We are now headed up the Chetco River Rd. ( I think . All I know is that we turned off HWY 101 AND headed east. We are going to stop at the Pearsoll Peak Clan. I was informed that the Clan leader is one of Cindy's twin brothers. Cindy is the Clan leader mate at Powerhouse. Her mate and brothers were friends with Sasquatche Doug. Their grandfather started this Clan after the St Helen Eruption back in 1980.
Emma said that they will tell me the story later. It is going to be a interesting story about what happened. We should be up at Pearsoll Peak in about an hour or so. Then we will get some rest and sleep. The kids are so. Tired and need to get some rest. The road is rough and it's windy, but over all not a bad road. We'll we just pulled in under a large Grove of trees. We are deep in the Kalmiopass wilderness.
I will see everyone tonight and there is going to be a story time for the kids. Jim wants everyone to always remember and never forget the Sasquatches that were lost in the St. Helen Eruption. So he wants Berry to tell the story. It has been a cold all day and I didn't get alot of sleep. I hope that the Clan leader will have some good stories to tell the kids and the rest of us.
They are not going to talk about it until they all get together. So Sasquatche Larry said that he was going to invite two other Clans and a surprise to the camp fire.
But they can't get here until tomorrow night. Tonight we're going out to get a large Elk for the feast. They are planning on atleast 30 to 40 Sasquatches and Big Foots to show up. Larry, Doug and Jim will leave as soon as it gets dark. The ladies are going to get the Herbs and wild Veggies. Marry is Larry's Mate and she said that there is an abundance of Herbs and veggies around. The meadows around there are full of Herbs. What an unusual Veg. plate.
They are back with a large bag of veggies. The kids all went with them to help and I stayed with the little kids and played games. Which they were better at. Bob is Mary's baby boy and is a hand full. But Liberty had fun playing with him anyhow. This kids are only babies but they are alot stronger then lam.
Everyone is starting to show up now. I heard an airplane in the back ground. I wonder if it is Teenie and Skunk Ape Mike we will know soon.
The guys are starting to show up with the Elk and some Rabbits that they able to trap. We are all setting around the camp fire and they let me know that Sasquatche Berry will be here tomorrow night. He is an historian, his Dad and Aunt passed on the stories to him that we should always remember. They are all leaving now to go to the safe house for the night. Iam going to the RV. for some rest tonight the kids ran me ragged. See everyone tonight..
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