This morning has been a little hectic. The Monaco well not start. Sasquatch Doug has been working on it for about 20 min. now or so. Big Foot Jim has informed me that a wire came off the starter. Everyone is ready to go now. As we were leaving Lincoln City we stopped at the Silent Bay. It was at low tide now and almost empty. Emma called and told me that they where going to turn off at Hwy. 229, and head up the Silent river. This road will follow the river and into the town of Siletz. We will turn left on Hwy. 410 and head up Logsden Rd. just the other side of Siletz. We ended up turning on Moonshine Park Rd. Now we are back along the Siletz river again. Moonshine Park Rd. Veers to the left. Jim turn off to the right. Now we are headed up the Siuslaw Nat'L forest Rd. Left over the bridge then left again, and past Powerhouse hole. Finally, Jim stopped and Doug came back to the truck . He wanted me to know that we will be going down an old logging road. As we started down the old logging road, I noticed that the road was well maintained. The gate was locked behind us by someone. I did not see who locked it. We got to the end and parked under a thick Grove of trees. I got out and Jim and Doug started setting up camp. Harry said that we will be here at least two days. No one will bother us here.
Garrison and the other kids left to go get fire wood. The girls are laying down now. They are used to sleeping during the day time. I need to get some rest if I am going to be up to night. I hope that everyone is all rested up now. 10 pm. and the kids are out running around and playing. I hear alot of noise in the woods, and it seems to be coming this way. The noise is a family of Big Foots coming through the woods. The Big Foot is the Clan leader and was a child hood friend from the Olympic Nat'l Park. He moved here about 10 years ago I heard Doug call him Bruce. The Sasquatch came to Oregon to start his own Clan. Bruce told me that it just him ,his Mate and two kids. The reason that we are here, we came to help negotiate a deal between the Texas Clan and Bruce. They worked on it all night long . Between the Phone call and the internet, a deal was worked out. The leader will be Bruce because he staked out this large territory by him self. The new Clan will be the Powerhouse Clan.
Shirtless host Steve
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