Well we just left South Beach State Park now we're heading south to Yachts. On our way we stopped at the seal rock view point. The kids and me wanted to see seals on the rocks down below. Then our next stop was the Alsea Bay just before Walport. The lady's needed to get some wild onions that they were told grew just up Hwy. 34 and east two miles. We got a big bag of onions and patatos to eat. Then we got back on the road heading south again. As we got in to Yachts, we turned east on the Yacht River road. We headed up to Klickitat Mt. area on road N.F. road #54. We followed the road until we got to N.F. road # 5360 what a trip so far. On the way we stopped 3 or 4 times to remove rocks logs out of the road. Then we put them back as we passed by. Slow trip but we are getting deeper and deeper into the forest. We just came Toa spilt in the road. N.F. road #5362 went left and Beckman Creek Rd. Went West. As we followed the road all the way to the end l thought that we would get lost up here.
The Klickitat Clan members were all waiting for us at the back of the clearing. The Clan leader showed Big Foot Jim a place to park his motor home. He had me put the 5 the. wheel next to the motor home. Pagie and Mira where already playing out by the edge of the hill and looking for something. I headed over to see what they were looking at. They show me a pile of rocks on the other side of the canyon. They told me it is a cave and shelter that some of the Clan live in. It just looks like a pile of rocks to me. Then l went back to the 5 the. wheel and now off to bed.
See everyone tonight.
Well it is dark now, l hear a knock on the door. Jim said that they will be back in the morning. Doug and l are going with the Clan leader they all are going to help to clean and repair some of the shelters. Frank the Clan will be showing them how they build and maintain their under ground shelters. Frank the Clan leader is Frank,
And his mate is Romona, and they have 3 kids. 2 boys and a girl. The Clan has 8 members. plus all the kids. Frank's two boys are going with them. He is planning and did leave a big foot in camp. Frank wants him to keep an eye on everything in camp. While they are gone to night he will be like a bodyguard. He is one of the older members of the Klickitat Clan. I can tell you that he can take care of anything that should come up. He is over 9 feet tall a foot size of at least 20 inches long. His hands are as big as a shovel. He told us that his family has been on Klickitat Mt. for as long as he could remember, The native American Indians called the Big Foots ( THE BEARS THAT WALK UPRIGHT ). l have not heard that saying before. Here comes the Clan back now. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug look tired. It is 7am. and day light is here again. Doug said that he will talk to me tonight and they all disappeared.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Day 27. Say good bye
South Beach will never be the same again. Mira and Pagie are outside by the fire. Jim got up and made a nice fire for all of us to enjoy. Things sure chance last night and boy what a change! Let's see if l can remember it all. Garrison left with Zoey. Now that Zoey picked Garrison as her mate. They are going to move to Elk Bend Clan . Her sister is Teenie who doctored up Garrison. Bruce, his mate Cindy and Sue dropped off Pagie, Sue's sister. Pagie will live with Mira for the winter. Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie will drive Garrison and Zoey back to Elk Bend. We had a party for everyone that I leaving or coming. Remember l didn't get a hug goodbye.
Pagie and Mira are having a good time playing on the swings. Dougand Harry are going out to the beach for a walk. Joyce has Liberty in her arms and she is just crying her head off. I think that she is missing Garrison already. He always played with her in the Motor Home. Edith is going to take the baby in to the Motor Home to see if she is hungry. Jim is working on the internet and said that they had a lot of sales this week. Now that College football is going strong. Their sales of school Jersey and tee shirts are selling big time. But Doug said that they have to give each College a percentage of the sales. Copyright hell sometimes but we make sure we follow all the Copyright laws, it's not that bad. We make a difference good living and income from our sales. No complaints at all. We are over joyed that they let us sell the school merchandise.
I see Mira is paying over by the fire now. She never did that before, so l asked her way. Wira said before she had Garrison to watch over her. She also said that she felt safer when Garrison was around and playing with her. Pagie and Mair just took off down the trail to the beach. It looks like they found Doug and Harry coming back this way. Emma, Joyce and Edith are all going to the beach. Jim Is going to watch the baby. That is going to be interesting and something to see.
I think this is going to be our last night at South Beach State Park. Jim came over with the baby and said we will leave around 9 am. tomorrow and head south to Yachts. Doug and l are going to help the Klickitat Clan to build new shelters. It will take about two long nights of digging and cutting. Doug said that we will show you how they make shelters that no one can find. The rest of the night we just walked on the beach. Cold night and getting colder each day but often fells good to be out. We are back at the RV. and Doug has already hooked up the tow car to the Monaco. I just need to eat and lam ready to go. They are in the Motor Homes having breakfast then l guess we will be ready to go.
See you tonight.
Pagie and Mira are having a good time playing on the swings. Dougand Harry are going out to the beach for a walk. Joyce has Liberty in her arms and she is just crying her head off. I think that she is missing Garrison already. He always played with her in the Motor Home. Edith is going to take the baby in to the Motor Home to see if she is hungry. Jim is working on the internet and said that they had a lot of sales this week. Now that College football is going strong. Their sales of school Jersey and tee shirts are selling big time. But Doug said that they have to give each College a percentage of the sales. Copyright hell sometimes but we make sure we follow all the Copyright laws, it's not that bad. We make a difference good living and income from our sales. No complaints at all. We are over joyed that they let us sell the school merchandise.
I see Mira is paying over by the fire now. She never did that before, so l asked her way. Wira said before she had Garrison to watch over her. She also said that she felt safer when Garrison was around and playing with her. Pagie and Mair just took off down the trail to the beach. It looks like they found Doug and Harry coming back this way. Emma, Joyce and Edith are all going to the beach. Jim Is going to watch the baby. That is going to be interesting and something to see.
I think this is going to be our last night at South Beach State Park. Jim came over with the baby and said we will leave around 9 am. tomorrow and head south to Yachts. Doug and l are going to help the Klickitat Clan to build new shelters. It will take about two long nights of digging and cutting. Doug said that we will show you how they make shelters that no one can find. The rest of the night we just walked on the beach. Cold night and getting colder each day but often fells good to be out. We are back at the RV. and Doug has already hooked up the tow car to the Monaco. I just need to eat and lam ready to go. They are in the Motor Homes having breakfast then l guess we will be ready to go.
See you tonight.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Day 26 Family exchange part 2
Jim asked Teenie what her mom and dad thought about Zoey picking Garrison as her mate. Teenie is Zoey's older sister and has always liked Garrison. Teenie let Jim and Emma know that her dad and mom were very happy with everything that is going on. She also said that they are going to be happy to have him around. Then she said that her older brother John like Garrison and told our mom and dad that he will was glad that he will be part of the family. Pagie and Mira just came over to talk to Zoey and Teenie.
Teenie has a bag of herbs for Emma to take to the Motor Home. This is, in case something should happen to someone else and she can't get back to help. Teenie said that she can call on the phone and she can tell her what herb can help. Skunk Ape Mike said that he would like to start back about 6 am. He wants to get back before it gets to light. Garrison will go back with them tomorrow morning sometime. Emma and Joyce are going to have a going away party for Garrison and a welcome home party for Pagie. I see that Mira and Pagie are getting along really well. I know that Mira will miss her big brother. Big Foots and Sasquatches must go to other Clans to find a Mate. The party is getting started and Sue and her Mom are both crying. Bruce said that they are both going to miss Pagie a lot. Emma said that they will keep an close eye on her. Garrison is saying his goodbye's to everyone. They are going to leave right after the party. Zoey has a smile a mile wide on her face. She is so happy that she picked him for her mate. Everyone is over by the fire now saying their goodbye's. Bruce, Cindy and Sue are getting things packed up for there trip back to Powerhouse Peck. They will not see Pagie for at least 3 months or so. Skunk Ape Mike said that they will be following Bruce part of the way back. So they are getting ready also now. Garrison is all packed and loaded in the school bus. Zoey gave Big Foot Jim and Emma a kiss good bye and a big hug. ( none for me ) and said her good bye's Skunk Ape Mike is ready and so is Bruce. Sue is over by the girls saying good bye. I went over to Jim to ask if would like to stay at South Beach SP. one more night. Doug said he would a night of rest after everything that went on to night. Why don't we stay today and tonight and leave day after tomorrow. Jim said that sounded good to him.
Now we are all out by the motor Homes saying our goodbye's to everyone. They're all leaving for their homes and back to their Clans.
Good bye and good night.
Teenie has a bag of herbs for Emma to take to the Motor Home. This is, in case something should happen to someone else and she can't get back to help. Teenie said that she can call on the phone and she can tell her what herb can help. Skunk Ape Mike said that he would like to start back about 6 am. He wants to get back before it gets to light. Garrison will go back with them tomorrow morning sometime. Emma and Joyce are going to have a going away party for Garrison and a welcome home party for Pagie. I see that Mira and Pagie are getting along really well. I know that Mira will miss her big brother. Big Foots and Sasquatches must go to other Clans to find a Mate. The party is getting started and Sue and her Mom are both crying. Bruce said that they are both going to miss Pagie a lot. Emma said that they will keep an close eye on her. Garrison is saying his goodbye's to everyone. They are going to leave right after the party. Zoey has a smile a mile wide on her face. She is so happy that she picked him for her mate. Everyone is over by the fire now saying their goodbye's. Bruce, Cindy and Sue are getting things packed up for there trip back to Powerhouse Peck. They will not see Pagie for at least 3 months or so. Skunk Ape Mike said that they will be following Bruce part of the way back. So they are getting ready also now. Garrison is all packed and loaded in the school bus. Zoey gave Big Foot Jim and Emma a kiss good bye and a big hug. ( none for me ) and said her good bye's Skunk Ape Mike is ready and so is Bruce. Sue is over by the girls saying good bye. I went over to Jim to ask if would like to stay at South Beach SP. one more night. Doug said he would a night of rest after everything that went on to night. Why don't we stay today and tonight and leave day after tomorrow. Jim said that sounded good to him.
Now we are all out by the motor Homes saying our goodbye's to everyone. They're all leaving for their homes and back to their Clans.
Good bye and good night.
Day 26 family exchange part 1
Sun down now- and all kinds of excitement going on out side. Everyone is getting ready for their guests. We are still at South Beach State Park. and having a great time getting ready. I know that Emma and Jim are looking forward to meet Zoey, Garrison's new mate. They have meet her before, but had no idea that she would end up as part of the family. Mira is also looking for someone. She wants to see Pagie again and hope that they become good friends. Right now Harry is helping Garrison out of the Motor Home. The family made him a nice place to set out by the fire. It's getting late and someone should be showing up soon. I don't know which one of them will show up frost. Teenie and Skunk Ape Mike will be bring Zoey. They have to travel the longest distance. I just heard a horn beeping. Here come Bruce and his daughter Pagie and Sue along with his mate Cindy. They just pulled up and are in a camp site next to Big Foot Jim. Mira is so excited about Pagie being here. Looks like Bruce and Cindy has brought some of his home made wine that was left over from the other day. Jim and Emma is talking to both Bruce and Cindy. I got to hear what is going on. Cindy wants to make sure that they take good care of their little girl. She will spend the next 3 months or more with them. She told her mom and dad that she was looking forward to this adventure with them, that she going to have. She has never left Powerhouse Peck before. Cindy and Emma are headed over to talk to Joyce by the fire. Skunk Ape Mike has just show up too. I see Zoey in the school bus with a big smile on her face. Garrison can barely contain himself. Mike parked over by 5th. wheel. Teenie is getting something of the back of the school bus. It looks like a book, but it is her league. This is what she keeps her note in. It has all the Clans that she deals with in it. Names, Birthday's,. Deaths and any injuries that she has to deal with. She is seen as a RN.---Doctor, among the Sasquatches and Big Foots. All of the Clans know her and respect her slot. Zoey just ran over to Garrison and gave him a big hug. Then she went over to ask Jim and Emma if they minded if Garrison became her mate. Emma said right away that she would love to have her as a daughter in law. This is going to be a long night, so it will be a two part story.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Day 25 South Beach
It looks like that we will be here a few days at South Beach. Emma said that Garrison needs some rest. Jim and Emma both think that Garrison will be better off up at Elk Bend. I ask why? and Jim said that Teenie can keep a better eye on him. He is in slot of pain and she can help him with herbs. Doug told me that Garrison wants to go back to Elk Bend any how. He thinks that Garrison is missing a young lady that he meet.
I ask Emma who will play with, if Garrison leaves? They're planning on having one of Bruce's girls spend the winter camping with us. Emma said that they are the same age. They're afraid that Garrison is going to not want to leave the Elk Bend Clan once he gets there. Jim knows that it is about time that Garrison leaves the Clan and make his own way. Garrison has been restless slot lately and they can tell that he is ready to move on and find a mate. Jim knows that Emma will be sad to lose her baby boy. By Garrison going to Elk Bend he will have some one else show him the ropes.
Bruce called to say that he will drop off Page his youngest daughter sometime tomorrow night. But l know that Garrison will not be running around to night. Joyce said that he is still sleeping in the motor home. Emma would like to give Garrison a going away party. Doug said that we should wait until Pagie get here tomorrow night. I just found out that the young lady that Garrison likes is coming tomorrow night also. Her name is Zoey and she is the same age as Garrison. She has already told her dad that she was going to pick Garrison as her mate.( It is her choice ) . Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are coming to pick up Garrison and Zoey is coming with them. I think tomorrow night is going to be exciting. All kinds of changes will be going on. This night has gone by so fast with everything that has been happening. Harry Yeti said the reason that Zoey picked Garrison is because of Big Foot Jim. Jim is the leader of his Clan so that means that some day Garrison should end up a Clan leader. Zoey's dad is the leader of his Clan. So this is a good choice for both of them.
Fire's out now and the sun is coming out. Time to call it a night !! OH BOY!! Tomorrow night will be a good one.
Good Day
I ask Emma who will play with, if Garrison leaves? They're planning on having one of Bruce's girls spend the winter camping with us. Emma said that they are the same age. They're afraid that Garrison is going to not want to leave the Elk Bend Clan once he gets there. Jim knows that it is about time that Garrison leaves the Clan and make his own way. Garrison has been restless slot lately and they can tell that he is ready to move on and find a mate. Jim knows that Emma will be sad to lose her baby boy. By Garrison going to Elk Bend he will have some one else show him the ropes.
Bruce called to say that he will drop off Page his youngest daughter sometime tomorrow night. But l know that Garrison will not be running around to night. Joyce said that he is still sleeping in the motor home. Emma would like to give Garrison a going away party. Doug said that we should wait until Pagie get here tomorrow night. I just found out that the young lady that Garrison likes is coming tomorrow night also. Her name is Zoey and she is the same age as Garrison. She has already told her dad that she was going to pick Garrison as her mate.( It is her choice ) . Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are coming to pick up Garrison and Zoey is coming with them. I think tomorrow night is going to be exciting. All kinds of changes will be going on. This night has gone by so fast with everything that has been happening. Harry Yeti said the reason that Zoey picked Garrison is because of Big Foot Jim. Jim is the leader of his Clan so that means that some day Garrison should end up a Clan leader. Zoey's dad is the leader of his Clan. So this is a good choice for both of them.
Fire's out now and the sun is coming out. Time to call it a night !! OH BOY!! Tomorrow night will be a good one.
Good Day
Back from the Doc.
Iam looking forward to seeing Garrison to night . They decided not to leave him at Elk Bean. I know that they will be back sometime tonight. Maia is watching Liberty and Joyce is cooking out by the fire and it smells good!.
Doug is cleaning the deer that Garrison got last night before he got hurt. Harry is coming over to tell me what happened to Garrison. By all accounts, it looks like that Garrison did not follow everything that Big foot Jim told him to do. Sasquatch Doug had to kill the deer himself after Garrison got hurt. Harry said that Garrison was stalking the deer and as it was betting down he did not wait long enough. When he jumped it the buck was not surprised at all. The buck fought back and pitched Garrison off the embankment and down the hill. Then went after him! It was lucky that Jim was there to push him out of the way. By then Garrison was already hurt. Harry said that Garrison was very lucky that all he got was a broken arm out of it. Harry said that over the years more then a few have died fighting a big buck or a large Elk. He said that he has lost a lot of friends over the years. Now he has almost lost his grandson. Then he said that it is all part of life. Garrison learned an important lesson last night that he will not soon forget. Harry was mad at Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug for not keeping a better eye on him. The reason was because it was his first hunt alone. But he was not alone, thank God for that. It's 3 am now and Emma and Jim just showed up with Garrison in tow. Teenie gave him some plants and herbs to help with the pain. So he is a sleep now and Emma said he should sleep through the night and day. Emma also said that Teenie gave him some herbs for the pain he will have later just before they left. This help him sleep on the ride back.
While Garrison is asleep and Mira is watching Liberty, the rest of us are out by the fire. Emma is still upset by the whole ordeal. Emma was telling us all that Teenie said that his arm will be a 100% in about 5 weeks. Garrison told Jim and Emma that he wants to go back to Elk Bend to stay. Emma told Joyce and Doug that he meet a young lady at the camp that he likes. We are out by the fire having a lot of laughs about our adventures we are having together so far. Iam going in so l can get some rest. I can tell that they want to talk about what they are going to do next.
Good night or day
Doug is cleaning the deer that Garrison got last night before he got hurt. Harry is coming over to tell me what happened to Garrison. By all accounts, it looks like that Garrison did not follow everything that Big foot Jim told him to do. Sasquatch Doug had to kill the deer himself after Garrison got hurt. Harry said that Garrison was stalking the deer and as it was betting down he did not wait long enough. When he jumped it the buck was not surprised at all. The buck fought back and pitched Garrison off the embankment and down the hill. Then went after him! It was lucky that Jim was there to push him out of the way. By then Garrison was already hurt. Harry said that Garrison was very lucky that all he got was a broken arm out of it. Harry said that over the years more then a few have died fighting a big buck or a large Elk. He said that he has lost a lot of friends over the years. Now he has almost lost his grandson. Then he said that it is all part of life. Garrison learned an important lesson last night that he will not soon forget. Harry was mad at Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug for not keeping a better eye on him. The reason was because it was his first hunt alone. But he was not alone, thank God for that. It's 3 am now and Emma and Jim just showed up with Garrison in tow. Teenie gave him some plants and herbs to help with the pain. So he is a sleep now and Emma said he should sleep through the night and day. Emma also said that Teenie gave him some herbs for the pain he will have later just before they left. This help him sleep on the ride back.
While Garrison is asleep and Mira is watching Liberty, the rest of us are out by the fire. Emma is still upset by the whole ordeal. Emma was telling us all that Teenie said that his arm will be a 100% in about 5 weeks. Garrison told Jim and Emma that he wants to go back to Elk Bend to stay. Emma told Joyce and Doug that he meet a young lady at the camp that he likes. We are out by the fire having a lot of laughs about our adventures we are having together so far. Iam going in so l can get some rest. I can tell that they want to talk about what they are going to do next.
Good night or day
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