we heard a gun shot. Jim and Doug came out of the Motor Home in a flash. He wanted to know we're the girls were and if any one was with them. Joyce said that they went down to the beach or on the back side of the hill. Both Jim and Doug took off looking for the girls. Emma got out the two way radios and gave one to Joyce. Joyce went up on the side of the bank to look down on the beach. She called Emma and said that the guys found both of the girls hiding in the bushes. Emma wanted to know if they were okay. Doug got on the radio and said they were both scared but are doing fine. The shots came from over on the other side of the park. But the girls got scared and ran and hide in the bushes and was to scared to come out. Both Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug were glad to see them they said. They did not get mad at the girls because they did just what they were supposed to do. Everyone is back in camp now and Doug and Jim went back in the Motor Home. They still have a lot of work to catch up on. The kids stayed out by the fire and played but wanted to go back to the beach. Boy was Emma upset over the whole ordeal and Joyce was happy to have it over. The kids said that they wanted to go back to the beach so l told them that l would go with them. If it was okay with the guys and l would keep an eye on them.
We had a lot of fun at the beach the kids ran around and l tried to keep up with the young ladies. I watched them having so much fun running around and exploring the beach. We made sand castles and was drawing pictures in the sand. The full moon made it easier to see everything they were doing. I asked Mira about the young Big Foot that she met and liked. He was from the HadSalt Creek Clan, she said that she liked him. As we were sitting on the beach next to the bank. All of a sudden some people came by and l know that they saw me. But it was funny to me that they didn't see the grips next to the bank.
Then l looked over at Mira and Pagie and it looked like they blended in with the back ground. I almost couldn't see them my self. I asked how do they do that and Pagie said that is something that they practice doing all the time. Well it works and l would have lost them if l didn't know that they were there. The time has come for us to head back to the camp site. It was a lot of fun on the beach to night. Back at the Motor Home now and the kids looked tired. I told everyone that I will see them to night and off to bed l go . ( What a night l have had )
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Day 40 Doug leaving
It is almost day light now and Doug and Jim are ready to go on our next adventure. They are getting the tow car ready and Joyce is putting things in the back of the car that she wants out of the Motor Home for now. Doug and Joyce are going to Roseburg Oregon to get a tow car for the Motor Home. They are going to meet us in about two or three days in Bandon Or. if they get the work done that they need to get done.
Jim wants me to know that he has a lot of work to do on the internet. So we are going to Bandon, and stay a few days. He wants to get a lot done because his sales are way up now. Jim is over talking to Doug and Joyce about where they are going to meet. Once we get to Ten Mile on Hwy. 42 Doug will head over to Roseburg and we will head over to Bandon. Doug will be picking up a tow car from the Red Butte Clan. They sleep used cars on the internet and it is big business. I will soon be on my way and will meet everyone in Bandon.
Jim is saying good bye to Buck and the rest of the Clan. I told them that l will meet them at Bullard State Park after l go shopping in Bandon. Iam on my way now and Doug and Jim are going to leave in about an hour. Doug and Joyce are trying to get ahold of a welder they know. He is just out side of Roseburg that belong to the White Rock Clan.
This Clan does work thought out the Roseburg area. It is a drop off and pick up Business and they get paid through PayPal. Doug And Joyce are going to pick up a Jeep as a tow car from the Red Butte Clan.
It is almost 60 miles over to Bandon . I think it should take me about an hour and a half to get to Bandon from Tensile off Hwy. 42. It is not a bad road to travel on so it will not take long. I am going to do some shopping and then head over to the park. When l got to the park it was empty almost and had lots of camp sites. Jim wants me to get three camp sites way in the back of the park. I ended up getting three sites for already two nights or more if we need to stay longer. Iam all set up now and just waiting for Jim to show up. It is almost noon and lam getting tired but l need to hear from them before l can get some sleep. Emma just called and said that they are at the front of the park. So l told her the site numbers and then told her lam going to bed. She let me know that Jim needed to talk to me before l bed down. Jim informed me that tomorrow night he will not see me. He has way to much work to do on the internet. The sport's Jerseys and Big Foot merchandise is blowing out of the warehouse. With Christmas coming up in about a month their sales are going to sky rocket. Emma said that Doug and Joyce along with Liberty will be back tomorrow afternoon sometime. They got the work done a lot sooner then they thought they would. Doug and Jim will be working all night once Doug gets back. To night l am going to set around the camp fire with the kids. We will play so e games if they want to we will see.
Jim wants me to know that he has a lot of work to do on the internet. So we are going to Bandon, and stay a few days. He wants to get a lot done because his sales are way up now. Jim is over talking to Doug and Joyce about where they are going to meet. Once we get to Ten Mile on Hwy. 42 Doug will head over to Roseburg and we will head over to Bandon. Doug will be picking up a tow car from the Red Butte Clan. They sleep used cars on the internet and it is big business. I will soon be on my way and will meet everyone in Bandon.
Jim is saying good bye to Buck and the rest of the Clan. I told them that l will meet them at Bullard State Park after l go shopping in Bandon. Iam on my way now and Doug and Jim are going to leave in about an hour. Doug and Joyce are trying to get ahold of a welder they know. He is just out side of Roseburg that belong to the White Rock Clan.
This Clan does work thought out the Roseburg area. It is a drop off and pick up Business and they get paid through PayPal. Doug And Joyce are going to pick up a Jeep as a tow car from the Red Butte Clan.
It is almost 60 miles over to Bandon . I think it should take me about an hour and a half to get to Bandon from Tensile off Hwy. 42. It is not a bad road to travel on so it will not take long. I am going to do some shopping and then head over to the park. When l got to the park it was empty almost and had lots of camp sites. Jim wants me to get three camp sites way in the back of the park. I ended up getting three sites for already two nights or more if we need to stay longer. Iam all set up now and just waiting for Jim to show up. It is almost noon and lam getting tired but l need to hear from them before l can get some sleep. Emma just called and said that they are at the front of the park. So l told her the site numbers and then told her lam going to bed. She let me know that Jim needed to talk to me before l bed down. Jim informed me that tomorrow night he will not see me. He has way to much work to do on the internet. The sport's Jerseys and Big Foot merchandise is blowing out of the warehouse. With Christmas coming up in about a month their sales are going to sky rocket. Emma said that Doug and Joyce along with Liberty will be back tomorrow afternoon sometime. They got the work done a lot sooner then they thought they would. Doug and Jim will be working all night once Doug gets back. To night l am going to set around the camp fire with the kids. We will play so e games if they want to we will see.
Day 39 back to normal
Last night was something !! The new Clan leader will be Buck and now the head of the Bear Mountain Clan. His Mate is really nice, she was taken care of Chuck their son. He was badly beaten in the fight and he is going to be sorefor a long time. His mom is Rose from the Dead Wood Clan. Chuck has two sisters Mary-Jo and Kim. They both hope that Chuck is going to be okay after all of this. Mary-Jo is 7 and Kim just turned 6 and Chuck is 8 but thinks he is older.
The Bear Mountain Clan is going to be a strong one Jim thinks. The old leader's son is going to leave the Clanthis will make it easier for Buck to take over. A group of Big Foots wants to leave with the old Clan leader's son. He did not want to cause troubleshooting with in the Clan and he wants to start a new Clan. Now that there is a new Clan leader it will make it easier him and the others to leave and start a new Clan. It must be hard to lose both your Mom and Dad and leave a Clan you grew up in. But he wants to start a new Clan and start over.
Jim and Doug are over talking to Buck right now about that. They are going to leave it up to Buck. Emma and Joyce along with Rose all think it would be better for all. Jim thinks and fells that in the long run it will be better to let him move on also. Jim told me that Don would have been the new Clan leader if he stayed so it is better to let him go. The Clan is already very large and it would not hurt to start a new Clan. But it is still up to the new Clan leader and he could say no. Buck said that he wants to talk to Don about leaving. His son Chuck wants to be the Clan leader someday but if Don should stay. There is a chance that he would become the leader. Also if he should stay there is some in the Clan that would not want to follow Buck and this could cause a lot of trouble.
So the best is to just let Don and his mate start a new Clan and have Buck take over this one. Buck wants to show that he is charge so we will find out tomorrow morning maybe. He could drag his feet and take a long time on this. Doug told him not to drag it out to long this might cause a division in the Clan that might not heal. I think that Don will most likely get to start his new Clan. Don and his mate Missy and 3 kids want to get started. This way they can get the shelter build before it gets to cold. But he know that Buck will let his old Clan help them build there new shelter. Then again it is all up to Buck but his mate Rose might have something to say about it. She told Emma that if Missy is going to be happier in a new Clan she wants her to be happy.
Doug and Joyce are over talking to Missy and and Don. They think that Buck and Rose should call Teenie because Chuck might have a broken arm and a cracked rib. Buck just came over to tell Don that they will help with the shelter and help them get moved in. It will take about 3 weeks to get a large shelter build for the winter. We are going to leave in about 3 hours. So for the next 3hours we sat around the camp fire and Buck was telling us about his uncle the cop. ??? Jim just let everyone know that we will be going over to Bullard State park for a night or two.
The Bear Mountain Clan is going to be a strong one Jim thinks. The old leader's son is going to leave the Clanthis will make it easier for Buck to take over. A group of Big Foots wants to leave with the old Clan leader's son. He did not want to cause troubleshooting with in the Clan and he wants to start a new Clan. Now that there is a new Clan leader it will make it easier him and the others to leave and start a new Clan. It must be hard to lose both your Mom and Dad and leave a Clan you grew up in. But he wants to start a new Clan and start over.
Jim and Doug are over talking to Buck right now about that. They are going to leave it up to Buck. Emma and Joyce along with Rose all think it would be better for all. Jim thinks and fells that in the long run it will be better to let him move on also. Jim told me that Don would have been the new Clan leader if he stayed so it is better to let him go. The Clan is already very large and it would not hurt to start a new Clan. But it is still up to the new Clan leader and he could say no. Buck said that he wants to talk to Don about leaving. His son Chuck wants to be the Clan leader someday but if Don should stay. There is a chance that he would become the leader. Also if he should stay there is some in the Clan that would not want to follow Buck and this could cause a lot of trouble.
So the best is to just let Don and his mate start a new Clan and have Buck take over this one. Buck wants to show that he is charge so we will find out tomorrow morning maybe. He could drag his feet and take a long time on this. Doug told him not to drag it out to long this might cause a division in the Clan that might not heal. I think that Don will most likely get to start his new Clan. Don and his mate Missy and 3 kids want to get started. This way they can get the shelter build before it gets to cold. But he know that Buck will let his old Clan help them build there new shelter. Then again it is all up to Buck but his mate Rose might have something to say about it. She told Emma that if Missy is going to be happier in a new Clan she wants her to be happy.
Doug and Joyce are over talking to Missy and and Don. They think that Buck and Rose should call Teenie because Chuck might have a broken arm and a cracked rib. Buck just came over to tell Don that they will help with the shelter and help them get moved in. It will take about 3 weeks to get a large shelter build for the winter. We are going to leave in about 3 hours. So for the next 3hours we sat around the camp fire and Buck was telling us about his uncle the cop. ??? Jim just let everyone know that we will be going over to Bullard State park for a night or two.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Day 38 New Leader picked
Someone is pounding on the 5th. wheel door, and it was Doug. I can hear a lot of commotion out side. Doug said for me to stay in the RV for now and don't come out unless someone is with me. I asked why, and he said there is going to be a bit of a uproar tonight. There is going to be a new leader pick to night between two Big Foot they both want to be the new Clan leader. Only one can lead, just one has to be in charge no matter what. Emma and Joyce both are being careful since they have seen what happens in these cases. They are both keeping the kids in the Motor Home.
The two that want to be the new Clan leader are in a fight over who will be the new Clan leader. The old Clan lerder's brother want to take over the Clan. He has more experience then the younger Big Foot that wants the job. Emma said that all hell is going to break out soon. Many other have been injured badly sometimes in this fight. A lot of time bystanders get hurt also. The younger one doesn't have a mate yet and he will have trouble getting the following. The other one is over 9 feet tall and has been helping his brother, the old Clan leader for the last 2 years while he was sick.
Joyce said that it is not safe for the kids to be out side at this time. Big Foot Jim is going to stay out of it for now. He wants the Clan to pick their own Clan leader. Unfortunately, there will be long and hard fight ongoing tonight. Jim just hope that the loser doesn't get him self killed in this ordeal. Only one leads the Clan but the Clan leader can have a 2 nd. in charge of the leader picks one. The old Clan leader's son is going to stay totally out of it. He is planning on going with a group of a few Big Foot families to start a Clan over by the Coos River. So he doesn't have much to say about the whole thing. He is going to leave it up to the Clan. Even if one or the other should win the Clan has to follow him to make it work.
The whole Clan is gathering over by the clearing. They all want to see who will end up winning and becomes the new Clan leader. Iam going to walk over to the clearing to see what is going to happen. Sasquatche Doug told me to stay way back for now. If it get to bad, Big Foot Jim might have to step in but doesn't want to. Jim just showed up and walked over to talk to the younger Big Foot. Then just walked away shaking his head. All of a sudden all hell broke loose again, they started in on each other!! Fur was flying and you could tell that both were very determined to win. The younger one jumped on the back of the older one. I thought that the younger one had him. They both are over 8 feet tall but the old one looks more experienced and skilled at fighting. He has thrown the younger one against the tree. You can tell that he was hurt and hurt badly. The younger one would not stop fighting though. So the older one just kept hitting him over and over again. All of a sudden he stopped hitting him and reached over and help him off the ground. He knew that he had won and you could tell that he didn't want to him any more then he had to. Then he told the young Big Foot that someday you will be a Clan leader but not to day. I asked Jim why he stopped and did not kill him. The young man Jim told me , that it was his SON!!!! This was a surprise to me and l was told this is something that happens all the time. The younger Big Foot will try to take over the Clan way to soon. Most of the time they are ran out of the Clan. A Big Foot can go to other Clans anytime that they want to. But in this case he will or could be this Clans leader someday. He was very lucky that he didn't get killed or ran off.
His dad will teach him over the next few years to be a great Clan leader. But for now he will be 2nd. in charge.
The two that want to be the new Clan leader are in a fight over who will be the new Clan leader. The old Clan lerder's brother want to take over the Clan. He has more experience then the younger Big Foot that wants the job. Emma said that all hell is going to break out soon. Many other have been injured badly sometimes in this fight. A lot of time bystanders get hurt also. The younger one doesn't have a mate yet and he will have trouble getting the following. The other one is over 9 feet tall and has been helping his brother, the old Clan leader for the last 2 years while he was sick.
Joyce said that it is not safe for the kids to be out side at this time. Big Foot Jim is going to stay out of it for now. He wants the Clan to pick their own Clan leader. Unfortunately, there will be long and hard fight ongoing tonight. Jim just hope that the loser doesn't get him self killed in this ordeal. Only one leads the Clan but the Clan leader can have a 2 nd. in charge of the leader picks one. The old Clan leader's son is going to stay totally out of it. He is planning on going with a group of a few Big Foot families to start a Clan over by the Coos River. So he doesn't have much to say about the whole thing. He is going to leave it up to the Clan. Even if one or the other should win the Clan has to follow him to make it work.
The whole Clan is gathering over by the clearing. They all want to see who will end up winning and becomes the new Clan leader. Iam going to walk over to the clearing to see what is going to happen. Sasquatche Doug told me to stay way back for now. If it get to bad, Big Foot Jim might have to step in but doesn't want to. Jim just showed up and walked over to talk to the younger Big Foot. Then just walked away shaking his head. All of a sudden all hell broke loose again, they started in on each other!! Fur was flying and you could tell that both were very determined to win. The younger one jumped on the back of the older one. I thought that the younger one had him. They both are over 8 feet tall but the old one looks more experienced and skilled at fighting. He has thrown the younger one against the tree. You can tell that he was hurt and hurt badly. The younger one would not stop fighting though. So the older one just kept hitting him over and over again. All of a sudden he stopped hitting him and reached over and help him off the ground. He knew that he had won and you could tell that he didn't want to him any more then he had to. Then he told the young Big Foot that someday you will be a Clan leader but not to day. I asked Jim why he stopped and did not kill him. The young man Jim told me , that it was his SON!!!! This was a surprise to me and l was told this is something that happens all the time. The younger Big Foot will try to take over the Clan way to soon. Most of the time they are ran out of the Clan. A Big Foot can go to other Clans anytime that they want to. But in this case he will or could be this Clans leader someday. He was very lucky that he didn't get killed or ran off.
His dad will teach him over the next few years to be a great Clan leader. But for now he will be 2nd. in charge.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Day 37 night Drive
We spent the day on the mountain and it is almost dark. Pulling out now and getting ready to leave the Smith River Or. heading south. As we headed south to Scottsburg we passed a group of the Clan Members they were all waving good bye. Then we crossed the Smith River l saw more Big Foots on the side of the road and Doug stopped to pick on of them up. I have no idea what is going on. I called Doug and Joyce answered the phone. I asked her who was that they stopped to pick up. She said that it was Sasquatche Bill from the Crater Lake Nat'l Park. He is going to be dropped off in Elkton off Hwy 38. He was here to see if he could be picked as a mate. But he said that he did not get chosen by the young lady. He will try again at a different Clan when the time is right. I asked how old is Sasquatche Bill and Doug said that he is 9 years old now. That would be about 20 in human years. It will take about and hour to get down to the Umpaqua River. Hi! Want to drop him off in Elkton and then head up to Bear Mountain. He wants to get up to the mouth of the East Fork of the Coquille River. This is at 3100 ft. At the top this Dutchman Butte up by Bear Mountain. Well we just dropped off Sasquatche Bill in Elkton and are now headed down 138. I was told it will take about 3 hours to get to Dutchman Butte up by Bear Mountain. It is only about 50 miles away but the going is going to be slow. As we travel the back roads this is some of the prettiest back country l have seen in the moon light and we have a full moon tonight. We are headed deeper and deeper in the forest and then all of a sudden we went through the town of Umpaqua. This is a small town as we headed south to Melrose. Doug said that we are about an hour from were we are going to be staying. Doug is in his New Motor Home and told me that it is running great. I asked how he likes having his own Motor Home to travel in. He said that it was going to make then trip south better. The only thing is that he can't work on the internet going down the road. Now they will have to work on the internet after they get to the camp site and he hopes that they don't think get to far behind. We just turned West heading to Situm. As we traveled up the road we turned off the road and north up to Bear Mountain. Big Foot Jim said we only have a half an hour to drive now and then we will get some sleep. The sun will rise about 8 am. The reason that we came to Bear Mountain is because they need to pick a new Clan leader. The son of the old Clan leader wants to leave and start a new Clan . The spot he picked for his new Clan is up by the Coos River about 6 miles north of this Clan's territory.His mate's sister is in a Clan up by the Coos River. But before he can leave they have to pick a new Clan leader, For the Bear Mountain Clan.
Day 36. Elk Hunt
We are on Hwy. 101 now and just entering the town of Gardiner Or. Then we'll start up the Smith River. As we headed east out of town, l got a flat tire and had to stop along side of the road. I see that Big Foot Jim is turning around up a head. I already got the jack and started working on the tire by the time they pulled up behind the 5 the. wheel. It shouldn't take much longer to switch the tire out and get going. Big Foot Jim is getting everything in the truck for me and Iam almost ready to go. Then off we went up the road. We just crossed the Smith River and now we are headed north. This is not a bad road to be on but it does have a lot of pot holes. I was told that there is more then a 100 Big Foot and Sasquatche in this area.nlt is almost winter and it has been raining for the pass two days hard. We have been passing Elk in the meadows along almost the whole way up the road.
Jim told Emma they were coming up here so they fill their freezer with fresh meat. Doug just called to tell me that they bought a Motor Home. They bought it from a Clan that sells Motor Home on the internet. Joyce said that they have been looking for one for sometime now. They found it when Harry and Edith Yeti were looking for one. It is a newer one and only used one year and only one time on a trip. This was one of the best Motor Home that l have seen so far Doug said, so we bought it. The Clan that we bought it from said that they back it a 100%. I wish l could that good of a deal on a used 5th. wheel. We are only going to be here one night. Doug and Jim only want to get two large Elk. This is all they need to fill there freezers. They never that more then they need they can always find more food down the road.
The new Motor Home will be waiting for us up at the camp site. The Clan that they bought it from divlvered it yesterday. The new Motor Home has a small freezer and Sasquatche Doug will only need part of the Elk. As we headed north l saw two or three Big Foot s along side the road. We must be back at least 10 miles in the forest. Doug said that they will start hunting right after dark. They all are going to bed now and will get up around 8 pm. tonight. I ask Jim about the Big Foot l saw along the side of the road. They were just making sure that they knew who we were.
I slept good today and l was also told l could go out hunting with them both of them if l want. They are waiting for the Clan leader of this territory to show up. They need to get his permission to hunt in his territory.the Clan leader said that they can take what ever they need. There is a lot of Elk to choose from in the big meadow across the way. Jim was find with that and off we went l had a hard time keeping up with them. So Jim said if l stay in one spot they will bring the Elk to me. It only took them about 20 minutes for them to get the frost Elk. They jumped it as it was bedding down, and was able to surprise it. Now they only need to get one more so off they went to get it. Jim and Doug were only gone an hour this time be for they got back. They were both average size Elk. Jim told me that they never take the bull Elk.
We are headed back to camp and said that it will not take long to clean and package the meat. I was impressed by the way and how quick they got it done with the Elks. Doug said that Big Foot Jim did not want to leave tonight. So they all will spend the day resting here on the mountain.
Jim told Emma they were coming up here so they fill their freezer with fresh meat. Doug just called to tell me that they bought a Motor Home. They bought it from a Clan that sells Motor Home on the internet. Joyce said that they have been looking for one for sometime now. They found it when Harry and Edith Yeti were looking for one. It is a newer one and only used one year and only one time on a trip. This was one of the best Motor Home that l have seen so far Doug said, so we bought it. The Clan that we bought it from said that they back it a 100%. I wish l could that good of a deal on a used 5th. wheel. We are only going to be here one night. Doug and Jim only want to get two large Elk. This is all they need to fill there freezers. They never that more then they need they can always find more food down the road.
The new Motor Home will be waiting for us up at the camp site. The Clan that they bought it from divlvered it yesterday. The new Motor Home has a small freezer and Sasquatche Doug will only need part of the Elk. As we headed north l saw two or three Big Foot s along side the road. We must be back at least 10 miles in the forest. Doug said that they will start hunting right after dark. They all are going to bed now and will get up around 8 pm. tonight. I ask Jim about the Big Foot l saw along the side of the road. They were just making sure that they knew who we were.
I slept good today and l was also told l could go out hunting with them both of them if l want. They are waiting for the Clan leader of this territory to show up. They need to get his permission to hunt in his territory.the Clan leader said that they can take what ever they need. There is a lot of Elk to choose from in the big meadow across the way. Jim was find with that and off we went l had a hard time keeping up with them. So Jim said if l stay in one spot they will bring the Elk to me. It only took them about 20 minutes for them to get the frost Elk. They jumped it as it was bedding down, and was able to surprise it. Now they only need to get one more so off they went to get it. Jim and Doug were only gone an hour this time be for they got back. They were both average size Elk. Jim told me that they never take the bull Elk.
We are headed back to camp and said that it will not take long to clean and package the meat. I was impressed by the way and how quick they got it done with the Elks. Doug said that Big Foot Jim did not want to leave tonight. So they all will spend the day resting here on the mountain.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Day 35. Party Night.
I never did see the Clan come back to the Motor Home earlier this morning. I slept really well all day and l feel well rested now. I can see that there is a large bonfire being build right now. Joyce has a large arm full of pictures in her arms. Carrie is over by the table with Emma. It looks like they are all going to look at pictures by the fire. The kids are all setting at the other table getting ready for dinner. Now they are bring out the food!!! I think they are expecting a crowd. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug along with Big Foot Paul and the other Big Foot are enjoying some home made Big Foot wine. It is so strong l can smell it all the way over here in the RV with the door closed. The gals are cooking a large Elk and a Hog on a large open fire pit. Paul and Doug just headed out to the main road to show some one how to get to the camp site. I wonder who they went to get . Who ever it is , everybody is excited about seeing them. The food almost looks ready to come off the fire. Like always, the food smells so good.!! Their food always smells so, so good. Jim is in camp getting everything ready for the party. Who ever is coming they cleared off a spot for tow Motor Homes over by the pond. Jim told Carrie that this is going to be a great party. He wants everyone to have fun and dance and also have a good time playing games. This is what Harry and Edith would want us all to do. Mira and Pagie are out playing with the other kids and l can tell that they are all having fun.
There are two large school buses coming down the hill on the road. The one in front belongs to Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie. The other one l have never seen before. It must be around 8 pm. now and starting to get darker. Skunk Ape Mike just got out of the school bus and gave Jim and Emma a big hug. I can that Teenie is get out of the bus also with her league. The other bus is pulling up next to Mike's bus. It is Garrison and Zoey, Garrison is Jim and Emma's son and Mira brother. Zoey is Teenie's sister. I rember when Zoey picked Garrison as her mate then they moved to the Elk Bend Clan. Zoey has got some good news for everyone in the Clan. She is going to have a BABY by next spring. The whole Clan is happy about the new Big Foot coming soon. Garrison said that he wanted to call, but Zoey wanted to tell them her self in person. Both Garrison and Zoey wish that Harry and Edith could have heard the good news. They know that they would have been so happy about their new great grandchild. Boy, l have never seen Emma and Joyce so happy before you would think that they were having the baby. Emma said that her Mom and Dad would have loved the news.
Will the food is done now the party is ready to start. Mike is playing his instrument l don't know what it is called. But everyone is dancing to the beat and having a good time. I just saw somebody new at the table and he is one big, big Big Foot. Jim ,Doug and Paul all know him from the Olympic National Forest. He came here about 6 months ago to start a new Clan. This Clan is on the other side of the Siuslaw River. We will all soon know who he is .
There are two large school buses coming down the hill on the road. The one in front belongs to Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie. The other one l have never seen before. It must be around 8 pm. now and starting to get darker. Skunk Ape Mike just got out of the school bus and gave Jim and Emma a big hug. I can that Teenie is get out of the bus also with her league. The other bus is pulling up next to Mike's bus. It is Garrison and Zoey, Garrison is Jim and Emma's son and Mira brother. Zoey is Teenie's sister. I rember when Zoey picked Garrison as her mate then they moved to the Elk Bend Clan. Zoey has got some good news for everyone in the Clan. She is going to have a BABY by next spring. The whole Clan is happy about the new Big Foot coming soon. Garrison said that he wanted to call, but Zoey wanted to tell them her self in person. Both Garrison and Zoey wish that Harry and Edith could have heard the good news. They know that they would have been so happy about their new great grandchild. Boy, l have never seen Emma and Joyce so happy before you would think that they were having the baby. Emma said that her Mom and Dad would have loved the news.
Will the food is done now the party is ready to start. Mike is playing his instrument l don't know what it is called. But everyone is dancing to the beat and having a good time. I just saw somebody new at the table and he is one big, big Big Foot. Jim ,Doug and Paul all know him from the Olympic National Forest. He came here about 6 months ago to start a new Clan. This Clan is on the other side of the Siuslaw River. We will all soon know who he is .
Monday, April 10, 2017
Day 34 Grave Site
The Roman Nose Clan is all outside of the Motor Home. It is also a big Clan and a lot of kids are running around all over the place. Big Foot Jim has digging tools and he is passing them out . Everyone is running around and talking to each other. I don't know what is going on. No one will tell me anything right now.
Sasquatche Doug is no where in sightright now and Big Foot Jim has disappeared also. Mira has been crying and so is Pagie.I heard Paul telling his Clan to head up to the top of the hill and wait for him. Doug and Jim came out of the Motor Home with Joyce and Emma.
I think l what is going on . There must have been a death in the Roman Nose Clan, so everyone is headed up to the top of the hill. The DRUMMING has started just a few minutes ago again. It is getting louder by the minute. Big Foot Jim Sasquatche Doug are both out by the Monaco Motor Home talking. I see that the Clan is carrying rocks and different sizes of logs up the hill. I asked if l could go up, and Doug said that they wanted me to be there for this. He said that Harry and Edith Yeti would want me there. I also asked what was going on to day. He said that Harry has died and Edith Yeti has taken some berries that will put her to sleep and then she will slowly pass away also. This is common among Yeti and Big Foot for the mate to take there lives to be with there mates. Big Foot mate for life and never take a new mate if one should happen to die. Now l know what is going on and l am saddened by it all.
Emma and Joyce are very upset but understands what has happened. Harry has been sick for about a year but kept it to himself only Tennis knew what was wrong with him. That is why he came to Oregon to see the girls and grandkids. The Clan has dug two large holes side by side. But they only lined one of them with rocks and logs. Because Emma and Joyce wants both of them in the grave site. The DRUMMING has been going on now for about 5 hours. It is almost 3 am. and they are getting ready to put Harry and his mate Edith in thier grave. They will put him in the site with his head on the north end of the grave. All Big Foot are placed in their graves with their head at the north end . Edith was placed in the site with Harry. Remember that Emma and Joyce wanted them together. I thought that they would be more upset. Emma told me that she found out that both of them were very ill and their time had come.
The Clan has planted five trees , three over the grave site and two along side. There is always three over a male and two over a female grave site. This a big surprise to me because l had no idea how sick they were. They talked about going to Florida all the time. But both Jim and Doug knew that Harry would not last much longer. The nose is so loud right now with the DRUMMING of the trees. This is a big honor to Harry and Edith Yeti to be put in a grave up by Jim's Dad's grave site.they were both Supreme leader in their territory. Very seldom do they put two Big Foot this close together. But both of these Big Foot were very important to their Clans. The DRUMMING has stopped now and it is so quiet out there.
Back at the RV and they did not return with me l am getting ready for bed, lt's been a long night.
Sasquatche Doug is no where in sightright now and Big Foot Jim has disappeared also. Mira has been crying and so is Pagie.I heard Paul telling his Clan to head up to the top of the hill and wait for him. Doug and Jim came out of the Motor Home with Joyce and Emma.
I think l what is going on . There must have been a death in the Roman Nose Clan, so everyone is headed up to the top of the hill. The DRUMMING has started just a few minutes ago again. It is getting louder by the minute. Big Foot Jim Sasquatche Doug are both out by the Monaco Motor Home talking. I see that the Clan is carrying rocks and different sizes of logs up the hill. I asked if l could go up, and Doug said that they wanted me to be there for this. He said that Harry and Edith Yeti would want me there. I also asked what was going on to day. He said that Harry has died and Edith Yeti has taken some berries that will put her to sleep and then she will slowly pass away also. This is common among Yeti and Big Foot for the mate to take there lives to be with there mates. Big Foot mate for life and never take a new mate if one should happen to die. Now l know what is going on and l am saddened by it all.
Emma and Joyce are very upset but understands what has happened. Harry has been sick for about a year but kept it to himself only Tennis knew what was wrong with him. That is why he came to Oregon to see the girls and grandkids. The Clan has dug two large holes side by side. But they only lined one of them with rocks and logs. Because Emma and Joyce wants both of them in the grave site. The DRUMMING has been going on now for about 5 hours. It is almost 3 am. and they are getting ready to put Harry and his mate Edith in thier grave. They will put him in the site with his head on the north end of the grave. All Big Foot are placed in their graves with their head at the north end . Edith was placed in the site with Harry. Remember that Emma and Joyce wanted them together. I thought that they would be more upset. Emma told me that she found out that both of them were very ill and their time had come.
The Clan has planted five trees , three over the grave site and two along side. There is always three over a male and two over a female grave site. This a big surprise to me because l had no idea how sick they were. They talked about going to Florida all the time. But both Jim and Doug knew that Harry would not last much longer. The nose is so loud right now with the DRUMMING of the trees. This is a big honor to Harry and Edith Yeti to be put in a grave up by Jim's Dad's grave site.they were both Supreme leader in their territory. Very seldom do they put two Big Foot this close together. But both of these Big Foot were very important to their Clans. The DRUMMING has stopped now and it is so quiet out there.
Back at the RV and they did not return with me l am getting ready for bed, lt's been a long night.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Day 33. Grave Site
Well it is 10 pm. now and not a Big Foot insight, so far. I wonder where they all are. I can hear pounding nose in the back ground. They is a lot of pounding on the trees with sticks and it sounds like drums. I have no idea why they are doing this. It has been going now for about 2 or 3 hours now. The drumming nose echoes throughout the forest. It seems like the drumming nose is coming from everywhere now. Big Foot Jim's sister is over by the Motor Home and she seems to have something in her arms. I see that she is holding Liberty in her arms. Mira just told just told me to stay by the 5th. wheel until Doug gives me a call and tells me what is going on. They are always telling me not to leave the RV. Iam not sure what is going on right now. Jim is over by the fire with his sister Carrie's. He just wave at me to come over, so l did. Jim saw me over by the RV. he wants me to meet his sister. Then she interlude me to her two sons, Larry and Barry and her Mate Paul the HadSalt Creek Clan leader. He became the Clan leader after Jim and Carrie dad passed away. As l was told then Jim became the surprise leader over all the Clans in the North West. That was Washington, Oregon, Idaho and northern California. There are more then 200 Clans out there. They all know and respect Jim a lot. Jim seems to be low key but he has a stiff hand over the Clans, but he is far.
Mira asked me to take a look up at the side of the Mt.
" Tell me what you see at the top ". I didn't quite understand what she mentioned. Then she showed me something that we all have seen, but did not think a thing of. If you look at the top of most mountains you will see what she talking about. ( Think Back ) Remember about how they plant trees over their grave sites? You will notice that one is so much taller then the rest. This is what they call a CASKET TREE. The middle tree always out grows the other two. It is so much taller .
So over the years, there is a lot of CASKET TREES out there. So as you are driving down the road, look up and you will see them across the top of the mountains. You will see one or two that are so much taller. Not all of them are CASKET TREES but some of them could be.
We are getting ready to go up to the top of Roman Nose Mt. to Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave site. The grave site is at the top of the Mt. This will be the frost time that Emma and Joyce has been there. What a hike up to the site. It was 2 am. before we got to the top. Over the passed 5 years the trees have grown a lot. I did notice that the middle one is much taller then the out side two. Carrie and Emma went with Joyce to the other grave site which was his mate's grave site. Some of the HadSalt Creek Clan and the Roman Nose Clan are still drumming on the trees. The reason that the Roman Nose Clan is drumming also is because Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave is right on the line between the two Clans. When l asked Paul why the drumming, he told me that this a way of showing any Big Foot the full respect that a surpreme leader should always get.
Larry and Barry ( Paul and Carrie's sons ) show me the way back to the RV. and lam so tired. Paul is taking everyone to the safe house for a feast. They will see me to night. I saw Larry and Barry running up the hill and out of sight.
See you all tonight.
Mira asked me to take a look up at the side of the Mt.
" Tell me what you see at the top ". I didn't quite understand what she mentioned. Then she showed me something that we all have seen, but did not think a thing of. If you look at the top of most mountains you will see what she talking about. ( Think Back ) Remember about how they plant trees over their grave sites? You will notice that one is so much taller then the rest. This is what they call a CASKET TREE. The middle tree always out grows the other two. It is so much taller .
So over the years, there is a lot of CASKET TREES out there. So as you are driving down the road, look up and you will see them across the top of the mountains. You will see one or two that are so much taller. Not all of them are CASKET TREES but some of them could be.
We are getting ready to go up to the top of Roman Nose Mt. to Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave site. The grave site is at the top of the Mt. This will be the frost time that Emma and Joyce has been there. What a hike up to the site. It was 2 am. before we got to the top. Over the passed 5 years the trees have grown a lot. I did notice that the middle one is much taller then the out side two. Carrie and Emma went with Joyce to the other grave site which was his mate's grave site. Some of the HadSalt Creek Clan and the Roman Nose Clan are still drumming on the trees. The reason that the Roman Nose Clan is drumming also is because Jim and Carrie's Dad's grave is right on the line between the two Clans. When l asked Paul why the drumming, he told me that this a way of showing any Big Foot the full respect that a surpreme leader should always get.
Larry and Barry ( Paul and Carrie's sons ) show me the way back to the RV. and lam so tired. Paul is taking everyone to the safe house for a feast. They will see me to night. I saw Larry and Barry running up the hill and out of sight.
See you all tonight.
Day 32 Jim's Farther
Well we Findlay got to Florence and then we turned left on Hwy 126 headed to our next stop. We went about 14 miles out of town.!!! We came to Maplton and crossed the bridge. This bridge crossed over the Siuslaw River as we crossed over we turned and went east about 1/4 mile, then we turned right on to road 5035. This road ran along the HadSalt Creek. We just stopped Along the road and Mira and Pagie got in my truck. Mira is so funny she said that Pagie and she are playing the ( I see game ) . I asked " What is the I see game ". Pagie said that to win the game you see who finds the most humans along side the road. Or who finds the frost human in the woods, Wins. Well we are still on road 5035 along HadSalt Creek. Just turned up 4880 as we followed the creek. We turned lift at N.F. road 914 but we stayed on 4880 which went straight and then we turned left and then we went all the way to the end. This spot is all the way to the bottom of the Canyon and deep in the forest. I just saw some territory markers these are trees with their roots in the air. Mira and Pagie both started laughing at something. She asked me if I saw the two Big Foots along side the road. I told her that l didn't see anyone. All of a sudden one was standing right in the middle of the road l almost hit him. Then all at once Mira jumped out of the pick up and ran up to the Big Foot and gave him a big hug. Pagie said that it was her cousin that she used to play with up on Mt. Hood. I had no idea that Big Foot Jim lived just out side of Zig Zag ,Or. up on Mt. Hood. I know this area well as l lived near by in town called Estacada. Mira came back over by the truck and Pagie got out. Then they both took off with her cousin up the hill. Now another Big Foot got in the truck and told me to pull up to the left of the Motor Home.
Jim just came over with his sister Carrie and his brother in law Paul. They are both here in the Clan that Big Foot Jim and his sister Carrie's farther started. He passed away about 5 years ago and Carrie's mate Paul became Clan leader. This is the HadSalt Creek Clan, and is a big one. It has about 25 members plus all the kids. Their territory runs from HadSalt Creek to the top of Roman Nose Mt. in the Siuslaw Nat'L Forest which is 2800 feet tall. Doug said that his uncle was the Supreme leader of all the Big Foots in the North West at one time. Now Jim is the supreme leader of all the Clans from Washington, Oregon and northern California. Jim and the rest of the Clan are going up to his dad's grave site tomorrow night. But for now everybody is going to a safe house on the side of the Mountain. Paul said that to night we will have a gathering. I watched as they all disappeared into the woods. Iam going to the 5th. wheel now and get some rest.
Tonight should be a hoot.
Jim just came over with his sister Carrie and his brother in law Paul. They are both here in the Clan that Big Foot Jim and his sister Carrie's farther started. He passed away about 5 years ago and Carrie's mate Paul became Clan leader. This is the HadSalt Creek Clan, and is a big one. It has about 25 members plus all the kids. Their territory runs from HadSalt Creek to the top of Roman Nose Mt. in the Siuslaw Nat'L Forest which is 2800 feet tall. Doug said that his uncle was the Supreme leader of all the Big Foots in the North West at one time. Now Jim is the supreme leader of all the Clans from Washington, Oregon and northern California. Jim and the rest of the Clan are going up to his dad's grave site tomorrow night. But for now everybody is going to a safe house on the side of the Mountain. Paul said that to night we will have a gathering. I watched as they all disappeared into the woods. Iam going to the 5th. wheel now and get some rest.
Tonight should be a hoot.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Day 31. The Disputes
It looks like we are getting ready to go. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug are both out by the Motor Home hooking up the tow car. They have been working on the internet all day. Jim said that their business has really picked up now. The football play offs has started . Doug informed me that the football season will be over soon, then basketball starts. We have slot of work to do to get ready for the basketball season. Jim wants to get as much work done as he can right away. He wants to go up to Cummins Creek Wilderness area to meet up with a Clan next to Saddle Back Clan. Doug let me know that the Saddle Back Clan is in the Rock Creek Wilderness area. The two Clans are in a disagreement about the creek that runs between the two Clan's territory. The Cummins Creek Clan is very upset with the Saddle Back Clan. They both think that a small Creek that runs between them is theirs. Big Foot Jim is going with Doug to take care of the disputed. Emma was telling me that it is very seldom that two Clans have this kind of disagreement. The boundaries are marked with the tree roots up side down in the air. Jim said that it will be very easy to straighten out this disagreement. As they got ready to up to see the Saddle Back and Cummins Creek Clans for the meeting, he asked if I would like to go with Them. They both would like to take to me about something. . But he asked me not to say anything to the girls. ( Emma and Joyce ).
On the way up to the meeting Doug told me about Harry. Jim said that Harry is 32 years old now. You can figure that for every year a Big Foot lives. ( Times it by 2.25 ) that would make Harry Yeti 72 years old this year. Jim also said he has been having slot of trouble with his weight. Tennie gave him some herbs when she last saw him. They don't think that the herbs are helping much. He is also in a lot of pain and is tired all the time.
We just got up to Saddle Back Mt. This is were the Saddle Back Clan lives. Both Clans live in this area and have gotten along great in the passed. They just live across the creek from each other and have for years. Both Saddle Back Clan and Cummins Creek Clan are waiting for us in the next clearing. From what l see it doesn't look that bad they are kicking around with each other. Doug told me that they are brothers any how. They had to divided the Clan some time ago. Because the old Clan got too large. Jim is over talking to the Clan leaders and told them that the Creek will be voided right down the middle. That will be the end of the disput as of to day. Jim has findnel say over this case and they don't come up that often. I has never see Clan leaders back down before. Jim has a lot of authority and l asked Doug why and how come he has so much power over the Clans. He let me know that we will talk about it when we get back to the Motor Home. Right now it is important to let Jim do his thing. I just saw the Big Foot from the Klickitat Clan that l gave a ride to was there. He was picked as a mate by the young lady in the Saddle Back Clan. Now that dispute is taken care of we can head back to the camp site. On the way back Jim reminded me not to say anything about Harry. We are going to leave as soon as we can and go to Florence Or. Right after we got back to camp Joyce was upset with Doug. She found out about her dad from Tennie. She wanted to know why Doug did not tell her. Jim stept in and told both Emma and Joyce to talk to Harry and Edith. He told them what was going on with him and was planning on telling everyone at the right time.
Sasquatche Doug got everything ready for us to go. We will leave in about an hour or so he said. The plan is to go to Roman Nose Mountain off Hwy. 126 up to the Siuslan River some were.
On the way up to the meeting Doug told me about Harry. Jim said that Harry is 32 years old now. You can figure that for every year a Big Foot lives. ( Times it by 2.25 ) that would make Harry Yeti 72 years old this year. Jim also said he has been having slot of trouble with his weight. Tennie gave him some herbs when she last saw him. They don't think that the herbs are helping much. He is also in a lot of pain and is tired all the time.
We just got up to Saddle Back Mt. This is were the Saddle Back Clan lives. Both Clans live in this area and have gotten along great in the passed. They just live across the creek from each other and have for years. Both Saddle Back Clan and Cummins Creek Clan are waiting for us in the next clearing. From what l see it doesn't look that bad they are kicking around with each other. Doug told me that they are brothers any how. They had to divided the Clan some time ago. Because the old Clan got too large. Jim is over talking to the Clan leaders and told them that the Creek will be voided right down the middle. That will be the end of the disput as of to day. Jim has findnel say over this case and they don't come up that often. I has never see Clan leaders back down before. Jim has a lot of authority and l asked Doug why and how come he has so much power over the Clans. He let me know that we will talk about it when we get back to the Motor Home. Right now it is important to let Jim do his thing. I just saw the Big Foot from the Klickitat Clan that l gave a ride to was there. He was picked as a mate by the young lady in the Saddle Back Clan. Now that dispute is taken care of we can head back to the camp site. On the way back Jim reminded me not to say anything about Harry. We are going to leave as soon as we can and go to Florence Or. Right after we got back to camp Joyce was upset with Doug. She found out about her dad from Tennie. She wanted to know why Doug did not tell her. Jim stept in and told both Emma and Joyce to talk to Harry and Edith. He told them what was going on with him and was planning on telling everyone at the right time.
Sasquatche Doug got everything ready for us to go. We will leave in about an hour or so he said. The plan is to go to Roman Nose Mountain off Hwy. 126 up to the Siuslan River some were.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Day 30 Carl G. Wash.
This park is just north of Heceta Head Light House. The Heceta viewpoint is just down the road too. We are planning to go both of them tonight . Big Foot Jim said that Harry and Edith Yeti will be leaving us soon . They are going to get a Motor Home in Eugene OR. The plan is for them to head over to Eugene, once we get to Florence in a few days. They will meet back up with us in Brandon at the State Park. Bullard State Park is a great place to stay. I know that they want to leave for Florida as soon as they can. Emma and Joyce along with Pagie , Mira and Edith are going on a hike. They are going to take Liberty with them also. It will be about a 6 miles round trip to the light house from here. So we will leave about 10 pm. To night.
It is a cold clear night , so Iam going to dress warm for the trip. The girls are all back now and said that they are ready to go to the light house. Edith is going to stay in camp Harry and the baby. This is not a big park, It only only has about 50 full hook ups along with walk-in and Yurts. Not a lot of campers in the park this week. Well it is time to go on our hike now Pagie and Mira are eager to get going. We will be on the Oregon Coast trail part of the way. The walk will be along the coast heading south from the park. It took about 2 hrs. to get there, but it was worth it. We stopped a lot and looked around at the coast line. There is a lot to see at this park so make sure you stop by and enjoy the beach. I know on the way back we will see a lot even though it is dark. The stars are dancing off the water with light flickering off the waves. Big Foot Jim let me know that they will be here for aleast two night, Iam glad for that. There is a lot to do in this area. I going to drive down to Florence tomorrow morning before l go to bed. I need some food from Fred Meyers and it is only about 14 miles south of the park.
We got a big scare on the way back. Pagie fell off the trail down the embankment in the dark. She was okay, she just got muddy and hurt her hip a little. This is something l never thought about how do they get the mud off. What Emma told me is that they let it dry and just brush it out. We are back at camp and lam getting ready to go to Fred Meyers in Florence. This way l can get there and back and get some rest. On the way to Florence l turned off to go see Heceta Beach. It is worth the extra time l spent. I got what l needed at the store and also picked up something for Pagie,Mira and Liberty to play with on the beach. Iam back at the 5 the. wheel and getting ready for bed.
It is a cold clear night , so Iam going to dress warm for the trip. The girls are all back now and said that they are ready to go to the light house. Edith is going to stay in camp Harry and the baby. This is not a big park, It only only has about 50 full hook ups along with walk-in and Yurts. Not a lot of campers in the park this week. Well it is time to go on our hike now Pagie and Mira are eager to get going. We will be on the Oregon Coast trail part of the way. The walk will be along the coast heading south from the park. It took about 2 hrs. to get there, but it was worth it. We stopped a lot and looked around at the coast line. There is a lot to see at this park so make sure you stop by and enjoy the beach. I know on the way back we will see a lot even though it is dark. The stars are dancing off the water with light flickering off the waves. Big Foot Jim let me know that they will be here for aleast two night, Iam glad for that. There is a lot to do in this area. I going to drive down to Florence tomorrow morning before l go to bed. I need some food from Fred Meyers and it is only about 14 miles south of the park.
We got a big scare on the way back. Pagie fell off the trail down the embankment in the dark. She was okay, she just got muddy and hurt her hip a little. This is something l never thought about how do they get the mud off. What Emma told me is that they let it dry and just brush it out. We are back at camp and lam getting ready to go to Fred Meyers in Florence. This way l can get there and back and get some rest. On the way to Florence l turned off to go see Heceta Beach. It is worth the extra time l spent. I got what l needed at the store and also picked up something for Pagie,Mira and Liberty to play with on the beach. Iam back at the 5 the. wheel and getting ready for bed.
Day 29. Shelters
I slept Google today , The only thing l heard alday was some shooting from some hunters. The shots came from the other side of the mountain. Jim said that he talked to Frank. Frank said that l could go with them tonight. Iam looking forward to it. Frank wants to leave in about 15 min. or so. I got ready to go and thought that we were going to the cave. But l was so surprised to see where we ended up at. The shelter l was working on is in plan sight. But you would miss it if you didn't know it was there. It blended in with the mountain side . Over the years they have learned how to build their shelters so good that you can't find them. Even after l worked on it, l still had trouble finding it again. Frank was taking to Jim and told him that there are 10 shelters in the area alone. They have been adding on and improved on over the years slot.
I got to go in one , and it was just like a house on the in side. The rooms were large and clean inside. They even had cave art on the walls showing what they were doing. The rooms were slot bigger then l thought and had build in air vents. I have been told if a logger is logging right over the top of the shelters, they would not even know it is there. The Big Foots like Nat'L parks because they are less likely to be logged. Some of the trap doors are so good and they are so we'll build they can get in and out with ease. We must have cleaned out 6 or 7 caves so far tonight.
Frank wants me to head back to camp now he wants to show Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug a safe house. This is a place to go to in case of fire or if they need to hide the whole Clan . It is back in the forest and a lot more remote. I will tell you that the next time you are driving look up into the woods. You will see what looks like a FOG BANK coming out of the freestanding up. This could and most likely will be the steam coming out of a one of Big Foots shelters. Some of the fog is the heat that
Is created in their caves. The heat is escaping out of the vents when they are all in their caves and it hits the cold air. I was also surprised by how warm it gets in the shelters. There are 8 large family in this Clan. They seam to have at least 10 caves plus. a safehouse that l know of maybe more.
Back in camp now with the ladies and the kids. They are getting dinner ready for the crew. Iam going to head up to the 5 the. wheel to get a bite to eat. Iam most likely going to be alone until morning when everyone is coming back. They are all back now and done with dinner. They're are making a lot of noise and having a good time. Everyone is laughing and joking around and having a great get together. Romona and Frank thanked everyone for their help. Romona told us that now the Clan is ready for winter and the up coming bad weather. Doug wants to leave for the coast today something.
He would like to get to Carl G Washburn's State Park by noon. One of the Klickitat Clan members is going to ride with me . He needs to get to the Saddle Back Cummins Clan. They are up on the edge of the Rock Creek Wilderness. I will drop him off at Washburn's State Park and they will pick him up there. He is hoping to get picked as a mate , from a young lady that lives in the Saddle Back Cummins Clan, that he met last year. We are in now and the Saddle Back Cummins Clan was waiting for us and has gone back already.
I got to go in one , and it was just like a house on the in side. The rooms were large and clean inside. They even had cave art on the walls showing what they were doing. The rooms were slot bigger then l thought and had build in air vents. I have been told if a logger is logging right over the top of the shelters, they would not even know it is there. The Big Foots like Nat'L parks because they are less likely to be logged. Some of the trap doors are so good and they are so we'll build they can get in and out with ease. We must have cleaned out 6 or 7 caves so far tonight.
Frank wants me to head back to camp now he wants to show Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug a safe house. This is a place to go to in case of fire or if they need to hide the whole Clan . It is back in the forest and a lot more remote. I will tell you that the next time you are driving look up into the woods. You will see what looks like a FOG BANK coming out of the freestanding up. This could and most likely will be the steam coming out of a one of Big Foots shelters. Some of the fog is the heat that
Is created in their caves. The heat is escaping out of the vents when they are all in their caves and it hits the cold air. I was also surprised by how warm it gets in the shelters. There are 8 large family in this Clan. They seam to have at least 10 caves plus. a safehouse that l know of maybe more.
Back in camp now with the ladies and the kids. They are getting dinner ready for the crew. Iam going to head up to the 5 the. wheel to get a bite to eat. Iam most likely going to be alone until morning when everyone is coming back. They are all back now and done with dinner. They're are making a lot of noise and having a good time. Everyone is laughing and joking around and having a great get together. Romona and Frank thanked everyone for their help. Romona told us that now the Clan is ready for winter and the up coming bad weather. Doug wants to leave for the coast today something.
He would like to get to Carl G Washburn's State Park by noon. One of the Klickitat Clan members is going to ride with me . He needs to get to the Saddle Back Cummins Clan. They are up on the edge of the Rock Creek Wilderness. I will drop him off at Washburn's State Park and they will pick him up there. He is hoping to get picked as a mate , from a young lady that lives in the Saddle Back Cummins Clan, that he met last year. We are in now and the Saddle Back Cummins Clan was waiting for us and has gone back already.
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