Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Day 5 big foot throwing rocks

It's dark now and Jim & Emma came over to invite me for dinner. I thank them for the invitation, but told them that I have just eaten dinner.
Emma wanted me to meet her sister, so we are all going up to Onion Peak for a picnic. I let the kids ride with me. Garrison is only 8, but he is almost 6' tall and Mira is 6  and 4' tall. Fitting us all into the pickup was pretty tight. As there is not much room. We still had alot of fun on the ride in spite of the tight quarters.  I don't know how everyone is able to get into their Suburban. But they did.
Onion Peak is where Emma picked Big Foot Jim as her mate. She picked him out of a group of 6 Big Foots.  Emma said this is the first time Back to Onion Peak since that day.
We got up to Onion Peak about 10pm. There was some campers there. Jim & Doug started throwing rocks at there tents. I ask why they did that,  Doug said that it was a tradition. It all started with Big Foots  Jim's great great great grandfather. He would throw rocks at Lewis & Clark's tents and camp sites.  It was passed down over the years and he was told the purpose was to let them know that they were there and watching over them. Also that they are ready to help if they are needed. So that is why they do it. Seems a little odd to me, as throwing rocks to help dose not seem like help. But not to them.
We saw! Someone approaching, and it was Emma's twin sister. She was holding a baby in her arms. So that was the surprise!! The baby's name is Liberty, and she is as cute as a bug.
Sasquatch Doug and Joyce got together about 5 years ago.  She said her first child was hit by a log truck about 3 years ago. I told her I was sorry, and that it must have been really hard on everyone. Joyce said happier times are a head for us now that we have baby Liberty in our family. Harry & Edith Yeti are so happy to see her and the baby. Jim wants everyone to go on a hike together. I tried to join them , but I could not keep up, they go up hills like so easily that it is as though they are on flat ground.
I decided to stay in camp with Joyce and the baby. We had a good time while the others were on a hike. They all had a great hike and we are now heading back to Nehalem Bay.  I had a great time just hanging out with this guy's
I have to get sleep in the daytime, as night is when the fun begins. I know to night well be fun . We are going to play some games. I hope I don't get hurt.
     Shirtless Steve
Thank again Teri.

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