I was not able to sleep all day thinking about what is going on. I keep looking out side to see what is up . I have been hearing a lot crying and wailing coming from the Monaco Motor Home . It is almost dark out side now. I will be headed out side to see what is going on.
I hear an airplane in the back ground now. I wonder who could be flying in. We well all know soon . There is some noise out side and it sounds like Skunk Ape Mike and his mate Teenie along with LeRoys Mom and Dad and he looks at least 9 feet tall. He is one big Big Foot..His name is Big Foot Sam and his mate is Kathy..
Jim,Doug, Weatherbee and Berry are not back yet. We will not know what is going on until they all get back in about two hours or so. Emma just came over with Teenie to tell me that Sam and Mike along with Teenie are headed out to where LeRoy is. I can still hear tree pounding in the back ground.
Mira and Paige along with Joyce has not left the Motor Home .. Alexis has Liberty and her daughter Olivia over by the camp fire. Emma is headed back into the Motor Home and I still don’t what is going on.
I see Weatherbee and Berry coming up the trail along with some other Big Foots. They are carrying a litter with LeRoy on it.. Teenie is also with a group of Big Foots covered in blood. They took LeRoy right to the safe house down by the creek.. Mira , Paige along with Emma and Joyce are headed that way. It looks like that no one wants to leave the camp site until they find out what has happen. They said that we are going to have a meeting in about an hour or so.They are planing on tell everyone what condition that LeRoy is in. It will not be long now and everyone will know what has happen to him. We will just have to wait to see what is going on..
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