The camp was just buzzing today and I am having a hard time getting sleep today. The noise out side is quite loud. It is a weekend and the camp is full and alot of people are running around. I hope I get some sleep.
Tonight Big Foot Jim Emma want to go for a hike. I am up now, ( did not get much sleep ) but I am rested up for tonight. I can smell B.B.Q. out side. Doug is barbecuing some Ribs I got in Tillamook last night at the market. Joyce is going to make potato salad. Emma and Joyce are going t work on the ice cream. Mira said that her mom said to come over about 10:30 tonight for dinner. I heard that Harry and Edith Yeti. are planning to be back tonight sometime. Emma and Joyce will be happy to see them.
The camp is still buzzing and campers every where. Garrison and Mira are knocking on the door. I wonder what they're up to. They came over to tell me dinner is almost ready. I can smell the ribs and boy do they smell good. I know that Joyce made some potato salad from wild potatosnshe found. Emma is making the blue berry ice cream. I had no idea that Sasquatch Doug was such a good cook!. I have smelled their food alot and it always smells so good for being road kill.
There is an old school bus coming down the road. Well it looks like Harry's little brother driving it. He bring Harry and Edith Yeti back from Round Top. I hope that he can stay for dinner before he has to go back. I just saw Harry get out of the bus I didn't see Edith. I hope she is okay.
Doug said that dinner will be ready in about 15 min. What a B.B.Q. ( the ribs ) were out of this world. I have always said that no one could B.B.Q. as good as my brother by another mother Greg. But this ribs were almost as good as Greg's. I had a good time and everything was great. The ice cream was the high light of the B.B.Q. blue berry's that Emma and Joyce picked fresh today.
Harry's little brother just left to get back up to Round Top before day light. Now we all are going on a hike on the Oregan Coast Trail. Harry and Edith want to stay in camp with Liberty. Edith said that they just wanted to rest in camp. We got back and we all had a nice time hike. It will be day light soon and and Doug would like to leave today. I have no idea where we are going next but I know it will be an adventure.
Your guide shirtless Steve
Thanks again Teenie
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Day 11 Internet sales
This will be our 2nd. night at Cap Lookout. I just got up and hear the kids outside playing already. I was tired last night and must have slept in a little. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug are knocking on the door. Doug said they would like to talk to me. Jim asked if I'd meet them out by the picnic table. I told them that I would be there in aboutb15 min.
As I came out of the 5th. Wheel, I noticed that there were two boxes on the table. Emma and Joyce were at the table talking. In the meantime, Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug were off to the side talking also. What a surprise I got out there, as Doug was showing me what was in the boxes, as Jim was filling me in on the business. The boxes had all kinds of things to look at and all of them had something to do with Big Foot. Their Internet business is mostly Big Foot merchandise. The boxes were jam full of ,. Tee shirt, Key rings, Mugs, Bumper stickers and all types of Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. Jim also told me that this only part of what they sell on the Net. Doug told me that their biggest sales at one time had nothing to do with Big Foot. At the time the sales were so big that they had to get out side help to keep up. We did not have the internet at the time--harder to keep track of the sales. I ask what was so popular, and both of them ( Chuckled ) and said
D.B. Cooper
We sold a truck load of ( WHERE IS D.B. COOPER ). Bumper stickers, Mugs, and much more. Emma ask if I would like a Tee Shirt. of course I would I said. Then Jim said it will be $15.00 with a smile on his face. I ended up with a tee shirt, key ring and much, much more. Jim let me know that the Internet is a way to make an income. This way no one knows they are buying from us. Some Clans sell auto parts but most of us sell Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. It is big business!! And we only buy Made in America. The cost is a little higher but the market is there.
Sasquatch Doug had alot to do tonight, so he is going to stay in. When ever there is a sighting their business picks up alot. The girls are going on a hike and Jim is going in to help Doug. So I am going to go to Tillamook and do some shopping for dinner for tomorrow night.
Thanks Teenie
Shirtless host Steve
As I came out of the 5th. Wheel, I noticed that there were two boxes on the table. Emma and Joyce were at the table talking. In the meantime, Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug were off to the side talking also. What a surprise I got out there, as Doug was showing me what was in the boxes, as Jim was filling me in on the business. The boxes had all kinds of things to look at and all of them had something to do with Big Foot. Their Internet business is mostly Big Foot merchandise. The boxes were jam full of ,. Tee shirt, Key rings, Mugs, Bumper stickers and all types of Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. Jim also told me that this only part of what they sell on the Net. Doug told me that their biggest sales at one time had nothing to do with Big Foot. At the time the sales were so big that they had to get out side help to keep up. We did not have the internet at the time--harder to keep track of the sales. I ask what was so popular, and both of them ( Chuckled ) and said
D.B. Cooper
We sold a truck load of ( WHERE IS D.B. COOPER ). Bumper stickers, Mugs, and much more. Emma ask if I would like a Tee Shirt. of course I would I said. Then Jim said it will be $15.00 with a smile on his face. I ended up with a tee shirt, key ring and much, much more. Jim let me know that the Internet is a way to make an income. This way no one knows they are buying from us. Some Clans sell auto parts but most of us sell Big Foot and Sasquatch merchandise. It is big business!! And we only buy Made in America. The cost is a little higher but the market is there.
Sasquatch Doug had alot to do tonight, so he is going to stay in. When ever there is a sighting their business picks up alot. The girls are going on a hike and Jim is going in to help Doug. So I am going to go to Tillamook and do some shopping for dinner for tomorrow night.
Thanks Teenie
Shirtless host Steve
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Day 10 the internet
This is our first night at Cap Lookout and the kids should be up soon and ready to go out to play. Big Foot Jim just told me that we all our going out to the Cap Lookout peninsula that juts out westward 2 miles. It will be about a two and a half mile hike to the lookout and view point.
Sasquatch Doug needs to stay in camp and do some work. He has alot of work to do on the internet, Jim said. We are getting behind on our internet orders. I asked,
" What internet business do you have ? " Jim said that Doug and he own an online internet business. Doug will tell you about it later when he has time. Right now we would like to go on a hike out to the view point. Joyce and Emma and the kids are getting ready for the hike. They want it to get a little darker before we start.
We drove up to the parking lot at the trail head. As we started out, the trail we muddy at times but not to bad. On the way out to the view point we had to go though a Grove of Sitka Spruce trees. The Spruce trees limbs were laden with moss and thick ferns all around. It reminded me of a horror movie I just watched. But in the movie you did not return. Just as we got past the trees, you could see the light from the stars flicking off the water. Joyce pointed out a Placard that told about the B17F Bomber that crashed into the side of the peninsula in 1943. Emma told us all about the rumours that a Big Foot saved the lone survivor. He was from the Elk Bend Clan, he was out fishing. It was a very foggy and over cast day. But was it just a rumour, someone saved him!!! As we hiked out to the view point, the view was spectacular and the clear skys let the moon light dance off the water. The stars were out and what a sight for sore eyes. The kids were running around having fun, we stayed out there about two hours.
Jim said they should be getting back. He wants to get back to help Sasquatch Doug with the online sales. I guess I will find out someday what they sell. On the way back I saw Garrison limping on his right leg. Emma said that he hurt it up at Round Top jumping off a log playing a game called ( get away and hide ) this is a game they play all the time. It teaches them how to avoid people. He should be playing a few days. As soon as we got back the kids took off to play.
Joyce is taking Liberty in to lay down. Emma and I our out by the fire just talking. I can see the sun is starting to raise now. We all had a good time last night on our hike. I hope to find out more about the business that Sasquatch Doug and Big Foot Jim has that supports the family. Emma said good night and went inside.
Your shirtless host Steve.
Sasquatch Doug needs to stay in camp and do some work. He has alot of work to do on the internet, Jim said. We are getting behind on our internet orders. I asked,
" What internet business do you have ? " Jim said that Doug and he own an online internet business. Doug will tell you about it later when he has time. Right now we would like to go on a hike out to the view point. Joyce and Emma and the kids are getting ready for the hike. They want it to get a little darker before we start.
We drove up to the parking lot at the trail head. As we started out, the trail we muddy at times but not to bad. On the way out to the view point we had to go though a Grove of Sitka Spruce trees. The Spruce trees limbs were laden with moss and thick ferns all around. It reminded me of a horror movie I just watched. But in the movie you did not return. Just as we got past the trees, you could see the light from the stars flicking off the water. Joyce pointed out a Placard that told about the B17F Bomber that crashed into the side of the peninsula in 1943. Emma told us all about the rumours that a Big Foot saved the lone survivor. He was from the Elk Bend Clan, he was out fishing. It was a very foggy and over cast day. But was it just a rumour, someone saved him!!! As we hiked out to the view point, the view was spectacular and the clear skys let the moon light dance off the water. The stars were out and what a sight for sore eyes. The kids were running around having fun, we stayed out there about two hours.
Jim said they should be getting back. He wants to get back to help Sasquatch Doug with the online sales. I guess I will find out someday what they sell. On the way back I saw Garrison limping on his right leg. Emma said that he hurt it up at Round Top jumping off a log playing a game called ( get away and hide ) this is a game they play all the time. It teaches them how to avoid people. He should be playing a few days. As soon as we got back the kids took off to play.
Joyce is taking Liberty in to lay down. Emma and I our out by the fire just talking. I can see the sun is starting to raise now. We all had a good time last night on our hike. I hope to find out more about the business that Sasquatch Doug and Big Foot Jim has that supports the family. Emma said good night and went inside.
Your shirtless host Steve.
Day 9 shaking campers and RVs.
It was a long night by the camp fire but what a beautiful night. Iam all hooked up now and ready to go on our new adventure. I would like to get to Cap Lookout S.P. as soon as I can . I am hoping to pick out two good camp sites. The day has gone by petty fast so far. I need to get some rest before tonight. I don't know what time they will get in. Must be around noon now I see a large Monaco Motor Home pulling in. Well it is Big Foot Jim and the kids called and said that they had a good time. Mira told me that her dad and the rest of them want to get some rest now. I saw Jim getting the RV. Hooked up now he is off to bed. He yelled at me and said see you tonight.
Harry and Edith Yeti did not come back with everyone. Harry wanted to stay and visit his little brother a few days. Joyce informed me that they will catch up with us later.
Sasquatch Doug was telling me one of the reasons they went back up to Round Top was to get some hunting in. Garrison told me that they got two deers. Garrison was excited because he got to help clean and cut up the deers. I didn't ask were they got the deers or how.
Emma and Joyce are cooking up something for dinner for the Clan. Iam going to have pork chops tonight. One thing I can say is that the girls cooking smell ready good. How ever, roadkill is not on my diet. But it smells good.
We are having a nice camp fire now. Sasquatch Doug is telling stories about the past. I did find out why they turn logs--root side up. The one thing that surprised me was the story about why they shake campers and RVs at night. The shaking started back when the first settlers were traveling over the Oregan trail. As they were telling me about why they do it, I started to understand why it is a good idea to shake your RV. This tells me how smart they are and how they look at things differently then we do. The shaking of the covered wagons and now RVs. and campers server the same purpose now as it do then. Sasquatch Doug tell some of the best old family stories. He wants the kids to know about the past. Big Foot Jim is into family history also. Emma wants to stay here for a least 2 or 3 days. Joyce and Emma want their mom and dad to stay up at Round Top as long as they want. It is almost day light again and they are headed in. Kids are back from playing.
Good night or good day.
Thanks Teenie. Your shirtless host Steve
Harry and Edith Yeti did not come back with everyone. Harry wanted to stay and visit his little brother a few days. Joyce informed me that they will catch up with us later.
Sasquatch Doug was telling me one of the reasons they went back up to Round Top was to get some hunting in. Garrison told me that they got two deers. Garrison was excited because he got to help clean and cut up the deers. I didn't ask were they got the deers or how.
Emma and Joyce are cooking up something for dinner for the Clan. Iam going to have pork chops tonight. One thing I can say is that the girls cooking smell ready good. How ever, roadkill is not on my diet. But it smells good.
We are having a nice camp fire now. Sasquatch Doug is telling stories about the past. I did find out why they turn logs--root side up. The one thing that surprised me was the story about why they shake campers and RVs at night. The shaking started back when the first settlers were traveling over the Oregan trail. As they were telling me about why they do it, I started to understand why it is a good idea to shake your RV. This tells me how smart they are and how they look at things differently then we do. The shaking of the covered wagons and now RVs. and campers server the same purpose now as it do then. Sasquatch Doug tell some of the best old family stories. He wants the kids to know about the past. Big Foot Jim is into family history also. Emma wants to stay here for a least 2 or 3 days. Joyce and Emma want their mom and dad to stay up at Round Top as long as they want. It is almost day light again and they are headed in. Kids are back from playing.
Good night or good day.
Thanks Teenie. Your shirtless host Steve
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Day 8 who's Who's
It is just after dark now and I haven't heard from Big Foot Jim. I guess I will stay in Tillamook one more night. I hope that everything is going okay. It is about 8pm. now and Iam used to being up all night. I just can't seem to get sleep. Iam going to build a camp fire and just relax by it. The camp Iam in is small but very clean and no one around.
Big Foot Jim just gave me a call to let me know that they are heading back up to Round Top. They all want to get together one more time, before they all have to go home. He said that some live as far away as upper Washington State. Three of them live in North Cascade Nat'L Park. The park is by British Columbia. Two live on Mt. Logan and the other one lives on Mt. Blum with their Clans. Some came from Idaho and live in the Manukau Nat'L forest. They are all Clan leader's. I ask Jim why are some called Big Foots and some are called Sasquatch's. The reason is simple to explain. Everyone north of the Columbia River is a Sasquatch and everyone south of the Columbia River are called Big Foot. In the years past we were divided by the river. In the past if you wanted a mate from the other side you had to swim over. This was very dangerous and you did not always get a mate. You might have to swim over two or three times. Before she would pick you for a mate. I ask if that happens alot (OH YES ) Jim said.
Jim said that the leader of this Clan is Harry's little brother. I don't see anything little about him. He is a Yeti not a Big Foot and his mate was the old Clan leader's daughter. Jim said that his phone was getting low on power and he will call me back tomorrow.
He wants me to get two camp sites at Cap Lookout S.P. for tomorrow night. So I said good bye and returned off the phone.
Your shirtless host Steve
Big Foot Jim just gave me a call to let me know that they are heading back up to Round Top. They all want to get together one more time, before they all have to go home. He said that some live as far away as upper Washington State. Three of them live in North Cascade Nat'L Park. The park is by British Columbia. Two live on Mt. Logan and the other one lives on Mt. Blum with their Clans. Some came from Idaho and live in the Manukau Nat'L forest. They are all Clan leader's. I ask Jim why are some called Big Foots and some are called Sasquatch's. The reason is simple to explain. Everyone north of the Columbia River is a Sasquatch and everyone south of the Columbia River are called Big Foot. In the years past we were divided by the river. In the past if you wanted a mate from the other side you had to swim over. This was very dangerous and you did not always get a mate. You might have to swim over two or three times. Before she would pick you for a mate. I ask if that happens alot (OH YES ) Jim said.
Jim said that the leader of this Clan is Harry's little brother. I don't see anything little about him. He is a Yeti not a Big Foot and his mate was the old Clan leader's daughter. Jim said that his phone was getting low on power and he will call me back tomorrow.
He wants me to get two camp sites at Cap Lookout S.P. for tomorrow night. So I said good bye and returned off the phone.
Your shirtless host Steve
Monday, October 3, 2016
Day 7 camping with Big foot
The night seem to go by in a flash with the campers all out looking for bears. Iam ready to go now and so is Big Foot Jim . But he told me that they had some place that they needed to be at. He wants me to park in Tillamook and leave my 5th. wheel and truck at a local camp site. He ask if I would ride with them. I parked and got all set up and got ready to go with them.
We started east out of town on hwy. 6 out of Tillamook and are about and hour out of town. We just passed Lee's Camp and are heading up to Round Top along the Wilson River. Sasquatch Doug ask me to put on a blind fold, I guess I will. I think we drove about 25 min. down a dirt road then we stopped at a Nat'L forest gate. Sasquatch Doug unlock and opened the gate and then closed and locked it behind us. As we drove down a rough road the trees were getting thicker and we are going deeper into the wilderness. Big Foot Jim informed me that we are going to meet a Big Foot Clan from this area. Emma said that most of the Big Foots I will meet are related to Jim or Doug.
The leader was a big gray and black Big Foot. He made me feel very uncomfortable. Emma said that he was a pussycat. There must be at least 15 or more Big Foots running around. Some of the Bigger ones Emma said she turned down as a mate and picked Jim. It is so easy to tell the males from the females. I have no idea we're the kids ran off to. They took off as soon as we got here.
I was told that the reason we were here is because one of the elders died of old age. I ask how old was he Joyce said they think he was about 60. The gathering was per planned for to night at midnight. Now I will finally found out why you can't find any Big Foot Bone's or remains. They dig a hole 8' deep and line it with rocks. Then they place Big Foot in the grave and cover it with a layer of rocks. The next step is to fill it on with dirt. Here comes the planning of the trees. They would plant 3 trees for a male and 2 trees for a female.
As the trees grow the roots in case the grave site. This way nobody will be able to dig it up or find the grave. I can't tell you what kind of trees are planned Jim ask me not to. I well tell you that they plant the trees a certain way. It is the way they plant them that lets only them know that it is a grave site. It is almost day light now and everyone is headed back to there homes. Iam being blind folded again for the trip back. The kids are coming back now, there must be at least 8 kids or more. Big Foot Jim just dropped me off and said he will call me later.
Thanks Teenie. Shirtless host Steve
We started east out of town on hwy. 6 out of Tillamook and are about and hour out of town. We just passed Lee's Camp and are heading up to Round Top along the Wilson River. Sasquatch Doug ask me to put on a blind fold, I guess I will. I think we drove about 25 min. down a dirt road then we stopped at a Nat'L forest gate. Sasquatch Doug unlock and opened the gate and then closed and locked it behind us. As we drove down a rough road the trees were getting thicker and we are going deeper into the wilderness. Big Foot Jim informed me that we are going to meet a Big Foot Clan from this area. Emma said that most of the Big Foots I will meet are related to Jim or Doug.
The leader was a big gray and black Big Foot. He made me feel very uncomfortable. Emma said that he was a pussycat. There must be at least 15 or more Big Foots running around. Some of the Bigger ones Emma said she turned down as a mate and picked Jim. It is so easy to tell the males from the females. I have no idea we're the kids ran off to. They took off as soon as we got here.
I was told that the reason we were here is because one of the elders died of old age. I ask how old was he Joyce said they think he was about 60. The gathering was per planned for to night at midnight. Now I will finally found out why you can't find any Big Foot Bone's or remains. They dig a hole 8' deep and line it with rocks. Then they place Big Foot in the grave and cover it with a layer of rocks. The next step is to fill it on with dirt. Here comes the planning of the trees. They would plant 3 trees for a male and 2 trees for a female.
As the trees grow the roots in case the grave site. This way nobody will be able to dig it up or find the grave. I can't tell you what kind of trees are planned Jim ask me not to. I well tell you that they plant the trees a certain way. It is the way they plant them that lets only them know that it is a grave site. It is almost day light now and everyone is headed back to there homes. Iam being blind folded again for the trip back. The kids are coming back now, there must be at least 8 kids or more. Big Foot Jim just dropped me off and said he will call me later.
Thanks Teenie. Shirtless host Steve
Day 6 the bear hunt
Jim seems a little off tonight. Emma said when we got back this morning he was disappointed about Onion Peak. There were no lush trees like ten years ago. Big foot Jim wants to leave tomorrow about 10 am. I am okay with that he said that they all have some place to be tomorrow night. There is something going on at the camp sites on the other side. Iam going over to see what's happening. On the way over I saw Mira & Garrison running back this way. I think I know what's is going on. Well I was right, somebody saw them now Everyone thinks that there are bears in the park.
Sasquatch Doug wants everyone to stay in the motor home for a while to let things settle down, and it means no games tonight. ( Iam safe ).
Now that the camp is in a uproar about bears in the park. The camp host is going around telling everyone not to leave food out tonight. Jim is hoping to go see the sunset at the point in the car after things settle down. I think I well stay in camp tonight. Sasquatch Doug and Joyce are going to hike to the beach the back way, to see the sunset.
If you haven't been to Nehalem Bay put it on your bucket list. The bay has a pristine environment and the sunsets are at the top of the scale for sunsets. Big Foot Jim and Emma left in the car with Harry and Edith Yeti to go see the sunset. The only ones left in camp are Mira, Liberty and Garrison. Iam going over to the motor home to check up on the kids. They were watching ( ITS A BUGS LIFE ) on TV. Mira said that they like eating bugs. I wanted to know if the bugs ever talk to them like on the show. She just laughed and said NO!!!
The funny things about " Bear Sighting " is now the campers think they are seeing bears everywhere. All the campers are on " alert " hoping to catch a glimpse of a bear.
I hope that Sasquatch Doug and Joyce are okay at the beach. Jim and Emma along with Harry and Edith are back now. Jim asked me if I have seen Doug And Joyce
" I said not yet " day light is almost upon us. Big Foot Jim is anxious to leave by 10am. today. He ask if I could go out and look for Doug and Joyce. He no sooner had asked, and Doug & Joyce walked into camp. Everyone is accounted for, they are starting to get ready to go.
Thank you Teri
Going to miss your help
Shirtless host Steve
Sasquatch Doug wants everyone to stay in the motor home for a while to let things settle down, and it means no games tonight. ( Iam safe ).
Now that the camp is in a uproar about bears in the park. The camp host is going around telling everyone not to leave food out tonight. Jim is hoping to go see the sunset at the point in the car after things settle down. I think I well stay in camp tonight. Sasquatch Doug and Joyce are going to hike to the beach the back way, to see the sunset.
If you haven't been to Nehalem Bay put it on your bucket list. The bay has a pristine environment and the sunsets are at the top of the scale for sunsets. Big Foot Jim and Emma left in the car with Harry and Edith Yeti to go see the sunset. The only ones left in camp are Mira, Liberty and Garrison. Iam going over to the motor home to check up on the kids. They were watching ( ITS A BUGS LIFE ) on TV. Mira said that they like eating bugs. I wanted to know if the bugs ever talk to them like on the show. She just laughed and said NO!!!
The funny things about " Bear Sighting " is now the campers think they are seeing bears everywhere. All the campers are on " alert " hoping to catch a glimpse of a bear.
I hope that Sasquatch Doug and Joyce are okay at the beach. Jim and Emma along with Harry and Edith are back now. Jim asked me if I have seen Doug And Joyce
" I said not yet " day light is almost upon us. Big Foot Jim is anxious to leave by 10am. today. He ask if I could go out and look for Doug and Joyce. He no sooner had asked, and Doug & Joyce walked into camp. Everyone is accounted for, they are starting to get ready to go.
Thank you Teri
Going to miss your help
Shirtless host Steve
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