Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hook nose rubber Boa camp fire story

         WATCH OUT        WATCH OUT        WATCH OUT

   This is to warn each and every one of you about the HOOK NOSE RUBBER BOA,
It has struck again here at this Park,,,  ( add park name in ) BUT it can strike anytime an any were,,
     The Hook Nose Rubber Boa is everywhere in the park,in your tent , boat pickup , motor home, and it could be some around your home,,.  And you see them along the road side.
     I thought I was going to have to tell you about how you should watch out for Rattlesnakes in the park..  But it is the HOOK NOSE RUBBER BOA that you should keep an eye out for?,
      The campers are bring them in by the dozens ! I bet most of you have brought at least one in from your home..
       They will strike  with out notice and more of the time in the face,, I know of someone that had to have 6 stickers or more above the right eye..
      They come in many different colors  and sizes from 6 inches up to 3 feet or more..
       I can tell you that each and every camper in the park most likely has at least one in their camp site right now.
       You will see a lot of them at the dump,, you will find most of them at the dump or in the back of pickups.
      They can grow to twice there sizes and that is when they are the most dangerous!!   Also watch out one might get you someday ,, If one hasn't got you already yet,, I can tell you one will get you some day,,

Guess What It Is   you will be surprised,,,!

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