It is almost dinner time and l just got up and l can smell food cooking .Boy does it smell good ( l men really good!! ) Emma and Joyce must be cooking because l know that they are very good cooks. Lacy is helping them along with Matt's sister. I don't see the boys out and about at all. The Elk they are cooking smells totally different but good. They re cooking it with spices that Lacy brought from Australia. Emma and Joyce they would like some of her spices. Lacy told they that her sister could send them some. All she would need is there mailing address.
Pagie said Mir is felling so much better and Liberty is out running around with Rebecca Ellie. They must fell better to be running around. Teenie said that they would be completely better soon.
Joyce said that the boys all went out hunting tonight. Matt was going to show Jim and Doug some tricks that they used to catch deer and hogs in Australia. Jim told us that they had some good idea on catching game.
So this is going to be a long night for me lam sitting in camp with 7 female Big Foots and Yewies. I could be out with the boys but l can't keep up with them at all.. They move really fast up hills and though the woods.So l have to stay in camp. All l hear is them talking about babies and having more babies. The kids are out playing games and having fun.
I can see that l need to start doing something with the guys. But l can't keep up. Here come Doug with two Yowies carrying a large Elk. Doug said that they had a good hunt and the Yowies are good hunters. I see Big Foot Jim and Yowies Matt coming up the trail with the rest of the Yowies. They have a Hog that they got . Jim said that Matt got the Hog on the way back to camp. Dinner is done and the ladies are puting the food on the table. I can hardly stand it. The food smells so good.But lam going to eat in the RV. tonight again. Then l will go out MD join the group after dinner. They want to play a game they call washers. We played all night it was lot of fun. The Yowies are good at this Game l don't think think they lost one game.good night.
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