This is a big Shout. Out to the Coates Sister form Wisconsin.;;;;;
Thay are on there way north to Portland Or. now..these young lady’s are headed up the Coast line and seem to be having a great time.. It is always nice to meet anyone that enjoys the outdoors. I can tell that they are having a fun trip and enjoying being with each other;;;;; I would like to thank the State of Wisconsin ;;;;;
It Is because of the Coates Sister;;;;;;;;
If everyone in Wisconsin is as nice as these young lady’s are, your State should be Proud..
Have a safe trip home and remember to have fun in live is to always enjoy what live give you;;;;
Happy Camping Your shirtless host Steve
See you in the Moves,,,
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
Day 64a broken rib
It is almost 8pm. And B.F. Jim wants us all to to meet at 8pm. To night .. I just looked out , but I don’t see anyone around out side yet. We are at Broken Ribs Clans Territory and it is not far from the Sanger Peck . I can see that Jim and Doug is now starting a camp fire for everyone . Later to night we are going to meet a new Clan. The Clan has not showed up yet. And Emma is getting some food out for everyone to eat’. The food is left over from last night we had at the Smith River Clan . I already had my dinner in the 5th. Wheel befor i came out tonight. I am going to head back in and wait till they get done . I know that they will give me a call when they all get done eatting. It has been about an hour now and so i looked out to see if they were done yet. It looks like that they are rapping it up now. So i am going to head over and see what’s up.
Well off now to meet some new member of the Broken Rib Clan. Just as we got ready to head over I heard pounding on the RV. It was B.F. that I have never seen before . So i headed over with him to the Motor Home to meet up with everyone. He said that we all are going to meet up over by the 1965 Blue Bird School Bus. I did not hear-the School Bus show up , It must have come in sometime during the day.
I found out that it was an old friend of Jims and Doug from Mt. Hood.. Jim let me know that his name was Woody and his Mate was Mattie and there two kids are Samuel ( 5 ) and DeDee (3 ). They are from the Sanger Peck Clan .. they are from right up the road. They are good friends of the Broken Rib Clan.. the Clan is a group of. ( Big Foots ). From China called Yeren.
They came here about a year ago and started an internet frozen food business. Joyce said that the business has been growing leaps and bounds. Jim and Doug helped them get over here from China . The Clan Leaders Grandfarther was a good friend to Harry and Edith Yetti and Harry asked Jim to help. Jim said that Harry was glad when he heard that they were in the Siskiyou Wilderness. Harry and Edith were hoping to meet their old friends Grandkids. But was not to be they passed away early this year. I know that they would have loved to meet them it is sad that they didn’t
Now i am just waiting around hoping to meet them soon. This will be a treat because this will be the first Chinese Big Foot.. hope to meet them soon...
Well off now to meet some new member of the Broken Rib Clan. Just as we got ready to head over I heard pounding on the RV. It was B.F. that I have never seen before . So i headed over with him to the Motor Home to meet up with everyone. He said that we all are going to meet up over by the 1965 Blue Bird School Bus. I did not hear-the School Bus show up , It must have come in sometime during the day.
I found out that it was an old friend of Jims and Doug from Mt. Hood.. Jim let me know that his name was Woody and his Mate was Mattie and there two kids are Samuel ( 5 ) and DeDee (3 ). They are from the Sanger Peck Clan .. they are from right up the road. They are good friends of the Broken Rib Clan.. the Clan is a group of. ( Big Foots ). From China called Yeren.
They came here about a year ago and started an internet frozen food business. Joyce said that the business has been growing leaps and bounds. Jim and Doug helped them get over here from China . The Clan Leaders Grandfarther was a good friend to Harry and Edith Yetti and Harry asked Jim to help. Jim said that Harry was glad when he heard that they were in the Siskiyou Wilderness. Harry and Edith were hoping to meet their old friends Grandkids. But was not to be they passed away early this year. I know that they would have loved to meet them it is sad that they didn’t
Now i am just waiting around hoping to meet them soon. This will be a treat because this will be the first Chinese Big Foot.. hope to meet them soon...
Friday, October 12, 2018
Day 63b headed to Broken Rib
It has been a little while and I can the turn off up ahead for Forest Rt. 18N07 . I am going to pull off the road at a wide spot in the road up ahead. I will stay there and wait for both B.F. Jim and Sasquatch Doug. Here comes the George Town Motor Home coming up the road. They just pulled up and Joyce out of the Motor Home now and headed this way. She has Liberty with her and let me know that Doug talk to Jim. She said that Jim wants us to wait for him he should be here anytime. We have been here about 20 min. Or so. Jim and Emma has just arrived and is over talking to Doug. They are both headed this way to talk to me I guess. Jim said that it is about 15 lies up to Broken Rib Mt. the Clan is up along the PaekSaddle Creek and it is a small Clan’ they would like us to use the pull out about two hundred yards from the safe house. We will be under a large grove of trees on the right side of the creek. We should be will back in the Siskiyou Widerness up by Sanders Lake’
We are back in our R.V.sand headed up Forest Rt. 18N07. We have gone about 8 miles and we are turning onto Rte. 18N04. I sure hope that Jim knows were we are headed this is a one lane road. I don’t see any place that we can pull over or turn around anywhere’ I all so hope that no one is coming down off the is almost 10 am. Now and we should be getting to the site soon I hope. Emma just called to say that Jim wants us to stop and let him get into the site and get turn around. Then they will call and let us who will be next . I just looked up and see Liberty coming this way. She is getting into the truck . Joyce called to ask me to let her ride with me. I think that it is cool that she wants to ride with me. I also think that she is missing Mira and Paige. So I am just her substitute for now . That is okay with me because she so cute and will be fun to be around. Doug just pulled away and Joyce called me, to say that they will call me as soon as they get settled and Liberty has not stoped talking yet.
She said that she missed both of the girls and Joyce is on the phone now and said to start headed up to the site. Liberty is talking to her mom on the phone as we are headed down the road. Just pulled into the site and I am ready for a good rest. Liberty is running over to the Motor Home and Jim wants all of us meet at 8 pm. Tonight. He sailed that we will all head up to the safe house . Then we all well meet the Broken Rib Clan.
So good night for now or good day , see you later.
We are back in our R.V.sand headed up Forest Rt. 18N07. We have gone about 8 miles and we are turning onto Rte. 18N04. I sure hope that Jim knows were we are headed this is a one lane road. I don’t see any place that we can pull over or turn around anywhere’ I all so hope that no one is coming down off the is almost 10 am. Now and we should be getting to the site soon I hope. Emma just called to say that Jim wants us to stop and let him get into the site and get turn around. Then they will call and let us who will be next . I just looked up and see Liberty coming this way. She is getting into the truck . Joyce called to ask me to let her ride with me. I think that it is cool that she wants to ride with me. I also think that she is missing Mira and Paige. So I am just her substitute for now . That is okay with me because she so cute and will be fun to be around. Doug just pulled away and Joyce called me, to say that they will call me as soon as they get settled and Liberty has not stoped talking yet.
She said that she missed both of the girls and Joyce is on the phone now and said to start headed up to the site. Liberty is talking to her mom on the phone as we are headed down the road. Just pulled into the site and I am ready for a good rest. Liberty is running over to the Motor Home and Jim wants all of us meet at 8 pm. Tonight. He sailed that we will all head up to the safe house . Then we all well meet the Broken Rib Clan.
So good night for now or good day , see you later.
Prairie Creek S.P.
This park has everything you will need for a full day of exploring. It is a 14000 acres of adventure that nature has pervaded for us all.. Ancient Redwood trees, trails , Camping , Back Packing , Back Country Camping a 19 mile Bike trail ( Mt. Bikes Only ) as well as a full service visitor center and the best of all large heralds of Roosevelt Elk and Deer.
Note! This park was the back drop for Jurassic Park Series. The half. Mile lone Fur Canyon is also a must to see you can hike out the four an half mile or drive out. (. But check on any road closer. )
Wild Life! Black Bear, Mt. Lions , Red Squirrels , Coyotes and much more to see. So don’t forget you camera..
Oct. now weather is outstanding cool night and a lot of sunny days..
Full reveiws are on Hip Camp Reveiws . Com
SHIRTLESS STEVE ! Happy Camping...
Note! This park was the back drop for Jurassic Park Series. The half. Mile lone Fur Canyon is also a must to see you can hike out the four an half mile or drive out. (. But check on any road closer. )
Wild Life! Black Bear, Mt. Lions , Red Squirrels , Coyotes and much more to see. So don’t forget you camera..
Oct. now weather is outstanding cool night and a lot of sunny days..
Full reveiws are on Hip Camp Reveiws . Com
SHIRTLESS STEVE ! Happy Camping...
Day 63a Almost back to Oregon
The party is wrapping up now and we well be headed out soon. Everybody is gathering around to say goodbye. Zoey and Garrison along with Jerry and Nila ( Zoey’s Mom and Dad ) were the first to leave back to Elk Bend. Teenie and Skunk Ape Mike will be flying out this’s after noon. Thy will be taking Paige back to her Clan which is the Power House Clan. I know that Bruce and Cindy , along with Sue ( her sister ) will be glad to see her and have her home.
Teenie told Weatherbee that she and Skunk Ape Mike will be back next week to check up on LeRoy. Mira asked Teenie to make sure that leaves both herbs and medicines for LeRoy. She said that he is in Alta of pain all the time. Jim just came to say it is time to take off. He wants to get Paeksaddle Creek up on BrokenRib Mt. in the Siskiyou as soon as we can. He want to get there so everyone can get some rest. Because tonight is going to have a big surprise for everyone we will be meeting a new Clan . The Clan that we will be meeting is from China and they moved to the Sisiyou wilderness.
Now that we are on our way and it is a beautiful day to be on a road trip. We will be going on Hwy. 199 and it goes along the Smith River which is magnificent, it runs along the northern part of the Calif. Redwoods.
Emma gave me a call and she would like me to know that we will be turning off on Hwy. 199 in about an hour or so. She wanted me to keep an eye out for Forest Rd. 18N07 it will be on the right side of the Hwy. like I said this is one beautiful day to be on the road. But I am a little sad also that bold Mira and Paige is not going to be with us. They were at times so funny to be around and just like all kids they loved playing jokes on me. At the same time I am happy for Mira and LeRoy. I know that they will be happy together and enjoy starting their new life. Some day they will have their own Clanin the north west. I hope I see them again at the Renaissance in about 3 weeks or so in Grants Pass. I am still looking for Rt. 18N07 it should be coming up soon..
Teenie told Weatherbee that she and Skunk Ape Mike will be back next week to check up on LeRoy. Mira asked Teenie to make sure that leaves both herbs and medicines for LeRoy. She said that he is in Alta of pain all the time. Jim just came to say it is time to take off. He wants to get Paeksaddle Creek up on BrokenRib Mt. in the Siskiyou as soon as we can. He want to get there so everyone can get some rest. Because tonight is going to have a big surprise for everyone we will be meeting a new Clan . The Clan that we will be meeting is from China and they moved to the Sisiyou wilderness.
Now that we are on our way and it is a beautiful day to be on a road trip. We will be going on Hwy. 199 and it goes along the Smith River which is magnificent, it runs along the northern part of the Calif. Redwoods.
Emma gave me a call and she would like me to know that we will be turning off on Hwy. 199 in about an hour or so. She wanted me to keep an eye out for Forest Rd. 18N07 it will be on the right side of the Hwy. like I said this is one beautiful day to be on the road. But I am a little sad also that bold Mira and Paige is not going to be with us. They were at times so funny to be around and just like all kids they loved playing jokes on me. At the same time I am happy for Mira and LeRoy. I know that they will be happy together and enjoy starting their new life. Some day they will have their own Clanin the north west. I hope I see them again at the Renaissance in about 3 weeks or so in Grants Pass. I am still looking for Rt. 18N07 it should be coming up soon..
Day 62 Matting Up
Another long day and I could not sleep again. I am getting so tired . I am just laying here waiting to hear from Jim or Doug. It is 8 pm now and I am going to head out side to see how LeRoy is doing . Here come both Joyce and Emma they have a big surprise for everyone. It is Zoey and Garrison from the Elk Bend Clan. Garrison is Emma’s son and Mira brother and Zoey is his Mate, Zoey is Teenie younger sister. I hope that there is not some bad news about LeRoy makes me wonder what is going on.
Here come Teenie with a smile on her face and she is with B.F. Jerry and his Mate Nila and Teenie’s Brother John. I was told that they showed up because they thought that LeRoy might not recover.. but apparently he is going to be okay. Everyone is so happy and but they all know its going to take a lone time for his recover.
B. F. Jerry and Nila is Zoey and Teenie’s mom and dad and with Zoey being Garrison’s mate it makes them part of the family clan. They all wanted to be here to support both Mira and LeRoy.
With the outcome the way it is now LeRoy is going to get to mate up with Mira. Now Mira can Mate up with LeRoy and boy I am glad for that . Teenie said that it looks like that LeRoy will be laced up at least 5 weeks if not longer. Weatherbee said that they will move him to the back part of the safe house so they can have there own room..
Once that Mira is Mated up with LeRoy and it should be some time tonight if everything goes right. Them Jim said we will be headed out for the Broken Rib Clan first thing tomorrow morning. Kathy and Sam are both over by the fire with Joyce and Doug, talking to Alexus. Boy you can tell that and see how happy they all are.
Now I wonder about Paige and what she is going to do. Most likely she will be heading back to her Clan the power house clan.. Her mom and dad will be glad to see her and have her back in the clan safe. Paige’s Dad is Sasquatch Bruce and his mate is Cindy and sister is Sue. I hear Paige talking to sue all the time and will be glad to have her home to.
I heard that Mira Mated up with LeRoy last night some time with just family around. Here come Weatherbee and Jim along with Doug. They let me know that we should be leaving in about 2 hours right after the party. Emma and Joyce is getting everything ready for the party. They want to give Mira a Mateing party this morning before we leaving. This will be a hoot because LeRoy is layed up and will be unable to attend. Emma told me that Mira will be staying at SmithRiver clan for now with Leroy. After LeRoy get better they hope that they will be able to head up to Mt. Hood to vist with everyone..
Party is starter and I am going to be sad to see both Mira and Paige staying behind after we leave this morning. I was told we will be heading up Hwy. 199 heading to OREGON..
Here come Teenie with a smile on her face and she is with B.F. Jerry and his Mate Nila and Teenie’s Brother John. I was told that they showed up because they thought that LeRoy might not recover.. but apparently he is going to be okay. Everyone is so happy and but they all know its going to take a lone time for his recover.
B. F. Jerry and Nila is Zoey and Teenie’s mom and dad and with Zoey being Garrison’s mate it makes them part of the family clan. They all wanted to be here to support both Mira and LeRoy.
With the outcome the way it is now LeRoy is going to get to mate up with Mira. Now Mira can Mate up with LeRoy and boy I am glad for that . Teenie said that it looks like that LeRoy will be laced up at least 5 weeks if not longer. Weatherbee said that they will move him to the back part of the safe house so they can have there own room..
Once that Mira is Mated up with LeRoy and it should be some time tonight if everything goes right. Them Jim said we will be headed out for the Broken Rib Clan first thing tomorrow morning. Kathy and Sam are both over by the fire with Joyce and Doug, talking to Alexus. Boy you can tell that and see how happy they all are.
Now I wonder about Paige and what she is going to do. Most likely she will be heading back to her Clan the power house clan.. Her mom and dad will be glad to see her and have her back in the clan safe. Paige’s Dad is Sasquatch Bruce and his mate is Cindy and sister is Sue. I hear Paige talking to sue all the time and will be glad to have her home to.
I heard that Mira Mated up with LeRoy last night some time with just family around. Here come Weatherbee and Jim along with Doug. They let me know that we should be leaving in about 2 hours right after the party. Emma and Joyce is getting everything ready for the party. They want to give Mira a Mateing party this morning before we leaving. This will be a hoot because LeRoy is layed up and will be unable to attend. Emma told me that Mira will be staying at SmithRiver clan for now with Leroy. After LeRoy get better they hope that they will be able to head up to Mt. Hood to vist with everyone..
Party is starter and I am going to be sad to see both Mira and Paige staying behind after we leave this morning. I was told we will be heading up Hwy. 199 heading to OREGON..
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Now We Know. Day 61 b
It is almost midnight now and it has well over two hours now. No word on how LeRoy is and what is going on. I see Big Foot Sam, LeRoys dad out by the fire with Berrry and Jim. Mira and Paige along with Joyce is coming out of the the Motor Home. They are still crying and so is Kathy, LeRoys Mom she is holding something in her hand. Jim wants everyone out by the fire he said that he had some bad news for the Clan..
Teenie and Emma are over by the Monaco Motor Home and it looks like that everyone else is headed over to the camp fire. The pounding has just stopped and we all are gathering around the fire now. Joyce must be going to take both Mira and Paige over to the safe house along with Kathy. I can see that they are headed that way anyhow. It was a long night but we all will soon know what is going on..
Here comes Big Foot Jim and Sam, I think that they are getting ready to talk to all of us soon I hope. Sam just told the Clan that LeRoy is in very bad shape and they hope that he will recover.
Teenie has check him out and she said that LeRoy has broken both legs and all his ribs on one side are cracked. Also he might lose his left arm but Teenie hope to save it.
Here’s what happen he was pulling a tree out of the ground by its roots so he could use it as a territory marker.. Now Jim is getting ready to talk to all of us. He said that his daughter said that she still wants LeRoy as her Mate. So if he pulls out of it and the way Teenie tell it we will know by to night .. Mira wants to mate up with him tonight if she can and she will stay here and become part of the Weatherbee Clan..
LeRoys dad said that LeRoy has been wanting to leave the HadSalt Creek Clan for some time now..He wants to start over with Mira at the Smith River Clan.. He is going to get his chance now if he pulls though. I hope that he dose because they will make a great pair and he would make a outstanding Clan leader.. LeRoy told me one time that he would like to have his own Clan some day.
This is our third night here but I have no idea when or what day we will be leaving . The important thing is that LeRoy heals okay and able to Mate up with Mira. I am looking forward in seeing Mira Mating up with LeRoy.. Can’t wait until tomorrow night its going to be a hoot.
Teenie and Emma are over by the Monaco Motor Home and it looks like that everyone else is headed over to the camp fire. The pounding has just stopped and we all are gathering around the fire now. Joyce must be going to take both Mira and Paige over to the safe house along with Kathy. I can see that they are headed that way anyhow. It was a long night but we all will soon know what is going on..
Here comes Big Foot Jim and Sam, I think that they are getting ready to talk to all of us soon I hope. Sam just told the Clan that LeRoy is in very bad shape and they hope that he will recover.
Teenie has check him out and she said that LeRoy has broken both legs and all his ribs on one side are cracked. Also he might lose his left arm but Teenie hope to save it.
Here’s what happen he was pulling a tree out of the ground by its roots so he could use it as a territory marker.. Now Jim is getting ready to talk to all of us. He said that his daughter said that she still wants LeRoy as her Mate. So if he pulls out of it and the way Teenie tell it we will know by to night .. Mira wants to mate up with him tonight if she can and she will stay here and become part of the Weatherbee Clan..
LeRoys dad said that LeRoy has been wanting to leave the HadSalt Creek Clan for some time now..He wants to start over with Mira at the Smith River Clan.. He is going to get his chance now if he pulls though. I hope that he dose because they will make a great pair and he would make a outstanding Clan leader.. LeRoy told me one time that he would like to have his own Clan some day.
This is our third night here but I have no idea when or what day we will be leaving . The important thing is that LeRoy heals okay and able to Mate up with Mira. I am looking forward in seeing Mira Mating up with LeRoy.. Can’t wait until tomorrow night its going to be a hoot.
LeRoy Day 61a
I was not able to sleep all day thinking about what is going on. I keep looking out side to see what is up . I have been hearing a lot crying and wailing coming from the Monaco Motor Home . It is almost dark out side now. I will be headed out side to see what is going on.
I hear an airplane in the back ground now. I wonder who could be flying in. We well all know soon . There is some noise out side and it sounds like Skunk Ape Mike and his mate Teenie along with LeRoys Mom and Dad and he looks at least 9 feet tall. He is one big Big Foot..His name is Big Foot Sam and his mate is Kathy..
Jim,Doug, Weatherbee and Berry are not back yet. We will not know what is going on until they all get back in about two hours or so. Emma just came over with Teenie to tell me that Sam and Mike along with Teenie are headed out to where LeRoy is. I can still hear tree pounding in the back ground.
Mira and Paige along with Joyce has not left the Motor Home .. Alexis has Liberty and her daughter Olivia over by the camp fire. Emma is headed back into the Motor Home and I still don’t what is going on.
I see Weatherbee and Berry coming up the trail along with some other Big Foots. They are carrying a litter with LeRoy on it.. Teenie is also with a group of Big Foots covered in blood. They took LeRoy right to the safe house down by the creek.. Mira , Paige along with Emma and Joyce are headed that way. It looks like that no one wants to leave the camp site until they find out what has happen. They said that we are going to have a meeting in about an hour or so.They are planing on tell everyone what condition that LeRoy is in. It will not be long now and everyone will know what has happen to him. We will just have to wait to see what is going on..
I hear an airplane in the back ground now. I wonder who could be flying in. We well all know soon . There is some noise out side and it sounds like Skunk Ape Mike and his mate Teenie along with LeRoys Mom and Dad and he looks at least 9 feet tall. He is one big Big Foot..His name is Big Foot Sam and his mate is Kathy..
Jim,Doug, Weatherbee and Berry are not back yet. We will not know what is going on until they all get back in about two hours or so. Emma just came over with Teenie to tell me that Sam and Mike along with Teenie are headed out to where LeRoy is. I can still hear tree pounding in the back ground.
Mira and Paige along with Joyce has not left the Motor Home .. Alexis has Liberty and her daughter Olivia over by the camp fire. Emma is headed back into the Motor Home and I still don’t what is going on.
I see Weatherbee and Berry coming up the trail along with some other Big Foots. They are carrying a litter with LeRoy on it.. Teenie is also with a group of Big Foots covered in blood. They took LeRoy right to the safe house down by the creek.. Mira , Paige along with Emma and Joyce are headed that way. It looks like that no one wants to leave the camp site until they find out what has happen. They said that we are going to have a meeting in about an hour or so.They are planing on tell everyone what condition that LeRoy is in. It will not be long now and everyone will know what has happen to him. We will just have to wait to see what is going on..
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