Sunday, April 24, 2016

Report from your shirtless host on a 1962  Serro- Scotty
  you know I have a love for classic RVs. On the Rd.
This RV  was Mfg. By Serro- Scotty  travel trailer CO. In 62.  What a joy to see another classic on the road.
The Kostechko family bought the classic from a friend in Jan. of this year.  There first trip was to El-Cap. ( for  Milo's B.D. )  just down the Rd. from  there home in Santa Barbara.
They get a lot of in camping with there kids  Milo & Knox and family.
Nick &  Jaime would like you to tell them about your Scotty.  They have a joy for camping , Now they have a classic to go camping in.n
So thanks for keeping this classic on the Rd.
 Drop Nick &  Jaime a E Mail
Kostechko @
                        Shirtless host Steve