Monday, August 7, 2017

Day 54 B. Clan fight over

   Now the Clan can slowly start coming around . The winner is pounding his chest and letting everyone know he won. He even thought it was smart to push Sasquatche Doug when he went by him. Big Mistake!!!
Doug put him right on his back hard on the ground and real hard to. I have never seen Doug that mad before. I think that Doug could have easily killed him with just one plow if he wanted too. He started to get up and Big Foot Jim told him to stay on the ground and do not get up. He wants to talk to him right now . Then he let him know if he ever laid a hand on  either Me (. Big Foot Jim ) or Sasquatche Doug again it will be the last time.
   Jim finally let him up and Doug was still mad at him. He let him know it too. Doug was telling him that he is a Clan Leader not a Clan Dictator. Jim also told him that if there is more trouble he will step in and fix it. They don't that to happen at all.
   The Clan leader's mate just showed up. Her and Tennie came over to take care of all of his cuts. She told her Mate that she was glad that hes not seriously hurt. Then she told Tennie  and Emma that see lost three if her kids in the big fire. Emma and Joyce both think and hope that this will help the Clan pull together. Joyce was telling me that the Sasquatche that died in the fight was one of two that lost Thier whole family in the fire. She thinks that he just wanted to start over. It is to bad it ended this way for him.
   The old Clan leader lost his whole family in the big fire too. He will be leaving tomorrow for Canada. He is looking forward to the trip so he can see his other family members. His old school bus is already loaded and fueled up. The bus is a old Blue Bird about a 1950. I see that the Clan has three trees that they will plant over the Sasquatche grave site. He will be buried next to his Mate and Kids. They will plant the three trees over him with full honor that all Sasquatches should have. This Clan has had its share of deaths in the last few years. We will be leaving right after the funereal. Will it is over and the new Clan leader said some nice things about the Sasquatche. I hope that he will be a good leader. We are off now and headed down the road and Doug said he will call later to tell me where we are going.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Day 54 A. Saddle Mt. Figjt

  We just pulled in and parked under a Grove of trees. It is time for me to go to bed and we will see everyone tonight. I will call Doug or Jim later tonight.  The Clan maded a large pad for us on the east side of the river at the top of the hill under a Grove of trees. This is a great place because you can see all the way to the coast. I can see the lights of Gold Beach in the distance. Iam so surprised to see Skunk Ape Mike , it means that teenie is here somewhere. I didn't know she was going to be here from  the Elk Bend l will be glad to see her. This only means that there is more going on then l thought. Jim will let me know if l need to leave. I trust both Jim and Doug. I will see everyone tonight sometime. Did not sleep hardly at all today. I could hear limbs breaking and a lot of noise all day outside.  This is the first time lam a little worried. I hope that Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug can defues everything that is going on out there.
      Iam going to stay in the RV.  for a bit. Hi! Is out side with Doug and the old Clan leader. Mira just ran over to the RV. and is knocking on the door. I let her in and she is telling me that  two Sasquatches been fighting  over who will be the new Clan leader. Then she said that she could tell that the tow had a dislike for each other. Mira then said she heard that they both lost family members in the big fire. They are both scared up from the fire.
    I talked to Jim and he said that he has no say on this.  So he and the rest of the group are staying out of this fight. I still have not seen Teenie , but Mike is out by the Motor Home. Emma and Joyce are keeping the kids in the Motor Home with them and told Jim that she wanted to leave. Doug also told Big Foot Jim that this is not a safe for the kids. Joyce is going to lock the kids in the Georgetown Motor Home.
   This will be the 2 ND. time l got to see a fight over and for a Clan leadership. The last one was a fight between farther and son. But this one is going to be a fight to the death l think. Been going on now for about a day now, but it just now has stopped. I see Teenie now and see is covered in blood. Jim said that one of the Sasquatches was killed in the fight for leadership of the Clan. What a loss but l found out that it happens a lot more then you think.

Day 53 ? Off to Saddles Mt.

Well, We have been in the safe now for quite sometime now. Jim wants to move on in the morning . He would like to get over to the Saddle Mt. Clan.  The Clan leader is going to step down and there is two big Foots that wants to take over. This take over has not been an easy one for the Clan. The old Clan leader lost his whole family in the big fire last year. So he wants to move back up to Canada were he has other family members.
  Matt is over by Joyce  and Emma talking to Lacy. He is planning a surprise for the group. All the kids are in the back of the safehouse playing games. This place is so big and goes so deep into the mountain. Here come Mira and Pagie with Liberty . They yelled that they know what the surprise is. Rebecca and Ellie told them already. Matt's sister, JoAnna is having a baby this spring. Boy what a surprise!!!!!  There is even more she is having twins. Jim said that they need to contact Teenie as soon as possible. Matt's sister would like to go see Teenie at the Elk Bean Clan. Well this will be the first Yowie born the the North West I think.
   Doug just got a call from the Saddle Mt. Clan. They want to know when Jim is going to arrive. The Clan is in a uproar over everything that is going on . Doug told Jim that they need to leave right away. It is almost day light now and Jim wants to leave. Emma said that Jim is upset over what is going on among the Clan Members. They lost over half of there Clan Members in the big fire last year. So they are having a lot of trouble getting things back to normal. We are all ready to go and mooore to come ! Matt said that the Yowie's will be in Grants Pass this summer with the new twins. The whole Clan will be there for the rendezvous. We should be up to Saddle Mt in about 3 hours the Clan is expecting us to night.
    Well we are on the road now and we should be up by Saddle Mt soon . Jim asked me to stay in the RV. when we get there. So l will just go to bed and see everyone to night