last night was a hoot!! Last night Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug went hunting . They ask me to go along but I have been hiking all day and was to tired. Told them I would love to go next time. After it got dark I heard the kids go out to play again. They played most of the night. Iam beginning to understand that most of this families activities are at night, so I will have change my schedule from day to night, if I want to hang out with them.
Harry and Edith told me that they we're going to Astoria tonight. Harry wanted to see the house that was in the movie " Goonies ". Astoria is just a few miles north of F.S.S.Park. So a very easy trip. I had no idea he was a big fan of the movies. He said is favorite movie is " Harry and the Henderson ". He claimed that the star was a cousin.
Fort Stevens has a lot for the family to do. Camping, Fishing , hiking , Cycling and movies for the kids, and much more. Can you Imagine if my new friends children show up for the movies. this is a large camp and it will take you all day to see everything.
Oh and yes Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug are back from there hunting trip. You will never be leave what they got. I was very surprised to see it. I will fill you in later. I will most likely not eat with them tonight or maybe ever. Their favorite meals are very different from my favorite. But you never know!! I like meat too.
Shirtless Steve
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