It is almost dinner time and l just got up and l can smell food cooking .Boy does it smell good ( l men really good!! ) Emma and Joyce must be cooking because l know that they are very good cooks. Lacy is helping them along with Matt's sister. I don't see the boys out and about at all. The Elk they are cooking smells totally different but good. They re cooking it with spices that Lacy brought from Australia. Emma and Joyce they would like some of her spices. Lacy told they that her sister could send them some. All she would need is there mailing address.
Pagie said Mir is felling so much better and Liberty is out running around with Rebecca Ellie. They must fell better to be running around. Teenie said that they would be completely better soon.
Joyce said that the boys all went out hunting tonight. Matt was going to show Jim and Doug some tricks that they used to catch deer and hogs in Australia. Jim told us that they had some good idea on catching game.
So this is going to be a long night for me lam sitting in camp with 7 female Big Foots and Yewies. I could be out with the boys but l can't keep up with them at all.. They move really fast up hills and though the woods.So l have to stay in camp. All l hear is them talking about babies and having more babies. The kids are out playing games and having fun.
I can see that l need to start doing something with the guys. But l can't keep up. Here come Doug with two Yowies carrying a large Elk. Doug said that they had a good hunt and the Yowies are good hunters. I see Big Foot Jim and Yowies Matt coming up the trail with the rest of the Yowies. They have a Hog that they got . Jim said that Matt got the Hog on the way back to camp. Dinner is done and the ladies are puting the food on the table. I can hardly stand it. The food smells so good.But lam going to eat in the RV. tonight again. Then l will go out MD join the group after dinner. They want to play a game they call washers. We played all night it was lot of fun. The Yowies are good at this Game l don't think think they lost one game.good night.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Day 51. Australia Clan
Could not sleep much today thinking about the kids. I hope the herbs that teenie gave them will help. Emma said that they are both still sick but seem to be getting better and thats good news. Teenie is very good at what she does. Doug said that they owe a lot to Teenie because she is very caring and good at what he's goes for all the Big Foot. That is why she travels all over the the North West hello g everyone she see.
I just looked up the road and in the moon light l can see someone coming . It's Matt and his Mate Lacy, and two kids, Rebecca and Ellie. There is also 6 other Yowies with them. Matt came here with his brother and sister and her Mate along with 3 other Yowies. Doug said that they called Big Foot Jim sometime ago and asked if it would be okay to start a new Clan or join a Clan in the Agness area. Matt has a big internet business. He wanted to come to the north west where it is cooler. It was just getting to hot in Australia for him. Lacy told Emma and Joyce that she loves Oregon and hopes the fishing is great. She and her sister in law has never had Elk meat before. I just saw two Yowies talking to two female Sasquatches from the Wild Rogue River Clan. They came to talk to Emma and Joyce. They are old friends from up north on Mt. Hood. Matt's Clan is just off the Rogue-River and 20 miles up the road. Jim gave the okay for them to be in the Rogue-River area. Also he told him that he would help only help if they can support themselves. Doug and Jim said that Matt's Clans internet business has sells all over the world. He is the whole sale chocolate internet business and it is a big business.
Iam sitting at the table by he fire with a few Yowies . Let me tell you that a Yowie is not hard to see. Doug told me that l will be surprised to see a Yowie he was right. Jim let me know that is the first Clan from Australia to settle in Oregon. Jim hope that there blond and light brown fur will not be a hindrance. I tell you that a blue eyed, blond Big Foot is alittle odd to me. Pagie just came out of the Motor Home with Rebecca and Ellie. She said that they have been playing with Mira and Liberty. I asked Pagie how the kids were doing . She said that Mira is much better and Liberty feel much better also.
Jim was telling Matt that we will have a big dinner tomorrow night. Yowies Matt wants to go fishing tomorrow night after dinner or before.
I just looked up the road and in the moon light l can see someone coming . It's Matt and his Mate Lacy, and two kids, Rebecca and Ellie. There is also 6 other Yowies with them. Matt came here with his brother and sister and her Mate along with 3 other Yowies. Doug said that they called Big Foot Jim sometime ago and asked if it would be okay to start a new Clan or join a Clan in the Agness area. Matt has a big internet business. He wanted to come to the north west where it is cooler. It was just getting to hot in Australia for him. Lacy told Emma and Joyce that she loves Oregon and hopes the fishing is great. She and her sister in law has never had Elk meat before. I just saw two Yowies talking to two female Sasquatches from the Wild Rogue River Clan. They came to talk to Emma and Joyce. They are old friends from up north on Mt. Hood. Matt's Clan is just off the Rogue-River and 20 miles up the road. Jim gave the okay for them to be in the Rogue-River area. Also he told him that he would help only help if they can support themselves. Doug and Jim said that Matt's Clans internet business has sells all over the world. He is the whole sale chocolate internet business and it is a big business.
Iam sitting at the table by he fire with a few Yowies . Let me tell you that a Yowie is not hard to see. Doug told me that l will be surprised to see a Yowie he was right. Jim let me know that is the first Clan from Australia to settle in Oregon. Jim hope that there blond and light brown fur will not be a hindrance. I tell you that a blue eyed, blond Big Foot is alittle odd to me. Pagie just came out of the Motor Home with Rebecca and Ellie. She said that they have been playing with Mira and Liberty. I asked Pagie how the kids were doing . She said that Mira is much better and Liberty feel much better also.
Jim was telling Matt that we will have a big dinner tomorrow night. Yowies Matt wants to go fishing tomorrow night after dinner or before.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Day 50 Just Waiting
Boy did sleep good today and lam well rested. I hope that Jim and Doug got all there work done on the internet. Doug and Joyce are out by the Manado talking to Emma. Mira and Pagie are in the Georgetown Motor Home and l can see them in the window. Liberty just waved at me so l waved back and she has a big smile on her face. Jim is on the phone talking to someone. I just got out of the RV. And headed over to Doug and Joyce. Doug is calling Teenie to ask her to come and take a look at Liberty. They think that there is something wrong with her. Joyce said that she would feel a lot better if she was here and take a look at her.
Big foot Jim said that Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are flying in tonight and they will land up on the road. They should be here in about 2 hours and for now all we can do is wait.
The kids are playing in the Motor Home and we all out by the fire. I asked Doug about the Yowies and informed me that we will see them tomorrow night. Yowie Matt is out hunting tonight over by the Rogue-River. They will not be back until day light so that means that we will have to see them tomorrow night.
But for now we are waiting for Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie. Emma thinks that she could have a virus of some kind. I remember when she was sick last time . But that was some time ago. We all heard an airplane fly over and are sure that it is Mike and Teenie. Just got a call from Mike they have landed up on the side road.nDoug is headed over to pick them up. Joyce and Emma went over to the Georgetown Motor Home to get ready for Teenie. Liberty is still in the Monaco with Pagie and Mira. I can see Doug's Jeep coming up the road. Jim is going over to the Jeep and help Teenie with her med-box. Joyce went over to get Liberty and and said that Mira is sick also. This is not a good sign and they are worried about Pagie. Teenie just came over to say hi. I asked how there flight was and she said that Mike has been flying a lot lately. Teenie and the kids are all in the Motor Home now . Teenie and the kids has been in the Motor Home for over an hour. I hope that everything is alright and they can figure out what is going on. Emma just came out with Pagie and Joyce and said that Liberty has the same thing as Mira. Teenie said that they have been eating Holly Berries and that is why they are sick. The kids have been told never to eat Holly Berries but kids will be kids. Teenie was glad that they found out what was going on. But eating Holly Berries can and has killed young Big Foots in the passed. They are just enough to make them sick ( Good Lesson )
Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are getting ready to head back to Elk Bend! They said there good byes and they left with Doug.
Good Day ! Emma and Joyce said good night!!!
Big foot Jim said that Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are flying in tonight and they will land up on the road. They should be here in about 2 hours and for now all we can do is wait.
The kids are playing in the Motor Home and we all out by the fire. I asked Doug about the Yowies and informed me that we will see them tomorrow night. Yowie Matt is out hunting tonight over by the Rogue-River. They will not be back until day light so that means that we will have to see them tomorrow night.
But for now we are waiting for Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie. Emma thinks that she could have a virus of some kind. I remember when she was sick last time . But that was some time ago. We all heard an airplane fly over and are sure that it is Mike and Teenie. Just got a call from Mike they have landed up on the side road.nDoug is headed over to pick them up. Joyce and Emma went over to the Georgetown Motor Home to get ready for Teenie. Liberty is still in the Monaco with Pagie and Mira. I can see Doug's Jeep coming up the road. Jim is going over to the Jeep and help Teenie with her med-box. Joyce went over to get Liberty and and said that Mira is sick also. This is not a good sign and they are worried about Pagie. Teenie just came over to say hi. I asked how there flight was and she said that Mike has been flying a lot lately. Teenie and the kids are all in the Motor Home now . Teenie and the kids has been in the Motor Home for over an hour. I hope that everything is alright and they can figure out what is going on. Emma just came out with Pagie and Joyce and said that Liberty has the same thing as Mira. Teenie said that they have been eating Holly Berries and that is why they are sick. The kids have been told never to eat Holly Berries but kids will be kids. Teenie was glad that they found out what was going on. But eating Holly Berries can and has killed young Big Foots in the passed. They are just enough to make them sick ( Good Lesson )
Skunk Ape Mike and Teenie are getting ready to head back to Elk Bend! They said there good byes and they left with Doug.
Good Day ! Emma and Joyce said good night!!!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Day 49. Agness
Off to Gold Beach
I don't think know how long it will take for us to get there . But it is a nice day to be on the road. Clear skies mean that this is going to be a great day to be out on the coast. It has been raining everyday lately. Nice Change. I hope that the keyboard are running today. I like watching them going up the river. Renie and l had so much fun when we rode the Jet Boats . I know that they would love it.
We should be coming into Gold Beach soon. The ride down Hwy. 101 was great trip and the nice weather made it even better. As we cross the bridge we are now in Gold Beach. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug trained left and headed up Jerry's Flat Road. Which is also called 595 N.F. Road. Agness is about 30 miles up the road. We are going to meet a new Clan in the Area. Joyce said that they are called YOWIES they are from Australia. Emma said that they are from Down under. (. I asked under what. ). HaHa!
Doug just pulled off the road by the Wedderburn Bridge. Iam getting ready to stop behind him. Jim went by both of us and pulled over on the other side of the bridge. Doug said that Liberty was a little car sick and she wants to get out and walk around. Jim just called and said that Yowie Matt wants us to meet him up by Agness. He told Jim that he will leave the gate open for us. He also wants us to lock the gate behind us and told Jim that l will lock it.
Emma is worryed about Liberty. She has been sick a lot lately. She had Joyce call Teenie to ask what they can do for her. Teenie is the doctor/ RN. For all the Sasquatches and Big Foots in the North West. She will know what to do for her.
We should be in the Clan's Territory in about an hour or so from the Wedderburn Bridge. Joyce said that l will be very surprised when l meet the Yowies. He is not your usual Big Foot you see in the North West. His Clan came here about a year ago.everyone in this Clan is from Australia. Some of the members are looking for a mate , Emma said. We just got into Agness and headed up a side road. Doug called to say that he is at the gate and reminded me to lock it behind me. Doug also said that we go up the hill. Then we drove about 20 minutes up the road and parked just passed a Grove of trees on the right side. Doug said that he and Jim will see me tonight. Jim has a lot of work on the internet to do. So they will see me tonight..
I don't think know how long it will take for us to get there . But it is a nice day to be on the road. Clear skies mean that this is going to be a great day to be out on the coast. It has been raining everyday lately. Nice Change. I hope that the keyboard are running today. I like watching them going up the river. Renie and l had so much fun when we rode the Jet Boats . I know that they would love it.
We should be coming into Gold Beach soon. The ride down Hwy. 101 was great trip and the nice weather made it even better. As we cross the bridge we are now in Gold Beach. Big Foot Jim and Sasquatche Doug trained left and headed up Jerry's Flat Road. Which is also called 595 N.F. Road. Agness is about 30 miles up the road. We are going to meet a new Clan in the Area. Joyce said that they are called YOWIES they are from Australia. Emma said that they are from Down under. (. I asked under what. ). HaHa!
Doug just pulled off the road by the Wedderburn Bridge. Iam getting ready to stop behind him. Jim went by both of us and pulled over on the other side of the bridge. Doug said that Liberty was a little car sick and she wants to get out and walk around. Jim just called and said that Yowie Matt wants us to meet him up by Agness. He told Jim that he will leave the gate open for us. He also wants us to lock the gate behind us and told Jim that l will lock it.
Emma is worryed about Liberty. She has been sick a lot lately. She had Joyce call Teenie to ask what they can do for her. Teenie is the doctor/ RN. For all the Sasquatches and Big Foots in the North West. She will know what to do for her.
We should be in the Clan's Territory in about an hour or so from the Wedderburn Bridge. Joyce said that l will be very surprised when l meet the Yowies. He is not your usual Big Foot you see in the North West. His Clan came here about a year ago.everyone in this Clan is from Australia. Some of the members are looking for a mate , Emma said. We just got into Agness and headed up a side road. Doug called to say that he is at the gate and reminded me to lock it behind me. Doug also said that we go up the hill. Then we drove about 20 minutes up the road and parked just passed a Grove of trees on the right side. Doug said that he and Jim will see me tonight. Jim has a lot of work on the internet to do. So they will see me tonight..
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