We are all up now. The former clan leader Art and his Mate Paula are out by the Monaco Motor Home. Jim and Doug are out talking to them about road kill that they found. I was told that the Deer was hit last night sometime. Boy does that make me hungry! ( Not )
Paula's kids are planning with Pagie and Mira, but I don't see Liberty. Nettle is the new Clan leaders daughter and she has been playing with Liberty. Emma and Joyce are over talking with LORA and Paulanow , about dinner tonight.
Big Foot Jim and Art are good friends and Joe was his 2nd. In char for the past two years. I was told that the last 2nd. In charged was killed when a tree fell on him two years ago. Art asked Joe to take over the Clan. But first he asked his Clan members and the Clan and Joe got 100% of their support.
We are all going to hike up to the old swimming hole Doug said. The reason is because they use it now for a fishing hole. I asked how come they don't have fishing poles. Art laughed and Jim got a big smile on his face, they have fish traps that they have made and placed in the river. When we got there one of the members jumped in to the water and pulled up a trap. The trap was full of fish boy this my kind of fishing. It looks easy then he jumped back in and pulled up the other trap .. just like the first one it was full of fish too.
We are headed back now and we have to hike around some campers . The campers put up a campsite just out side of the Smith River Clan's territory. Joe said that it is to close to their Safe House for him... He said tonight some time we will make a lot of noise,,,, Screaming, Wails, and Woops along with some rock
Throwing,,, tent ,,, shaking to scare off the campers and hikers.
Jim has do one this lots over the years to get rid of unwanted campers and hikers.. Jim and Doug both ask me to stay in camp while they go off to scare off the campers. Joe wants to make sure that I Don't get hurt in case they have to get a way quick. He dose not think I can get up the hill fast enough. They're right I might be to slow . But it would have been fun to see what they do. They were gone about an hour or or.. You can hear what they were doing. They did it with-hurting any body. They have never hurt a human ever..
Now it is time for dinner and I was a little surprised that they were eating the fish raw. But they did cook the Deer over an open fire pit. They used all type of herbs from Australin boy dose it smell so good just like always. Iam headed over to my RV to get something to eat . I will come back out a little later when I see that they are done. Raw Fish and road kill in not on my diet ever.. But they all seam to like it alot.
Emma called me to let know that we Amal are headed up to the Safe House .. They are going to have a new Clan leaders party. With Big Foot Wild Berrry Wine that Joe made up.. a
Jim wants to leave after the party and head up to Rattlesnake Peak to see Barry and his Mate Ashley. He wants to stop by to thank them again for story time Doug wants to see the Redwoods and some of the Big Redwoods trees in the area.
The Clan is on its way back now and it is almost day light. When
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