Iam up now and Doug is at my door. He wants to know if I would like to go with to the Yowie's safe house. I have never been asked to go to a safe house before. Most Big Foots don't want anyone to know where their safe house is, and for good reason. I don't blame that stall . But l am excited to have been asked . Doug also said that the Clan needs a new name. This makes it easier for other Clans to know who there are. Most names are names after the territory they are in. Jim wants to get this settled to night. Jim said that this is going to be an easy fix. Lacy would like the name to be The Bald Knob Clan. Matt said that is the same name the kids wanded. So he asked Jim if that would not okay. Jim said you bet!!! Make sure that you call Teenie to let know the Clan name . Matt let Jim know that he will call her to night.
Emma and Lacy are over at the Georgetown Motor Home with all the kids. They are getting the kids ready to go to the safehouse. All the rest of the Yewies are already at the safe house. The safe house is just a short distance down the trail. The opening is facing south. I could not even see it even though lam only 6 feet away. It is in the side of the mountain and just behind a Grove of trees. The trees will most likely never will be cut down. Being in the Siskiyou National Forest. As we went in the opening it was a tight fit for the Yowies. Once we got in it opened in to a large room. Matt said that it took almost 3 months for them to get it done.the inside is like a house with rooms and a large meeting area. If you were to see this place you would want to live in it. This is nice and cozy and very roomy. It has air vents and a small stream in the back for fresh water. Jim told him that l will never tell anyone that l even know about a safehouse. More To Come.