Tuesday, August 21, 2018

DAY 60 b the day has come

    Pagie is over by Mira and they are talking about something over with Emma and Joyce.  I can tell that something might be wrong right now.. It looks like Pagie is crying and Joyce is rubbing her back and talking to her.. Mira is starting to cry also and Emma is with her ...Boy I hope that it is not something serices going down..  Leroy is no where to be seen or any where around.. weather and Jim along with both Doug and Berry are headed out to work on the territory markers.. Emma is coming over to the camp fire with Joyce,, so now I can asked what is going on with Mira,,  Then I should know what is going on,,.
       Emma is now telling me that Leroy has been gone for sometime now.. No one seems to know where he has got off too. Joyce said that she heard him say that he was going out to the outer edge of Weatherbees new territory.. He told one of the other BIG Foots he was going to work on some trees that needed to be removed..
        Jim and    Doug have been gone about 3 hours when they sent back some news about LeRoy..  Here come the Boys now and I can hear tree bounding in the back ground.. That is how the Big Foots Comcast over long distances.. This might not be good sign because Big Foot Jim went right over to Emma.. He is also talking to Joyce and now they both are crying.. They are now headed over to the Motor Home and I wish I knew what was going on... Jim is calling everyone around and he wants to have a meeting.. The tree bounding is getting a lot louder now and BIG Foots are coming from all over the place in to the camp..
The only ones I don't see anyone around are both Berry and Weatherbee.. Barry's Mate and Weatherbee's Mate ( Ashly and Alexyss ) are both headed over to the Motor Home.. But I still don't know what is going on.. Jim is done talking to the group of BIG Foots.. there is a lot going on now and I can now hear A lot of Wailing come from the Monaco Motor Home,,  Now I can hear both screaming and crying also..
    Something big has happened and I don't know what is going on .. I went over to talk to Jim but he has already left with a group of BIG Foots.. Emma is starting this way and told me that they are planning to all be back tomorrow night.. DAY light is coming and I still don't know what is going so I don't know what is going on... Joyce said that Doug will tell me what is going on tonight at the camp fire .. So I am going to try to get some sleep today if I can.. I think it is going to be along Day and Night until they get back with some news..
    So good night or Day for now...

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hook nose rubber Boa camp fire story

         WATCH OUT        WATCH OUT        WATCH OUT

   This is to warn each and every one of you about the HOOK NOSE RUBBER BOA,
It has struck again here at this Park,,,  ( add park name in ) BUT it can strike anytime an any were,,
     The Hook Nose Rubber Boa is everywhere in the park,in your tent , boat pickup , motor home, and it could be some around your home,,.  And you see them along the road side.
     I thought I was going to have to tell you about how you should watch out for Rattlesnakes in the park..  But it is the HOOK NOSE RUBBER BOA that you should keep an eye out for?,
      The campers are bring them in by the dozens ! I bet most of you have brought at least one in from your home..
       They will strike  with out notice and more of the time in the face,, I know of someone that had to have 6 stickers or more above the right eye..
      They come in many different colors  and sizes from 6 inches up to 3 feet or more..
       I can tell you that each and every camper in the park most likely has at least one in their camp site right now.
       You will see a lot of them at the dump,, you will find most of them at the dump or in the back of pickups.
      They can grow to twice there sizes and that is when they are the most dangerous!!   Also watch out one might get you someday ,, If one hasn't got you already yet,, I can tell you one will get you some day,,

Guess What It Is   you will be surprised,,,!

DAY 60 Mira will pick a mate

I just woke up and I can hear Leroy out side talking to Jim and Emma. The rest of the Clan are 0ver by the fire and it is a big one too,,,The coal are just glowing in the dark.. Barry and Weatherbee are putting the deer on a spit, so they can cook it over the coal. The girls are getting the veggies ready for the dinner ,,
      Pagie and Olivia are over cutting up the veggies  and Mira is nowhere to be found.. Doug just told me that he saw Mira over in the Georgetown motor home talking to her aunt Joyce.. She has been in the Motor Home now for the last hour or so..
        Just like always the food is starting to smell so good.. I asked Weatherbee if he was going to be the head cook tonight,,  then I saw him get out a box of Herbs he said that they came from the Mt. Hood territory,, we have been using the same type of Herbs for years now,,
        I see that Pagie is on the phone and I have idea who she could be talking to. I will most likely fined out some time later..Emma and Ashley are over taking care of the babies.  They are twins one is Renie  and the other is Linda ...Ashley is Barry's Mate and Barry is Larry's twin brother,, Larry is from the Pearsoff Clan ,.. Ashley is getting the table set up alone with Emma .. Mira just came out of the Motor Home  with Joyce and Alexis ,.. They have been in the Motor Home for some time talking now.  Joyce is Mira aunt and she talks to her all the time.. Must have been a good talk because she has a big smile on his face... Mira is 7 now Emma said that would make her 18 in human years,, ( remember always time their years by 2 an half time to get human years )  I think that she is going to pick Leroy as her Mate,,. It's her choice  and no body else's  but I know she will talk it over with her Mom and Dad..
         I wonder what will happen the Pagie if Mira decide to pick Leroy as her Mate,,.  It is always the Female Big Foot that picks her Mate and she is the only one that can pick a Mate for her self.. Now we will see if she will stay here we  him or what.. Only time will tell...