Here comes Jim, Bob and Doug! They've been cooking now for about 4 hrs. and the Hog is looking good and is almost done. It smells good like always. All the wild vegetables have been cleaned and put on the table. They don't cook them at all they just make sure that there clean. I see a big bowl of berries of all kinds also on the table. I did not see them earlier on the table. Joyce said that Emma and Sue just got back with them and just in time because here comes everyone now. I stand 6 foot , and even the kids are taller then lam. All of the adult are 8 foot or taller and l think that a few are over 9 feet tall or taller. Well they just threw the Hog on the table and without hesitation they just started digging in. I think that l will just have the wild vegetables tonight. They are ripping the Hog apart by hand and digging in.
Bob said after dinner we all are going to head up to a safehouse and watch for falling stars. The kids love doing that. He let everyone know that just before sun rise there is going to be a lot of falling stars. We are so far back in the forest and it is so dark. Now the moon has set and it makes it easier to see the falling stars. While the kids are doing that, Jim , Doug , and their friend needs to take care of some business. Jim said that he would appreciate it if l would stay with the kids and the rest of the Clan. I told him that I would love to watch the falling stars. The kids were setting on a large log and the ladies were holding their babies and talking amount them selves. " I felt left out ". The only ones that would talk to me were Mira and Pagie. Emma and Joyce were off with Liberty and Sue. We were there about a hour and then it started. Falling stars started falling just like Bob said. One right after another was shooting across the sky and it was awesome to see. The kids were having so much fun watching the stars falling. It went on for about two hours then it started slowing down to just one or two now and then. I asked Sue if this happens a lot and she said Bob aways knows. But she doesn't know how Bob is always able to know what night it is going to happen. He's seldom wrong when he tells the kids that it is a good night to watch for falling stars.
Iam starting to get cold l think it is time for me to start heading back to the 5 th. wheel. Emma said that l need to stay a little longer. Then Joyce said that big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug and the other boys will be done soon. They think that we should all headphones back together. The kids are going along breaking limbs on the trees and marking their trail bank to camp for later..By doing this they can find there way back up there for later to play. It is something they do they can find their way to a safehouse are a place to play. The way they break them tells them which way to go. They've been doing this for as long as anyone can remember.
Here comes Jim , Doug and Bob with a big box for the kids. It is all kinds of rocks l asked what are they for. Were did they come from and how come they're in a wooden box. Bob said that they are some petrified wood, not just rocks. They find them all over the mountain side after a hard rain. The kids make necklaces out of them to sale on the internet. Pretty cool !! We're back now and lam really tired , so off to bed. But lam Stella hungry! I just could not eat the meat. Smelled really good but could not eat it. Good night or Good day!!!
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