Nobody could have build this cave by hand. I was told if you go all the way Toto the back of the cave, it would come out in the Sanger Peck`s safe house. The cave goes all the way though the Mt. the main part of the cave is lined with bambo and has a hand layer rock floor. I could easily live in this safe house it is so nice and clean. How they found this place was a big surprise for every one . I was told that they came across it while digging a new safehouse on the side of the hill. They found it when they broke though a rock wall. It has every thing you would want in a safehouse and need. It wasn`t until later that they found out that it went all the way though the Mt. It has a under water river and natural air vents, etc. there is plenty of room for the Clan members. It also has a large room for a kitchen with a air vent already build in. This made it idea for cooking in and when they cook, Boy does the food smell good ! Of course it`s probable road kill but it smells good any how.
Emma said that they are all going to have a feast later to night. So I told her and Joyce that I was going to take a hike over to Sanger Peck and come back with one of the Sanger Peack Clam Members. He`s headed over to check up on the kids at the safehouse. They left some of the older kids there because the kids didn`t want to come over. He said it is about 5 miles over there but he also said that it would be flat most of the way. I asked why we are not going to cut though the cave because it would be a lot shorter to go though the cave. He said that it is closed off because of the under ground river water level is high right now.
On the way over, he was telling me that the Sanger Peck Clan is a very large Clan. Jim asked Woody and his Clan to help the Broken Rib Clan get settled in and get their territory marked. Now that the Clan take care of its selves, the Sanger Clan are going to expand their territory if they get the Okay from B.F. Jim. Woody is a very good Clan leader and is always willing to help any Clan that needs it.
I am back now and headed over to the 5th wheel to get ready to head out on a new adventure. Iam just waiting for Jim and Doug and the Ladies to show up. Then we will be off on to the next adventure! I wonder what is next?
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