Friday, August 12, 2016

Camping with Big Foot

Report from your shirtless host on camping with Big Foot @ Fort Stevens S.P. Oregon
   This is about the first time I meet Big Foot.  He was camping in Oregon with wife and two kids. He also had his cousin Sasquatch ( Doug ) along with his in-laws Harry Yeti and his wife Edith.
 It was a cold winter night just out side Astoria- Oregon.
He had the camp site just across from me, in  there new class A Monaco motor home.
If you haven't been to Fort Stevens S. P. you are missing a experience of a life time. You are right on the mouth of the Columbia River and it is spectacular with a view to die for.
Harry and I talked a bit , I was surprised how much they like camping. We both well be here for 3 days so we decided to travel together and camp down the coastline. So follow us as we go South.
Your shirtless host. Steve    Jones

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