Barry want us all to have a big cook out tonight so we are going to stay another night. Jim told B.F. Weatherbee that we are planning to head down to Hwy. 299, but we can stay one more night . Emma and Joyce along with Ashley ( Barry's Mate ) are going to help Alexyss get settled in the Safe house. Her and her Mate Weatherbee will be staying in for the winter. The weather has been good and the full moon helps while while we work on finishing there shelter. Jim and Doug are out helping Barry prepare the Elk he got along the side of the road for dinner. Barry let us know that they will be having deer to night not the they got,, I wonder why? Then he told me that there is more Deer hanging in the cave then Elk and so he wants to cook up some Deer meat.. I wonder how old the deer meat is and were they got it but I know that it doesn't matter to them how old it is.. The girls are headed out to get some wild Veg. And herbs for dinner.
Mira and Leroy are over by the Monaco Motor Home with Pagie and Olivia
I can see that they are all playing games over by the pond next to the Motor Home now. Also the other kid in the Clan are all over the place playing games..
The boys are over by the cave with the deer and it looks like it's time to start cooking..They are going the put it in a pit full of hot coals and cover it up and cook it all day.. Emma and the other girls are get back from the Veg. hunt..It looks like Alexyss is all moved in to the Safe house and it is all most time to get some rest before tonight.. So off to bed for me,, Before I can go to bed Doug wants me to help with Deer. Then we all will go to bed and get some sleep.
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