I am getting up now and I will head over to the camp fire. I do not see the kids out running around . They must all be over by the fire. It is cold out side , so I am going to make sure that I dress warm. I don't know how long we will be out side tonight. They saved me a seat in front by the fire so I can keep warm.
They cleared a large area around the fire for seating. This is the first time seen this many Big Foots and Sasquatchs at one time in one place. I see Page^s mom and Dad over taking to Larry and his mate, Mary. Larry and Barry are Cindy's old twin brothers.
Every one is showing up now and it is filling up fast. We should be starting any time now. I see Larry over talking to Big Foot Jim and Sasquatch Doug by the stage. They helped build it just for tonight.
Everyone is in their seats now and Jim is getting ready to talk to us all. He is telling everyone that there going to be a change in leader ship in one of the local Clans. Sasquatchs Art and Paula with their two kids Sue-Ann and Jo-Ann are moving back to the Olympic National Forest in Washington state. Their oldest daughter is going to mate up with a Sasquatchs in the Olympics National Park up there, Art and Paula wants to move closers to their Mom and Dad in the Mt. Carrie area in the park. So , as of tonight Big Foot Joe and his Mate will be the new Clan leader of the Smith River Clan . Everyone in the clan has heard about the change and is over joyed. So we're letting all the other Clans in the area know. So everyone can aye a big Hi, to Joe and his mate Lora. They will be at the Clan leaders meeting later to night. So for now let's get to the story time, How about a big hand for Barry from the Rattlesnake Clan.
Barry said that the story that he is going to tell was passed down to him was from his grandfather. This is about the great Eruption of 1980. My grandfather was onestablished of only 4 Sasquatchs to surficed the Mt. ST. Helena Eruption. The native American people called it the Smoking Mt. OR Louwala-Clough. There were 5 large Clans on the Mt. That were wiped out. The 5 Clans were the Goat Mt. Clan, St. Helena Clan, Iron Creek Clan. Spirit Lake Clan, and the Pole Patch Clan. My grandfather and his daughter was from the Spirit Lake Clan and one from the St. Helena Clan and and one from the Goat Mt. Clan survived the Eruption. He took the other two in and raised them as his own. The reason that they were able to surfaced was because they were washed off to open side by the rushing water. But all the ones that made it to their safe houses died . The mud moved so fast down the North Face that all the Sasquatchs died almost all at once and most of them died in their safe houses.
He brought himself and the three Kids to Southern Oregon to start a new life. The news talked about the 57 humans that died that day but not about the 80 Sasquatchs that died. But I know that there won't be a new Clan started up on Mt. Sthe. Helen for some time.