Well we are at Humbug Mountain State Park now and the kids are all out playing by the Georgetown Motor Home. Liberty is getting so big now. Mira said that we all are going to a waterfall tonight. Jim wants to teach Liberty and the rest of the grips some skills. The most important one is how to avoid humans. He said the biggest danger to a Big Foot is man. I asked why they were willing to have me tag along with them. Jim said that at Fort Stevens he knew right away that l was not a danger to him and the rest of the group. How did he know that l would not hurt any of them. Boy Iam glad that he is going to let me tag long. This has been an adventure of a lifetime. He also said that l will able to visit any Clan that l would like to go back too. But he would like me to call him or Doug first if l ever decide to go to any Big Foot territory. This way he can let the Clan know that it is okay for me to stop by.
They are eating now and l am back at the RV. having my dinner also. I'm waiting for them to call and after they call we all are heading up to the water fall. Mira said that she hopes that her dad can find the water fall. He has told her many times how awesome it is. The kids are looking forward in seeing it to. Joyce is also looking forward in finding the falls.
Mira and Liberty are are out side of the 5 the. wheel! They said that they are ready to go. Iam excited about the hike. We are not headed the way l thought we would be going. The coast is west and we are headed east up the hill. We went across a creek and we followed it for about a mile. Then we came to the water fall and it was awesome. The kids played in the water and and we just sat around and talked.
Sasquatche Doug said that he heard that Mira's boy friend is coming in a few days. Jim and Emma were surprised to hear about this. Jim asked Joyce how they heard that he was coming. She said that she over head her telling Pagie. She asked Jim and Emma not to say any thing about it yet. And let her tell them when she fells like it.
We had a great time at the water fall. It's time to get ready to go and start heading back. Jim said that he can hear someone coming up the trail. So we went up into the woods to hide until they pass by. It was two young ladies with back packs. One of them said that she hears something in the woods. Both of them looked around and took off fast up the trail. Day light is almost here and we have got to get back quickly. Back at the 5 th. wheel and ready to take off. What a night we are going to Agness next l think.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Day 47 Humbug State Park
Well on the road again ! we are on our way now and the back of Sasquatche Doug's Jeep has some damage. He told me that they will it worked on an fixed in Grants Pass on the way back home. It will take about 3 hours to get to Humbug Mountain State Park. Pagie and Mira are riding with Doug and Joyce so they can play with Liberty. Bob and Sue and some of the Clan members are up on the side of the hill and the others Clan members are by the creek. They are all waving goodbye and it sounds like they are singing a song. But that is there way of saying good bye. Jim told me that we will see them over at Roseburg Oregon in about 3 or 4 weeks at the big yearly rondeview. This is were we all are going to get to together. There will be about 100 or more Big Foots there. Jim said on the way to 101, we will be going back the same way we came. We will catch Hwy. 101 at the Elk River Road. The Rogue River Nat'l Forest is just about one of the prettiest places l have seen so far. The Bald Mountain Creek was just full of fish! What a great place to stay. As we got on Hwy. 101 Jim called to tell me that we are going to Humbug Mountain State Park just for one night. Then we are going to just out side of Agness for a few days. He wanted me to meet up with some Big Foots from Australia. ( Down Under ). They are called YOWIE'S and he wants to meet up with the Clan leader. His name is Matt. But first we will stay at Humbug Mountain State Park for one night. He wants the kids to play on the trails that he played on as a kid. Sasquatche Doug that Jim told about it years ago and also said that there is a water fall along one of the creek trails. But he could not remember exactly where it is at. We should be at Humbug Mountain State Park in two hours or so. When we get there lam going right to bed. Iam so tired l could sleep for a week. We are pulling off at Battle Rock Wayside Park. Jim said that the kids want to switch Motor Homes and the Motor Home is running a little hot anyhow. Liberty wants to play in the Monaco . It's been raining a lot all day l hope that it lets up by the time we get to Humbug. It will be nice to get to the camp site so l can get some rest. We are now just entering the north end of the park and the main entrance is just up and around the next bend. We will turn left into the park soon. Our camp sites are in the back of the park. Well there is the entrance to the park so l will get some sleep now. Both Doug and Jim said that they will all see me to night so go day..
Friday, May 12, 2017
Day 46 B got the Jeep back
Well it has been a very interesting after noon. Mira has let me think that her boyfriend was coming from HadSalt Creek Clan with his Mom and Dad. The school bus that showed up was some Big Foots and Sasquatche from a neighboring Clan. They stop by periodically to visit everyone. So l thought it was Mira's boyfriends family. We are going to have another B.B.Q.. they brought a half an Elk to cook. Oh Boy!! What am l going to do now. I know that l can't eat with them. I think l will help them cook it and then l will take a walk. Emma said that she understands why l don't eat with them . I told her that it always smells and looks so, so, good. Joyce said that they found the Elk along side the road this morning. That really makes me excited now. I know for sure that l will have cold chicken from the store. The visiting Clan is from the other side of the mountain. The fire is going and the coals are almost ready. The ladies are getting wild vegetables from the meadow. We are going to have onions, potatos and other wild greens. I did see a watermelon also on the table and l asked were it came from. She said that they have a wild watermelon patch in the other Clans meadow.
The other Clan has a under ground green house that is part of an old cave they found. The cave is also their safehouse. It was an old minding cave . Boy would l like to see that, but l know l can't. The Elk has been cooking for about 5 hrs. and it is almost done .
I am getting ready to ready to head over to the 5th. wheel now. I love the smell of their food, but l know l can't eat it. It does always smell so! so! Good. Joyce is over by the table setting things up now, so lam going to help.
I heard that right after they all eat they are going to pull the Jeep up the hill. Doug would like to get it hooked up to the Georgetown Motor Home. I asked if they were going to let Mira drive it over to the Georgetown. Big Foot Jim said maybe some other day but not at this time and laughed. They never got mad at her but she feels bad about what happened. Nobody said anything to her about it at all. They are just glad she didn't get hurt that was the important thing. Iam in the 5 th. wheel and lam all done eating and waiting for them to call me.lt is almost sun rise now and we will be leaving today sometime. Just got the call from Mira and she said that they are getting ready to get the Jeep and lam headed over to watch. It only took them about 30 minutes and they had the Jeep up and hooked up to the Georgetown. Doug and Jim wants to leave in about an hour. Heading to Humbug Mountain State Park. Can't wait!!
The other Clan has a under ground green house that is part of an old cave they found. The cave is also their safehouse. It was an old minding cave . Boy would l like to see that, but l know l can't. The Elk has been cooking for about 5 hrs. and it is almost done .
I am getting ready to ready to head over to the 5th. wheel now. I love the smell of their food, but l know l can't eat it. It does always smell so! so! Good. Joyce is over by the table setting things up now, so lam going to help.
I heard that right after they all eat they are going to pull the Jeep up the hill. Doug would like to get it hooked up to the Georgetown Motor Home. I asked if they were going to let Mira drive it over to the Georgetown. Big Foot Jim said maybe some other day but not at this time and laughed. They never got mad at her but she feels bad about what happened. Nobody said anything to her about it at all. They are just glad she didn't get hurt that was the important thing. Iam in the 5 th. wheel and lam all done eating and waiting for them to call me.lt is almost sun rise now and we will be leaving today sometime. Just got the call from Mira and she said that they are getting ready to get the Jeep and lam headed over to watch. It only took them about 30 minutes and they had the Jeep up and hooked up to the Georgetown. Doug and Jim wants to leave in about an hour. Heading to Humbug Mountain State Park. Can't wait!!
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Day 46 A Not on the road yet
They got me up at around 3 pm. in the afternoon and l did not get a lot of sleep today. Jim wants to head down to Agness and it is along the Rogue River. Frist we will stay at Humbug Mountain State Park for at least 2 nights. Matt and his Mate Lacy are going to meet us there. He told me that they like to watch the Jet Boats go up the River and bachell be going down to Gold Beach and take Jerry's Flat Road. Before we can leave, we need to take care of something. Jim said it with a smile on his face. Mira did a real surpriseing thing in front of everyone. I think l know what it is she told. Jim and Emma are over by the Georgetown Motor Home with Doug and Joyce. They look like they are having a good time right now. The tow cars are not hooked up yet and l don't see Doug's Jeep anywhere around. I wonder what is going on and here comes Pagie and Mira. It looks like they are both laughing about something also. I should be finding out what happened in a few minutes. Doug called me over and said that we are going to stay here one more night. He didn't say why or tell me what is going on. Bob and Sue just showed up with a whole bunch of kids , there must be something that is going on. They are all over by the back of the Georgetown Motor Home talking. I have never seen this many Big Foots out and about during the day time hours before. I think l know what is going on and it has something to do with Mira. Maybe Mira told everyone about her boyfriend, she most likely told them that he is coming from the HadSalt Creek Clan. That is why we are going to stay one more night. She had not said anything to me yet. I hope that he gets here soon because it is almost sun set. Iam going to head back over to the fire and ask what is going on. Doug , Bob and Jim just left in the Jeep and Joyce and Emma are with Sue over by the fire. I don't see Mira, Pagie and Liberty at all they most likely left with the other kids to go play. Bob just showed up with a tow truck and some other Big Foots. Maybe l will find out what is going on now. I see a school bus is coming down the road also. This must be Mira's boyfriend and his Mom and Dad.
WRONG!!! It's not anything that l though it was at all. Jims back with Doug and they are headed over to the 5th. wheel. Bingo! I found out what is going on and what a surprise. Doug said that Mira asked if is could move the Jeep. Now l know she drove it right off the embankment. It is about 50 feet down the hill and stuck. She's not hurt but it scared Hera lot. Now she told her mom that she will never drive again. ( No Boy Friend Coming ) . I thought for sure that was it Boy was l wrong. I know that he will be showing up but not yet anyhow. Doug was not mad or up set because he did the same thing last year with Jim's Jeep. Can't do anything until daylight now.
WRONG!!! It's not anything that l though it was at all. Jims back with Doug and they are headed over to the 5th. wheel. Bingo! I found out what is going on and what a surprise. Doug said that Mira asked if is could move the Jeep. Now l know she drove it right off the embankment. It is about 50 feet down the hill and stuck. She's not hurt but it scared Hera lot. Now she told her mom that she will never drive again. ( No Boy Friend Coming ) . I thought for sure that was it Boy was l wrong. I know that he will be showing up but not yet anyhow. Doug was not mad or up set because he did the same thing last year with Jim's Jeep. Can't do anything until daylight now.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Day 45 A. Meet Bob's Clan
Here comes Jim, Bob and Doug! They've been cooking now for about 4 hrs. and the Hog is looking good and is almost done. It smells good like always. All the wild vegetables have been cleaned and put on the table. They don't cook them at all they just make sure that there clean. I see a big bowl of berries of all kinds also on the table. I did not see them earlier on the table. Joyce said that Emma and Sue just got back with them and just in time because here comes everyone now. I stand 6 foot , and even the kids are taller then lam. All of the adult are 8 foot or taller and l think that a few are over 9 feet tall or taller. Well they just threw the Hog on the table and without hesitation they just started digging in. I think that l will just have the wild vegetables tonight. They are ripping the Hog apart by hand and digging in.
Bob said after dinner we all are going to head up to a safehouse and watch for falling stars. The kids love doing that. He let everyone know that just before sun rise there is going to be a lot of falling stars. We are so far back in the forest and it is so dark. Now the moon has set and it makes it easier to see the falling stars. While the kids are doing that, Jim , Doug , and their friend needs to take care of some business. Jim said that he would appreciate it if l would stay with the kids and the rest of the Clan. I told him that I would love to watch the falling stars. The kids were setting on a large log and the ladies were holding their babies and talking amount them selves. " I felt left out ". The only ones that would talk to me were Mira and Pagie. Emma and Joyce were off with Liberty and Sue. We were there about a hour and then it started. Falling stars started falling just like Bob said. One right after another was shooting across the sky and it was awesome to see. The kids were having so much fun watching the stars falling. It went on for about two hours then it started slowing down to just one or two now and then. I asked Sue if this happens a lot and she said Bob aways knows. But she doesn't know how Bob is always able to know what night it is going to happen. He's seldom wrong when he tells the kids that it is a good night to watch for falling stars.
Iam starting to get cold l think it is time for me to start heading back to the 5 th. wheel. Emma said that l need to stay a little longer. Then Joyce said that big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug and the other boys will be done soon. They think that we should all headphones back together. The kids are going along breaking limbs on the trees and marking their trail bank to camp for later..By doing this they can find there way back up there for later to play. It is something they do they can find their way to a safehouse are a place to play. The way they break them tells them which way to go. They've been doing this for as long as anyone can remember.
Here comes Jim , Doug and Bob with a big box for the kids. It is all kinds of rocks l asked what are they for. Were did they come from and how come they're in a wooden box. Bob said that they are some petrified wood, not just rocks. They find them all over the mountain side after a hard rain. The kids make necklaces out of them to sale on the internet. Pretty cool !! We're back now and lam really tired , so off to bed. But lam Stella hungry! I just could not eat the meat. Smelled really good but could not eat it. Good night or Good day!!!
Bob said after dinner we all are going to head up to a safehouse and watch for falling stars. The kids love doing that. He let everyone know that just before sun rise there is going to be a lot of falling stars. We are so far back in the forest and it is so dark. Now the moon has set and it makes it easier to see the falling stars. While the kids are doing that, Jim , Doug , and their friend needs to take care of some business. Jim said that he would appreciate it if l would stay with the kids and the rest of the Clan. I told him that I would love to watch the falling stars. The kids were setting on a large log and the ladies were holding their babies and talking amount them selves. " I felt left out ". The only ones that would talk to me were Mira and Pagie. Emma and Joyce were off with Liberty and Sue. We were there about a hour and then it started. Falling stars started falling just like Bob said. One right after another was shooting across the sky and it was awesome to see. The kids were having so much fun watching the stars falling. It went on for about two hours then it started slowing down to just one or two now and then. I asked Sue if this happens a lot and she said Bob aways knows. But she doesn't know how Bob is always able to know what night it is going to happen. He's seldom wrong when he tells the kids that it is a good night to watch for falling stars.
Iam starting to get cold l think it is time for me to start heading back to the 5 th. wheel. Emma said that l need to stay a little longer. Then Joyce said that big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug and the other boys will be done soon. They think that we should all headphones back together. The kids are going along breaking limbs on the trees and marking their trail bank to camp for later..By doing this they can find there way back up there for later to play. It is something they do they can find their way to a safehouse are a place to play. The way they break them tells them which way to go. They've been doing this for as long as anyone can remember.
Here comes Jim , Doug and Bob with a big box for the kids. It is all kinds of rocks l asked what are they for. Were did they come from and how come they're in a wooden box. Bob said that they are some petrified wood, not just rocks. They find them all over the mountain side after a hard rain. The kids make necklaces out of them to sale on the internet. Pretty cool !! We're back now and lam really tired , so off to bed. But lam Stella hungry! I just could not eat the meat. Smelled really good but could not eat it. Good night or Good day!!!
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Day 44 Elk River Clan
We stayed out by the camp fire for a bit and talked about everything that has happened on our adventures so far. Now it is time to get ready to go and head out for a new adventure. Emma is out by the Georgetown Motor Home with Joyce. I heard Joyce say that Pagie was sick and they are worryed about her. They called Teenie to ask her what they can do for Pagie. Pagie told Joyce that her whole body aches and she is sick to her stomach. Mira said that she thinks that she saw Pagie eating some wild berries out by the trail. Teenie knew right away what was going on and said that Pagie will be okay by tonight.
We got both of the tow cars hooked up and we are ready to go. We are going up the Elk River to meet up with a business partner of Jim and Doug. We will be staying with the Elk River Clan for one or two nights. Emma was telling me that this Clan was started by Big Foot Jim little brother Bob and his mate Sue. They have three kids: Bob jr. , Suzanne and Mary. Big Foot Bob came here about 4 years ago with his two kids and Jim's best friend and business partner. He wanted to start an southern Oregon Clan. Emma also told me that he was shot by a hunter about 6 or 7 years ago up on Mt. Hood.
That was the reason he decided to move to southern Oregon. He lost part of his left hand in the shooting.
Everyone is in their Motor Homes and we are getting ready to start out now. I can't wait to meet Jim's little brother, Bob. I hope that we get there soon so l can get some rest. Joyce just called and said that Bob is planning a big B.B.Q. tonight. Bob has build a new fire pit for the B.B.Q. . We are heading south on Hwy 101 now and the roads are not real busy right now. The park was great but it is time for a new adventure and from what l was told me, Bob will supply it in spades. Big Foot Bob has a very young group of Big Foots in his Clan. I was very surprised to find out that there is 9 pairs, plus the kids in this Clan. The area that they are in , has a large heard of Elk and a lot of plant life, onion potato and all kinds of wild greens to eat.
We just turned off Hwy 101 onto Elk River Rd. #208 headed up into the Rogue-River ---Siskiyou Nat'l Forest. After a time went by , we tried off on N.F. Rd. #5502 then up an unmarked road. Now we are heading west deep into the Nat'l Forest. We all stopped at a large pond on Bald Mountain Creek this is were the Elk River Clan is located. I was then told that there is a camp ground just a few miles up the road. The camp is on the N.F. Rd. #5020 just a few minutes away. It is ran by a young couple but they don't know that Big Foot Bob owns it.
They get paid by a PayPal account that was set up by Bob. Time to get some rest will talk to Bob to night.
We got both of the tow cars hooked up and we are ready to go. We are going up the Elk River to meet up with a business partner of Jim and Doug. We will be staying with the Elk River Clan for one or two nights. Emma was telling me that this Clan was started by Big Foot Jim little brother Bob and his mate Sue. They have three kids: Bob jr. , Suzanne and Mary. Big Foot Bob came here about 4 years ago with his two kids and Jim's best friend and business partner. He wanted to start an southern Oregon Clan. Emma also told me that he was shot by a hunter about 6 or 7 years ago up on Mt. Hood.
That was the reason he decided to move to southern Oregon. He lost part of his left hand in the shooting.
Everyone is in their Motor Homes and we are getting ready to start out now. I can't wait to meet Jim's little brother, Bob. I hope that we get there soon so l can get some rest. Joyce just called and said that Bob is planning a big B.B.Q. tonight. Bob has build a new fire pit for the B.B.Q. . We are heading south on Hwy 101 now and the roads are not real busy right now. The park was great but it is time for a new adventure and from what l was told me, Bob will supply it in spades. Big Foot Bob has a very young group of Big Foots in his Clan. I was very surprised to find out that there is 9 pairs, plus the kids in this Clan. The area that they are in , has a large heard of Elk and a lot of plant life, onion potato and all kinds of wild greens to eat.
We just turned off Hwy 101 onto Elk River Rd. #208 headed up into the Rogue-River ---Siskiyou Nat'l Forest. After a time went by , we tried off on N.F. Rd. #5502 then up an unmarked road. Now we are heading west deep into the Nat'l Forest. We all stopped at a large pond on Bald Mountain Creek this is were the Elk River Clan is located. I was then told that there is a camp ground just a few miles up the road. The camp is on the N.F. Rd. #5020 just a few minutes away. It is ran by a young couple but they don't know that Big Foot Bob owns it.
They get paid by a PayPal account that was set up by Bob. Time to get some rest will talk to Bob to night.
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