This will be our 2nd. night at Cap Lookout. I just got up and hear the kids outside playing already. I was tired last night and must have slept in a little. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug are knocking on the door. Doug said they would like to talk to me. Jim asked if I'd meet them out by the picnic table. I told them that I would be there in aboutb15 min.
As I came out of the 5th. Wheel, I noticed that there were two boxes on the table. Emma and Joyce were at the table talking. In the meantime, Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug were off to the side talking also. What a surprise I got out there, as Doug was showing me what was in the boxes, as Jim was filling me in on the business. The boxes had all kinds of things to look at and all of them had something to do with Big Foot. Their Internet business is mostly Big Foot merchandise. The boxes were jam full of ,. Tee shirt, Key rings, Mugs, Bumper stickers and all types of Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. Jim also told me that this only part of what they sell on the Net. Doug told me that their biggest sales at one time had nothing to do with Big Foot. At the time the sales were so big that they had to get out side help to keep up. We did not have the internet at the time--harder to keep track of the sales. I ask what was so popular, and both of them ( Chuckled ) and said
D.B. Cooper
We sold a truck load of ( WHERE IS D.B. COOPER ). Bumper stickers, Mugs, and much more. Emma ask if I would like a Tee Shirt. of course I would I said. Then Jim said it will be $15.00 with a smile on his face. I ended up with a tee shirt, key ring and much, much more. Jim let me know that the Internet is a way to make an income. This way no one knows they are buying from us. Some Clans sell auto parts but most of us sell Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. It is big business!! And we only buy Made in America. The cost is a little higher but the market is there.
Sasquatch Doug had alot to do tonight, so he is going to stay in. When ever there is a sighting their business picks up alot. The girls are going on a hike and Jim is going in to help Doug. So I am going to go to Tillamook and do some shopping for dinner for tomorrow night.
Thanks Teenie
Shirtless host Steve
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