Well, We have been in the safe now for quite sometime now. Jim wants to move on in the morning . He would like to get over to the Saddle Mt. Clan. The Clan leader is going to step down and there is two big Foots that wants to take over. This take over has not been an easy one for the Clan. The old Clan leader lost his whole family in the big fire last year. So he wants to move back up to Canada were he has other family members.
Matt is over by Joyce and Emma talking to Lacy. He is planning a surprise for the group. All the kids are in the back of the safehouse playing games. This place is so big and goes so deep into the mountain. Here come Mira and Pagie with Liberty . They yelled that they know what the surprise is. Rebecca and Ellie told them already. Matt's sister, JoAnna is having a baby this spring. Boy what a surprise!!!!! There is even more she is having twins. Jim said that they need to contact Teenie as soon as possible. Matt's sister would like to go see Teenie at the Elk Bean Clan. Well this will be the first Yowie born the the North West I think.
Doug just got a call from the Saddle Mt. Clan. They want to know when Jim is going to arrive. The Clan is in a uproar over everything that is going on . Doug told Jim that they need to leave right away. It is almost day light now and Jim wants to leave. Emma said that Jim is upset over what is going on among the Clan Members. They lost over half of there Clan Members in the big fire last year. So they are having a lot of trouble getting things back to normal. We are all ready to go and mooore to come ! Matt said that the Yowie's will be in Grants Pass this summer with the new twins. The whole Clan will be there for the rendezvous. We should be up to Saddle Mt in about 3 hours the Clan is expecting us to night.
Well we are on the road now and we should be up by Saddle Mt soon . Jim asked me to stay in the RV. when we get there. So l will just go to bed and see everyone to night
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